If you HAD to choose what would you say your favorite interracial gender combo be?

If you HAD to choose what would you say your favorite interracial gender combo be?

Im not trying to shitpost im legitimately asking what races you like to see together.

Other urls found in this thread:


Did this actually happen in the show or did some fan make it?

Fucking dumbass

A fan made it

the entire show is about a beaner fucking a white girl at a catholic highschool

10000000% degeneracy

White & Asian


Everything else is trash.

Have fun in the pokey faggot

jap f
white m (me)

I know ill get shit for it but im white as fuck and my dick gets hard at the thought of a latina and white union, a brown girl upgrading to me usually treats me like a fuckin king and i can use her whenever i want. Also latinas have bigger asses then white girls. I love how clingy a latina bitch is. Also im mostly talking about mexican spics not those nigger ricans

this girl is 1/4 mexican

Columbian and White
Greek/Egyptian (non Kangz) and White
Both of these categories yield pretty good looking children. I am of course only talking about the Best Latinas and some of the best Mediterranean women however.

Enjoy children with predispositions to mental illness

How can whitey compete with the BBC (Big Beaner Cock)

this, im snow skinned and im pretty much set on marrying either a 10/10 Aryan or a young, furtile, Mexican spic that'll by my submissive wife. A good catholic spic is the equivalent of a sex slave that's brainwashed to love you.

Who's doing it more tho, the men or the women?

White female Asian male is objectively the only good racemix.


Mexican dude here have a white gf she loves me but I've cheated on her with a mixed black girl.

White and African

White and African.

>I've cheated on her with a mixed black girl.

Native girls are fucking thirsty


Colombian and White
..by far the best mix

Yeah, and she looks like a mongoloid.

what does this chart even mean?

Aztec Spics > Nigger Spics fag

All the islanders spics have on them is big asses and thats it. And they're not even the good kind.

>favorite interracial gender combo

Dead because fuck race mixing.

I broke up with my white boyfriend for a Mexican guy.

I honestly don't see anything wrong with racemixing between Eurasian peoples

As long as it's not with Africans

germanic and anglo

You can't compete,whitey

Green and Purple.

White and Asain
The rest is shit

>least disgusting
white female asian male

>most disgusting
white female black male

>weebshits think white an asian is a good mix

List of notable half Asians:
Elliot Rodger
Daniel Holtzclaw
Filthy Frank

Yeah, no

What would an abo x nigger look like? Or abo x Chinese?
Abo x anything instantly makes them subhuman.

So is that why Frank always wears glasses? He's ashamed?

Silky white nordid women
Pitch black congoid men

jewish and the blackest of black.


>what races you like to see together.

flag checks out

dude wtf im not even a shill

Anglo Male
Slavic Female

WM+Anything so long as it's attractive or XM+XF

Im surprised the thread got this fair without a nigger bbc shit post

Glorious Indo Aryan Male & Anglo Female

Your women's wombs belong to the BPC (Big Pajeet Cock)

Once you go Pajeet, in the streets you will excrete

spic + nigger

means I won't have to deal with either of them


are you stupid?
this chart shows how whites are favored over all other races and how black women are thirsty

Dude the chart literally says that based on race, White men get more responses from women than other men

Cute brown girls do unspeakable things to my dick.

seeing that mating with a white instantly makes your child more attractive i would have to say white as one of them, and seeing that white men are the only carriers of the white Y chromosome we will take a white man.

Next we need to look at the field of females from all races. First throw out asian because you don't want your son to have a small dick and also to like pokemon. Not black because don't want high crime. I think Hispanic is best.

White male x Hispanic Females (but not obese)

Is the best human "mutt". But in reality, please white people breed with other whites and minorities do not breed with the same race, breed with other lesser races thank you.

Anglo man being jealous as usual

Anglo women know that if they choose Mandeep, they'll always get it deep


But seriously, your posts made me laugh pretty hard

I was going to say WM / AF but reading this thread i really wanna conquor a brown pussy with my white dick and cum inside her just for that brown pussy and white creampie color contrast

Hispanic and White. I may be biased consider I'm a spic. However, every successful Hispanic/White relationship I have encountered regardless of who is male or female has been conservative dreams.

HMWF typically involve a traditionalist man who is strict about the woman he is looking for. He wouldn't go after a white liberal harpie. So they end up either pulling a rare conservative white woman or (more often) sways a white woman who was instinctively attracted to his traditionalist attitude.

