USA stop this curry muncher guy !!!

USA stop this curry muncher guy !!!

Press F to pay respects

> tfw I have to pay a subscription for Sup Forums

fuck off and go back to r/dankmemes


Ending obongos net neutrality is going to free up a band with an increase speed for quality sites and services. I shouldn't have to deal with 4K streams constantly switching back to 1080 because internet service providers are still having to "fairly" devote as much bandwidth as they can to shit like perverts jerking off on websites and retards shitposting on Sup Forums.

The only place where this shit's happening is 'murica

look at that body builder strong firm hand it makes me feel comfy af
i would love to vote him for president

no. lol

OP sucks dick

This... is not how any of this works. Like, what? Let's say you are paying for a 10 mbps internet connection. A 20mb page will ALWAYS take 2 seconds to load (speeds arent totally constant but ya know for the sake of explanation assume theyre really on point today). The page you are loading is already paying for their own hosting services to keep their sites up, your ISP merely connects you to them at the speed that is advertised. Cuckboy joe loading a 50mb videoplayer will not affect your loading a 5mb email page. If it does, the ISP does not have the bandwidth needed to handle their userbase, which is on THEM to handle, not the customer. If "muh people using up so much bandwidth" is apparently such a huge issue, they should use the billions of tax dollars they were given to fix up their infrastructure to do exactly that. Sidenote: if ISPs increase speeds to a site without increasing their actual bandwidth, they are by definition slowing down connections somewhere else.

This guy's personal information was just released. Anyone have a link with the data and information??

faggot go back on tumblr


Go back to plebbit you fucking degenerate

right, because doxing him will fix this. You don't even have the balls to do anything with the info

>ananonymouse L33T hacker neets from the deep webz
>posts pretty standard easy to get info for a public official

Didn't the non-script kiddies in Anonymous get cucked back in 2014 or something? Now its just 15 year olds with an internet connection? I still hate this fag and want him to die, but we can do much better than beta cucks


Some people just like to be voyeurs and know all about other people. Fuck off with your bullshit attitude. I like know people's private information.


murricans are idiots. they voted for this to happen. they knew this was going to happen if they elected trump, so fuck them. allahu akbar

idk why, but he looks like the guy whos going to call me saying I have a virus on my desktop

Ajit Pai is just mad because they closed his call center after no one wanted his free Windows PC antivirus check up

WOW How many curry munchers
and gypsies from India are here !!!!
Do you have some online service to do today?

You cock munchers for the cheeto, now you get 4 years of getting fucked in the ass.

it has started !!!!!


male butts are far superior to female butts.

>Using a website
>Implying that if it gets enough view/signatures/whatevers they won't just imply it was hacked or something
>Thinking you have any say on what the powerful do in this country.

Just kill yourself, and if you do, make sure to do it with a big bomb near his family.

nah still working for me

lol stupid murricans
I bet donald trump gets another presidency and keeps making profit from all the stupid murricans