Anyone remember the guys from "3 guys 1 hammer"?

Anyone remember the guys from "3 guys 1 hammer"?

Well, one of them is getting released in 2018 .(Alexander Hanzha)

How do you feel Sup Forums?

>Alexander Hanzha
he didn't actually murder anyone, just robbed a jew places

3 guys 1 hammer? Haven't seen that on yet I don't think

Meh. He was just a wannabe.

I look forward to his future career as a contributor to h3h3.

"he wasn't involved in the murders, but did help with robberies and animal abuse"

Poor doggos

While that video was pretty graphic it wasn't nearly as graphic as some of the things I've seen especially by Cartel on the internet

How do i feel? I don't feel anything, sucks for Ulkraine that sick people like him are on the loose. Not my problem, nor can i do anything about it.

I don't know man, it's really up there. One of the only videos I've seen that made me genuinely uneasy.

It's the screwdriver in the eye that gets me, and the guttural moans.

But yeah, cartel can match it.

id fuck it

Killing people and animals is like hitting the movies to see a 2nd run film in Russia. Don't see what people are so worked up about.

Russians are a bunch of backwards savages.

Motherfucking murderers don't deserve mercy, much less parole.
They've KILLED someone! Their victim(s) have NO LIFE left to live, enjoy, experience.
Why the fuck should the murderer have a life?
The incidence of recidivism is insanely high with capital crime offenders. Something in their own wiring is deficient, and can't be fixed.

This bastard, and his friends-in-crime, should have been planted in the ground after being found guilty. That damned video they took, to flaunt? Let them experience dying like that.

That's how I feel.

I don't care if any delicate snowflakes are offended. Let someone YOU care about, die like that poor son of a bitch in that video, then get back with me about 'Mercy' for the offenders.

>robbed a jew places
>spending so much time on Sup Forums that your phone's autocorrect remembers

Well, they were just getting over their fears. You know,because russians can have no fear. So it was justified.

Like Putin. He had a phobia about journalists. So he gives them flakes of Polonium to eat to get over his fear of them.


>they killed someone. Killing is the worst thing you can do and anyone who kills is evil.

>So lets kill them.

Radio emitter in their throat and a electrical circuit in their body and they wont do shit ever me except i didnt kill anyone and i have it.....

>has an electric implant in head

uh huh..

this reply made my day
fuck the Jews

cats, newfag


What do you want to do you fucking idiot rocket them to live on the moon alone ?

Well, most of the people I meet that are pro death penalty are christians. So the obvious answer would be to forgive them.

Maybe not as graphic but at least cartels are efficient, this was so fucking messy, lasted really long, I am with this guyAlso, cartels usually kill people who deserve what they get.