HFWM involve traditionalist women who didn't get unintentionally knocked up as a teen by another spic which usually locks down the liberal Hispanic women. So really a liberal WMHF relationship could really only be conservative.

On top of these individual situations, Hispanic/White is the only interracial relationship that doesn't come off as forced. In my eyes, anyway. Like, the relationship doesn't seem like it was formed solely because somebody in the relationship wanted to show how progressive they were, to marry into money/status, or indulged in a racial fetish. Granted, the men in both cases may have a bit of a fantastical view of the others women. However, that doesn't form into a creepy vibe in real life, unlike say White/Asian or White/Black where the fever feels disgustingly blatant.


white male asian female

I've got a friend who's half Asian and half Jew. He's pretty chill.

Italian and white. The result is ALMOST white.

look guys it's Star and Marco! cute and perfect!

hispanic women look like human slobs after they turn 30+

you dont want to go for that

okay, i've run out of ideas
>tfw indian males are one of the least desirable people for women of any race and they'd rather pick niggers over us

i met a senpai of german/ Hawaiians
they had the cuttest lil girl named angelica

East Asian + White

tell me, what do you do with your poop?

"rrroob eit all ovar miself"

i guess that is what makes you brown.

>this guy gets turned on by someone coloring in lines with a darker pencil.

Holy cuck

nothing wrong with that

Top tier race(s)- Europeans (teutonic, celts, scandinavians, slavs)
High tier - North East Asian (koreans and japanese)
Mid tier - The rest of south east asia, middle east, and northern africa
Low tier - Blacks, latinos
Shit tier - Aboriginals (70,000 years of being on a continent, they technically living fossils)

I'm an Irish/German mix. Does that count? I've got noice blond hair and blue eyes, and I'm tall, but I'm Irish so whatever benefits that gives me, idk.

its the smell. if its that bad walking past you. women can only gag in reflex thinking of how bad your sweaty crotch is

Being too pale is an issue for us true white bloods (cause we sit in offices making money all day) that mating with a hispanic is just the right darkness to keep us tan without having to soak up the sun.

I mean look at selena gomez, she is a prime example as to why hispanic and whites is just the right combination

I know that feel

The good kind of Asian, or the extremely white North Africans, Hispanics, and people from the Levant/Anatolia.

Where do you think you are?

who is this india? and where can i buy her?

I think some Mexican girls are fucking sexy

>Selena Gomez
Still a nigger...

My school instructors' daughter married an Indian fellow.

There is hope for you yet, Pajeet.

She's somewhere in Mexico

>hispanic women look like human slobs after they turn 30+
Well yeah, most poor people do. Upper class spics who married into / earned the middle status almost never let themselves go until they hit their late 50s

>Indian thinking he is in any position to talk about how badly another race's women age.

I have yet to meet an old Indian woman that didn't look like she wanted to end her life right then and there. She can be sweetest lady ever and she'd still look like a depressed prune. They look so tired all the time. I feel bad for them.

That girl looks 16 or 17 you sicko.

Of course

Most of the immigrants you guys get are Tamils
They're regarded as nigger-tier in India too
But unlike niggers they do have some redeemable characters

Yes but I was referring to getting married to a spic
Your beautiful latina wife will turn into a human slob by the time she passes 30
That's how they age mate
Although I do agree, half-hispanic women are pretty good looking

She's about 20

Not an argument.

>about 20
she's 15 dude

For every option you had you opted for a fucking black girl.

Maybe so
But eh I live in India so If I don't get any gf till I'm 26 or so, I'll just get myself an arranged marriage so that I don't die a virgin

I didn't know about that actually
I thought it applied to all women of their race

Hey, I'm not saying that Indians are master race
I was just noting that latina women tend to age badly

How much assembly is required and how many pieces does she come in?

>underrated as fuck
Have a (You), straya

In this situation I think you're looking to much into how good it looks on paper.

In reality, I have not met a an Italian American mixed or otherwise that wasn't an asshole or cold bitch. Even the conservatives are simple-minded, materialistic cunts.

I got linked to a thread on hispchan a while back that said she's 20

>hispanic women look like slobs after 30
and Indians never look attractive

Don't talk about that shitty site.

And your point is?
Did I say that Indians are the most attractive race ever?
Everyone knows about Indians by this point
I was just stating something factual. If you're going for a hispanic woman because of what she looks now, then you might end up regretting it once you cross 30

That site is fucking weird one of the first threads I saw was someone explaining how they wanted to fuck middle schoolers

He is actually mad for a reason, maybe he is related to a hispanic woman after all.
