What are the best quality cigarettes to smoke, asking for a freind

what are the best quality cigarettes to smoke, asking for a freind

camel crush are good. taste nice but depending on where you go they can be upwards of $8

cancer premium are also very decent

I personally smoke Marlboro Blacks the reds not menthol

When i smoked it was camels or american spirits. but there is no best quality cigarette

Camel reds

None of them. Smoke cigars instead

>Pure tobacco rolled in tobacco


the tryhard answer took only 7 replies huehue

It depends on what you are going for
I am a non-menthol guy

Marlboro Reds are my go to always and Camel Filters are pretty good as well.

I only smoke menthols when a friend offers me a smoke. I agree with this guy about the camel crushes.
They are really smooth. Newports are ok too but they taste cheap even though their price tag isnt

If i were you, and you really need nicotine, just dip and brush your teeth more often and save your lungs OP

yeah man teeth brushing is known to stop cancer

Don't smoke faggot

Nas black master race.

Nat Sherman and American Spirit are more expensive per pack but last twice as long and aren't made with radioactive tobacco.

You're a fucking idiot if you think it doesn't. Brushing your teeth prevents gum cancer.

No it doesn't.

Marlboro Black menthol is pretty good too.

Sure it does

That's what the toothpaste companies want you to think.

This in 100s is my go-to cause they cheap as fuck.

Nat shermans


>what are the best quality cigarettes to smoke, asking for a freind

American Spirit

So now you're a conspiracy theorist
Okay user... sure