Can someone Photoshop me into a cool ninja movie for my Facebook profile?

Can someone Photoshop me into a cool ninja movie for my Facebook profile?

The photo editor water mark is because I tried myself on a phone app but this was the best I could do.

Thx anyway guys


That's not me tho


Thata not a cool ninja movie, plus Where am I?



That's the other guy. Use me please, and a ninja movieIt's for my Facebook.

-_- no something like this please. But better.



Uhh.. thats not what I ment.


God damnit! I just want a cool Facebook pic

This is perfect. OP use this.

I don't even..

I'm on mobile (rip) otherwise I'd do it but none of you faggots have any idea how to blend two pics. Vary dissapointing

That's why, the phones app are crappy and my pc died.


Oh god what is this?


>asking for a shoop on Sup Forums and expecting positive results.


Sure if do



Well thanks for the warning.







Oh god I give up, you haven't even used a single picture of me

surprised this hasn't been done

That's a little more literal than I was intending. But thanks for the effort! Unlike the guy who keeps posting a picture of some random fat nerd


That's a real life terrorist and way too offensive for my public Facebook. To anyone who is trying, a cool (as in awesome) ninja movie please. I appreciate the effort though, except the trolls.




Oh god why are you still doing this?














male butts are far superior to female butts.

No. Instead I stare at you dishonorable one.

dammit lost