We are not alone

We are not alone.

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Anonymous are gonna help us to disclosure.


I saw them once and I do believe. They created us. They control us already just we people are so stupid. It is very easy to manipulate with us human beings.

I am not shure about that they will help us. Anonymous works for government, otherwise that would be the first thing to tell people that we are being manipulated by government and specially by aliens. Bullshit.

i believe it. saw a gray flying disk against sky when young.

would people still be religious if found out?

The truth about aliens is they are another deception. There is no such thing as aliens, but what there is can be anything you want.

So unless you prepare yourselves you really will be fooled.


christfag detected.
do you base that belief in the bible ?
how do you know jesus wasn't the antichrist and the Majority of the world isn't already "fooled"

what are you, a fag?

Stfu people like you are the reason why no one takes conspiracy theories serious, eventhough there are a lot of legitimate ones like 9/11

There's plenty of research that indicates Atheist tend to believe in Aliens like religious people who believe in God. The reason for this is that religion and God gives many people purpose and meaning in life the same way existence of aliens can give meaning and reason to life of many Atheists. Research also indicated that many atheists believe in aliens inspite of any actual evidence of their existence or proof of life on any other planet.
How petty is that?

If you don't believe in aliens, watch this. You're in for a treat


You are right I am a Christfag.
Christ gave us prophecy and we know he was not the Anti-Christ because he was willing to be a human. The devil is unwilling to do what YOU and God humbled themselves and did.
The majority of the world HAS been fooled already. But yes I base those beliefs on the Bible.

By desire yes, but I am celibate.
The rules are obscure so I choose to obey the rules even though they are doubtful in origin.

You have zero evidence behind your claims as does the Christfag. Both of you are petty.

lol some people still believe that we are the center of the world and that we are alone haha. We are defenitely not alone. If we see aliens, people will still be relegious because God could create more than one planet. The creation of everything we call God. God created us and other species.... I believe in aliens. Cant wait to see the truth. I am little afraid because there are good and bad. We are defenitely not good, look what we did with Indians in America. Shame on us.


I have not said or done anything that could be construed as petty.

Offering warnings without threats is certainly not petty.

I am not here to fill pews with butts.

The last thing I want to do is to encourage organized religion.

I would prefer you remain a skeptic and simply examine what I offer.

I doubt God created only humans.
And like we have here now, whatever religion they have undoubtedly it will tell them they are God’s special chosen ones - because that’s just how it works.
Truth is, we don’t know if He is still even around anymore or even cares. Perhaps He just created us all because of boredom, and started the whole show just because.
Maybe we’re not even real to begin with like has been postulated - we’re all part of a super advanced computer simulation and that is why we are seemingly all alone in the universe, and during the course of our learning evolution, we’ve created God as a instinctual reflection of our knowledge that we are just a program and that we are code written by someone.
Either way, it doesn’t matter - eventually we all pass away and we’ll find out if there is another side, and if there is, what it’s about then.

Yours warnings have no factual evidence thus I can dismiss them and if you assert them to be true, you will also be discarded as pretentious and a liar. Comprehende?

Check'd. State of mind of most edgy atheists who keep posting UFO topics.

thanks for letting me know dude

>Talks about us not being the center of anything
> Only mentions american history, cuz you know, aliens only care America. Like there are no other historical events in this world that are 1000 times more important

This is utter bullshit. Notice how often it's appeared in the (((media))) over the past week. Fuck UFOs, they don't exist but you'll be used as if they are.

>what we did to the indians.
Was that us? Did we do that? Yesterday or what, i dont remember doing anything to anyone. I remember drinking and jerking off in a sock but there were no indians there

''they don't exist''
Prove it if you have any reasonable grounds, otherwise it's just your belief. And trust me the world doesn't give two shits about what you believe. You're just an user turd from the bowels of deep shit of the internet. Never forget that.

Seems foolish not to inquire but you have free will and can choose as you wish.

But I would suggest you look up Genesis 6:4 and try to understand who you are dealing with.

Wormwood will one day arrive here, the devil will claim to be what ever it takes to fool us from Second coming here to rapture folks away (a lie) to the 12th Imam a Djinn or Alien. What ever it takes to deceive all of us.

Again issuing a warning here in the hopes some will awaken, not trying to convert you or get you to attend a church..

It is far more important to understand what Christ taught then to pay tithes to or follow the rules and orders of men in funny hats.

Christ was merely an enlightened being, if I saw him as another cult leader who prophesised events far beyond human comprehension then he'd just be another Jim Jones and Charles Manson to me. In other words, there is nothing to enquire, your claims are obsolete and I have no reason to read them, especially since they are based on another book with logical fallacies.

Again your choice but instead of reading the truth in the book you have trusted wolves and liars.

The likes of the pope or Joel Osteen are more interested in profits then in prophets.

The Book says in Mark 13 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

What I say is: when a super natural being (not a human) stands in Jerusalem claiming to be the Second Coming and the false prophet - Trump - tells you it is Christ? Do not forget this warning. DO NOT BOW!

Peace be with you..

I do not write parables or obscure the truth. I think you deserve to be told clearly what is going on. I hope you will understand,

Do you guys think aliens shitpost too and thats what all the crop circles are about?

In God we do believe but we didnt see him. In Aliens we do not believe but we saw them. Funny... Open your minds, dont think we are the only one.

