How do i stop myself from getting banned?

how do i stop myself from getting banned?
i have gotten over 14 accounts banned, 4 of them before they hit level 30 and i believe i have the skill level of platinum-diamond but i always get banned before getting past gold 1. in total over the past 6 years playing this shitty game i have spent almost $2k. i cant stand people who are bad at video games it genuinely infuriates me, i need help. how do i train myself to not talk shit to monkeys.

Mute all you fucking retard

If losing over two thousand dollars isn't enough motivation for you to shut the fuck up I don't know what to do for you.

that literally does not help if i want to do dragon and they refuse to do dragon i have to type and talk shit to them for being brain dead

Maybe you should devote more time and money to better things?

2k over 6 years, not a lot, but the accounts that are banned i have spent 700, 500, and 200 on the top 3.

>have to type and talk shit
Or realize that you and your team aren't getting that objective, and focus your efforts elsewhere. You're awfully fucking retarded for talking shit about brain dead teammates.

Realise it's just a (free) video game that you chose to waste money on and then violate the terms of the free game.
It's nobodies fault but your own.

"Waaah, wahhh, people don't do what I say and Mommy said people have to do what I say so I throw temper tantrums because I can't control myself and then Riot is mean to me! Wahhhhhh!" - OP

Fuck off retarded little punk bitch faggot.

>get banned before gold 1

you fucking suck, pornstar zilean is one of the most toxic pieces of shit in the world with hundreds of banned accounts yet he manages to get to platinum> before he gets banned

if you rage that hard chances are it's because you're bad

im a jungler and it takes too long to grind out the ip for the champions i play.

bro, their jungler is dead, their support is the only one in bot lane midlane just recalled no tp and im pinging them to do drag what else am i supposed to do. you're awfully fucking retarded for attempting to talk shit and look like an idiot


hahaha i literally buy a level 30 account and get it banned in the promos or right after the promos.

ive gotten at least 12 chat restrictions and a couple of 2 week bans. dont say racial slurs or tell people to kill themselves and you should be good

then you're a nigger with too much money and anger problems which impacts your skill level

are you brain damaged?
my teammates literally arent making the correct plays and i tell them too but they dont realise its the right thing to do

Stop being fucking cancer. Its not hard.
I played since beta, only have one account and never banned. Its pretty simple, just dont be a massive faggot shit talker.

how do i fix these anger problems
it genuinely infuriates me when i have teammates that dont know what the fuck they are doing, or move in straight lines, cant hit skillshots dont follow their laners instead spam ping mia or at leash push tower

You need to stop acting like you're better than people when you interact with them in a video game. The stakes aren't real, and you should be attempting to have fun. If you can't play nice then maybe you have to go the fuck home because you don't deserve to waste the time of others who would rather play without being insufferable retards.

Listen to videos of talks by Alan Watts.

just quit playing and do something else
why play if it just makes you rage?

If you're so good you would carry your way to high elo.
What you're saying is what every silver player says, "It's not me it's my team".

Step up or shut up.

AHHAHAAH you know what i got banned for ?. they flamed me first lololol
: muted
: mute
: i kno u never had a father figure in ur life but thats no excuse to be a baby back bitch 24/7
: shyv varus maokai queued
: toxic as fuck
: mad i went xin sup[port
: i dont help toxic players
: yep
: lol..
: gg

That. Right there. That is why you're going to keep getting banned. You're fine tossing "advice" around, the moments someone gives you some, though, you're out. I'm trying to give you helpful advice, and your response is to point out how very wrong I am. I'm not wrong, though. Some people just don't have the awareness to know when to make plays. Yelling at them won't help. It'll piss them off, and put them on tilt. The only thing you can change is you. Take your effort away from Baron or w/e, and help a teammate capitalize on a tower, or position for a gank. Don't be such a twat.

Imagine being in a game with a bunch of people who are better than you, and are equally enraged by your poor play. If you think that’s impossible, then you’re delusional.

If you respond to them you're giving them what they want while simultaneously making yourself look like a retard.

get better at the game. when i was silver and gold i used to rage hard and got multiple temporary bans. when i started maining one champ and got good, my winrate was above 60% and even when i lost i felt good like i was improving. when i got to platinum 2 i still raged occasionally but never as much as i used to and i never afk'd.

the thing is you think you know everything about the game like you're making no mistakes yet you make the exact mistakes they do hence your shitty elo. when i am placed in a gold to silver game i shit over them all and 1v9 carry, purely because of my skill. sometimes the game is unwinnable because bot lane is 0-20 but then it's out of my control and the game is essentially lost so why rage? do you hit 100% of your skillshots and have a 10:1 kda? if not don't rage at others. link your

hide names and hide your chat, retard.

