How to overcome fear of rejection/approach anxiety?

How to overcome fear of rejection/approach anxiety?

You realize approaching strangers isn't normal and anxiety from that sort of thing is?

There isn’t really any way to get over it sadly :( this is shit advice but I’d say expect the worst possible outcome and you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised. If they’re into you, it’ll show. If they’re not, it’ll show. Just maintain eye contact and be sweet. Girls like guys that are nice and funny.

girls hate nice guys

Ive also noticed that eye contact does wonders! Your goal is to be the last to look away, however long it takes just smile, and when she looks away then you can look away


Fuck a ho

Not true. If a girl is only interested in shitty guys, obviously she’s a shitty girl and you shouldn’t waste your energy on someone like that. Girls value honesty, loyalty, and almost above all respect. I really hate guys who think that being a funny dick head is going to make me more attracted to them, because being genuinely kind is really attractive.

>Girls value
Money and a ride


>because being genuinely kind is really attractive.
no it's not, if your face looks like a potato they give zero fucks about how nice you are. women don't like nice guys.
they dont like this kind of redditor either but it is what it is

Resort to rape.

you just need to be beaten and kicked around by a gang of mean girls until you become numb to it and toughen up, then they wont hurt you anymore


The health of a society should be measured by the level of rape being high enough to get women to shut the fuck up around men. Women should be terrified of men and be terrified to open their cunt mouths to utter their soft weak inanities. This world needs more brutal rape and dead women.

Yea women don't like cheesy, desperate pick up lines from guys who then freak out if they don't get a response in 5 mins

that has nothing to do with it. you're giving advice about women while ignoring women openly admit they say and do contradictory things. women don't like nice guys. it's a coincidence if they guy they like or end up with is nice. being nice was never a factor in it.

Nah, it's the lesbians causing the earache and nobody wants to bang them anyway. We need another witch burning purge.

Just do it OP just face your fears and eventually you Will get beter at it and feel less fear / anxiety

Nice guys think they are entitled to the pussy for being nice. Women see right through it, they want good guys not guys faking niceness to get laid

by facing your fears. rejection is nothing more than a no. as long as you're clean, proper & doesn't look like a fat sack of shit, you're in game

Why are boys mean to girls they like? They say really rude things and expect you to want to fuck them, or they just stare and sulk in the corner wth no context. If you like a girl, honestly just make a fucking joke. It will attract more attention to you than staring and wallowing in self pity.

Punch a girl in the face.

This is the truth. Most of the time women can tell if someone is being genuinely nice or if they just wanna get pussy. I don’t really care if a guy compliments me and asks me how my day is going half the time if he stares at my tits the other half.

that sounds like a quote from the geekfeminist wiki

tits & timestamp or gtfo

Get confidences in yourself. You fear because you think you fail. Build yourself up so you either believe you can't/won't fail or so that you dont care if you fail.

They're not. Those are the Chads. The real nice guys aren't even on their radar. Sad, but true. I've seen this shit happen with my sisters and other female friends.

Approach people and get rejected a couple of time and see nothing bad happens.

That is how you deal with all fears. Sorry, there is no easy way out.

Boy It Sure Does Feel Like 2008 Sometimes

By taking massive amounts of it and desensitizing yourself to it. Every guy isn't willing to except that he's going to suck at the beginning of his pickup career. If you started programming today you would accept that you suck until you get better. If you started a new sport, activity or skill today you would accept that you suck until you got better. You would actually enjoy the early process of learning because so much is happening at first. When it comes to pickup guys are unwilling to accept failure because they are too wrapped up in pride and ego. You're going to suck at first. You'll take rejection, harsh rejections if you're doing nightgame. The crazy thing is that the girls aren't rejecting you, you're rejecting yourself by not getting over this hangup and walking up as your best self.

how do you know what every individual guy thinks? oh right you don't.
i've done that for different reasons. one time i did it because other people see that kind of shit and talk where i didn't want more rumors floating around

Exposure therapy. Get used to the sting of rejection and it lessens.

cont. It never really goes away 100% either. I've been going out forever and the intermediate period where I thought I crushed AA and could walk up freely to any girl for the rest of my life without it. As soon as I took a small break from pickup (around a month and a half) I found it came right back and I was doing the same routine I did at the beginning of my pickup career. The "dazed walking around the venue for way too long" symptom of approach anxiety. At that point I knew enough to push myself to approach WITHOUT THINKING BEFOREHAND (this is key because you're thinking mind will flood your head with every excuse to not approach as soon as you see the girl.)

Walk in with a generic opener in mind before you even see a female, turn off your mind and just approach. At this point instead of putting pressure on the opener (which inst even important because no guy has ever gotten laid because of a just good opener) and you put pressure of doing well in the set because now you're already in it.

Get out off your head and approach

Unironically this.

by not giving a fuck. By not expecting anything from any social interaction, except having a fun chat/or whatever suits the circumstances. Just let things play out, and go with the flow.

Have you tried … pudding?

just accept that you are gonna get rejected from the start.
Honestly, what the fuck is going to mess up your life so fucking much that you got rejected by a girl?`Treat bitches like the bitches they are, if they even are bitches. Think about it and glhf

>Women want good men, not "nice guys"
I mean, yeah, well put.

women don't want good men
if you had two rich guys like multi millionaires one was a nice guy, and one was like a drug addict and kind of a douche
neither would end up single, because women are gold diggers

They'll never reject you if you're packing heat, believe me! Girls love a glock