Where does Sup Forums go to college?

where does Sup Forums go to college?

just got accepted a few weeks ago and curious

Ha, college. Next you’re going to tell us you have a viable career path mapped out.

Not really man

2nd year at UC Berkeley

i go to college at your mom

Going to move to Lubbock for Texas Tech
I got 5 years at community college because im lazy and fuck around A LOT

Don't goof off, study you're ass of or you'll end up in my position

University of Georgia, second year mechanical engineering faggot

Literally everyone goofed off. Yeah good advice. I have to retake a class I failed in my first semester.

What's your intended major?

womens studies

I've failed my calculus and physics classes
Held me back for 3 years
You don't want to get your degree at 30, devote your time to study a d habbit
I wish I knew that years ago

oh never mind
my major is electrical engineering
you however are fucked
good luck finding a job

third year CU Boulder

im harvard physics major

freshman at UCI

college thread being continued here

I start PLNU in the summer. I get to skip my spring semester because of Community College... Feels good man.jpeg

SW Okla State.

10th year at Neet college

Senior year of my undergrad at the University of North Texas (UNT).
Any others going to UNT here?

Freshman at Cal Poly Slo and I fucking hate it. Classes are a huge hassle, and I miss my family a lot. Hopefully next quarter is better, but being home for winter definitely makes me want to not go back.

Clarkson University, Potsdam ny

College is a business that sells a product. But have fun not making money until you're about 40 because you start life in the negative.

Went to Carleton U. Graduated in the summer with a BA Hon in Criminology with Psychology.

Got my first job in the field within 2 months.

Cal, you never fail to represent on these threads. GO BEARS!!!

Junior at Clemson University, go tigers
god I hate the south