1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Your country starts and loses two world wars after which America helps rebuild your country and begs allies not to punish your country so hard. American and British troops put their lives at risk defending your country while your country continuously misses the defense target set by the alliance pact. Would the leader of your country call America and Britain unreliable allies?

3. Rearm as required, get called Nazi by anglo scum and start fearmongering

aww u sad bc germoney say meanie thing to u??

Well both brexit and us elections were orchestred by russians

So yeah, right now even China makes more sense as ally

At least they are predictable


Only buttpained Ossis think like this

>britshit hears about "ossis"
>uses it as a buzzword to sound smart and knowledable about germany post war history

you know nothing fucking anglo, brexit and trump are not german's fault idiot

Where did I even mention brexit or Trump you fucking retard? Half my family served in West Germany, jog on Ossi dickhead

should have split Germany between France and Poland tbqh

you really think it is only ossis that hate you? very delusional, dont pretend you know anything, just because your family served in barracks completely isolated from the general population
you implied that blaming anglos is completely unjustified which is not true since you set the path with trump and brexit not germans

So you are son of eternal anglo occupant and you are proud about that

Go back to your island white monkey and watch how your economy will crash

You will be sick man of europe again

>barracks completely isolated from the general population
Lmbo definitely an Ossi
Fuck off putinboo cancer

Would have preferred a nuke on the Reichstag and an actual occupation instead of americans pretending to be our friends and later being butthurt because we don't want to be their personal fucktoy anymore.

Why on Earth would they even call you allies in the first place when historically you've been the enemy more often than not?

not an argument, keep living in your bubble
germans dont like you anymore, we are on our own and thats good

>2. Your country starts and loses two world wars
Wouldn't happen
We will win

are you czechbro or the russia in cz?

t. Ossi

You guys are pole-tier butthurt about America n shiet

That actually would have been nice.

But why are they so mad? Is it resentment that they got stuck with the commies?

t. cuck
t. soldatenbastard
verpiss dich tyrone

yea bc we are commies when we oppose american influence
nice logic, only americans

Europan first, than czech

nice reading comprehension, butthurt german who misconstrues everything

stay deluded

ddr influence, i guess.

Trust me, only one thing a kraut understands mate. And we dropped it on dresden in '45...


>t. paki'd and rotherham'd

They're just ignorant, most of them don't even know what Nato forces in Germany are like and unironically think they're being 'occupied'

>muh 2%

>For countries which spend less than 2% they agreed upon that these countries "aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade".
>within a decade
We don't have to do shit until 2024.

>aim to move towards the 2% guideline within a decade

If that's how it's worded, then you don't really need to achieve anything in any timeframe, just pretending you're trying is enough.

Glad we're not in this club of bums .