Join to fb group: "The alien connection truth network".

There are no such thing as aliens. The closest word for them would be DEMONS. They are liars who want to deceive you Their human thralls are all around us and have infiltrated Government, Banking, Education, and Media the intention is to deceive you. Do not believe them and do not bow to ANY super natural being until after you are dead.

As long as you live? Any "being" claiming to be Christ returned, or an Alien etc is a liar.

Alright faggot i came here to talk about aliens and not your gay ass DEMONS or JESUS or whatever the fuck you wanna covert me to. Aliens make more sense than demons.

I was abducted as a child, since then I haven't slept at night. I board up my windows so I can't see out of them. I want to know the truth about aliens, but when they say "You can't handle the truth" - I believe them. These creatures are so beyond our realm of understanding, that our brain actually physically BREAKS just by SEEING them.
Still, despite my destroyed state, I feel like we deserve the truth. We'll never adapt as a species unless we are informed as to what we need to adapt to. I don't think we can ever stop abduction, however. They are far more powerful than people think they are. Some points I'll mention.
They can appear and vanish anytime, anywhere. They can control your body ENTIRELY. They can stop your breathing, or force you into comatose. Staring at them for too long would result in bodily harm, as the fear produced upon sight of these creatures is beyond a 'chemical reaction' in the brain. They can see your thoughts somehow. Trust me, they can use your own memories to manipulate you. They can speak directly in your mind, they did this to me the first time I was abducted, and I thought I was being spoken to by an angel (thanks religion).
They can send you to other physical frequencies, where your interactions to the physical world are completely severed (can't touch anything). They can silence you, so that you can't scream. When these things first happened to me, I believed that I had died and become a ghost. I can still relive each experience in my mind with such vivid accuracy that it sends me into a crippled mental state. Something to note, most of my other thoughts have since become cloudy. My only true clarity comes from recollection of these encounters. They felt more real than reality, and as such, this effect is only natural.
These are just the things that I know of from my encounters. I also speculate that they can't die, but that's just speculation.

We were created to serve. We are nothing more but SLAVES to God. I didnt say to God to create me. I am not slave to anyone. Aliens are not demons. They are in the same shit as we are.

Aliens are a recent invention of DEMONs.

Feel free to speak or type of any topic you desire.

But relize others have the sameright.

Calling out that aliens or a lie is my thing.

You are welcome to disagree but not to shut me up. Many have said the "elders" described in revelation sound like Aliens. To us they are unfamiliar and powerful beings. But YOU ME and EVERYONE are Gods creation. We are the Angels of God made flesh. While we are oblivious we do not need to remain ignorant of the truth.

We are Angels they are demons. Yes, exactly the same thing only our loyalties differ.

who gives a shit, if they had anything useful we would know it by now.. they are of no use to us if they have been here for this long and all we have done is create computers

we are just some dumb fucking species that will never leave our own solar system

The Department of Defense just voluntarily released more information on that than your fat asses have ever given us.

Fgt what you had were vivid dreams thats all lmao

We will never leave this planet. All space exploration missions will be cancelled because of the nigger hordes from Africa. It gets worse year for year and soon we are so mixed up with the DNA that all we care about is hollywood n weed n money n muh shoes muh dick. Thats when the zionists accomplished their mission to dumb down mankind to get full control. And nobody will question their existence.

Either dreams/missevaluations as a child ( I'm still convinced I kicked a ball so high one time It got stuck on the clouds) or you got some serious mental health issues

We can slowly fix africa.
If there were only more mosquito nets.
Millions upon millions of mosquitos could be spared from the horrors of aids

and i just opposed a counter argument, but nice high roading faggot

I don't think God exists yet, the building blocks of it might be sentient and working towards its own creation. Maybe there's some kind of a constant 'hum' across the Universe which spawns life and eventually God itself, who'll then start the loop again, causing the big bang and creating another Universe/reality.

I think we're in a constant loop and this isn't the first time humans have come around. There's probably endless amounts of
realities/universes stacked on-top of each other, hence the reason why some of us claim to have seen aliens and angels.

Aliums and god are a lot alike. If they actually existed, why wouldn’t they just come down here and tell us wtf they want?

sir please go away


We're literally so efficient that we compete with each other.. No, in modern era we're so effective that we feel the need to create artificial intelligence to challenge us.

We are the Apex. If an alien organism doesn't destroy us, we'll destroy them. That's what we're designed to do.

go away

True. And when all that's left is each other, we destroy ourselves.

Human intelligence is merely a mental illness run amok.

Vatican have all amswers. Hack to their system or go phisicaly to their basement. Believe me !!!

We are too boring to study

Fake Anonymous bullshit. Any organization that says, "Trust us!", should not be trusted. Anonymous has never said that. OP is a wannabe hacker faggot

Boring? We've subjugated this planet to our will and we've only taken our first baby steps.
You think this is the peak? You haven't seen shit, son.
We're going to make evolution itself our bitch, we'll mock the Gods when we assimilate metal into us.

Aliens ought to be afraid, because we are Mars and we are coming for them. Slowly, but surely. Victory nor defeat satisfies our hunger. Veni, vidi, vici.

I'm having way too much with this thread tbh.

You're right, aliens are everywhere. That's why I voted for Trump.