You're the reason why they have to ban people.

When you're about to talk; Don't.

u must not know the feeling of dominating noobs every fucking game going 9/0
carry my way to high elo? lol. u joking right? i have teammates that dont want to baron when its the best time, cant hit or dodge skillshots. and dont follow their laners or push tower when they gank. dont even get me started on the bot lane that tries to "cheese" level 1 and they end up getting a double kill, adc is tilted and throws the game from there.

"Waaahhh! They won't do what I say and what I say is right! Mommy said they have to! Wahhhh!!!!!".

if you went 9/0 every game and still have to flame so much that you get banned and also lose the games, you suck and care too much about kda

Just take a break. I took like 6 months off. Came back and do rage anymore. I used to be on back to back 100 game plus chat restrictions. etc. It helped me taking time off.

Please just stop playing all multiplayer games.

1. i garuntee ur not as good as u think u are

2. ur retarded

3. pretend your being recorded for a rage cringe yt channel. youll realize what an autist u look like & probably stop.

pretty much this. don't depend on anyone. just carry. find someone good enough to duo with that synergies with your play style and win.

Also, as a jungle, you should be able to carry your way up to low plat, no problem. An amazing jungle can make a team in low elo. Maybe if you can't do that, you're not as talented as you think you are.

they arent better than me, sure sometimes they could be mad at the way i play because they arent used to it in silver because i actually know what im doing
i said 3 things to my team which were the first 3 logs.
yes, i do hit 100% of my skillshots and have a 10:1 kda. literally kid you not. the games i rage at are the games bot lane are 0-20 but why does it happen so often?????!??!?! the people who feed should be banned. not me.

What the fuck is this thread, you ask people why being an asshole has repercussions then tell everyone how they're wrong. I'd tell you to check the bottom of your shoe for shit but you're literally submerged in it.

hahaha literally said gold one you are saying low plat. i got banned in my gold 1 promos 3 TIMES.

Get some counseling, or an hero yourself.
Either works.

I have approximately 9 accounts perm, and one 14 day suspension right now, I honestly can't. I rarely play league because of this. If I have a teammate being fucking retarded and feeding I'm going to let him know, riot needs to learn to ban feeders not flamers.

Then say nothing idiot

OP staying calm is a skill just like LoL. It’s just a skill that you’re terrible at right now.
Lots of the people who you’re raging at are pros, and while you’re raging at them, they’re profully smiling from their computers about how sad you must be.

All you can do is practice one game at a time. Try playing a game with the mindset that when someone makes a dumb play, all you’ll do is try to help them. No advice, no angry pinging, no leading. Just help calmly and ignore errors. In your mind pretend that you’re literally playing with mentally handicapped kids to just let them have a good time. If you can’t do this, you’ll eventually have fun no matter what happens in each game.

being an asshole, you mean wanting to win a game having a skill rating tied to it with rewards at the end of the season and getting mad because my team intentionally feeds.

this is b8 right?

if you "genuinely" cannot help baby-raging at people who aren't as good as you at a fucking video game, 1. you need professional help 2. you don't deserve to play the game. Stay banned you faggot

do u play jungle or adc?

>they aren’t better than me
I didn’t say that they were. I was trying to get you to imagine what that would be like for someone else, and to think about what you would do. The answer is that you could’t do anything.
If you found yourself playing in a literal pro game, would it help for the literal pros to get pissed off at you for losing your lane and being slower than them to go to objectives?

okay here is the problem. i HATE mentally handicapped kids i cannot stand them although i may seem like one. no advice? if i dont tell them not to, there is a chance they wont make the same mistake a second time, because when i ignore it, they make the same mistake again.

I'm a top lane/jungle player, and I actually fucking promise you, 85% of my games my bot lane feeds so unearthly hard there's no way to compensate for it. I don't mind as much anymore as I play the game casually, but I still flame and ask them how they can possibly feed this hard.

OP is a squeaker, spending mommy's hooker money on his precious. Once puberty ends, the constant rage turns into disappointment in your genitalia. You should consider getting gender reassignment.

>what else am i supposed to do
Take turrets. Solo the damn dragon. Get vision while they're all gone. No matter who you are, there is something else you could be doing besides dragon. Take a hint from your team instead of trying to make them do what you want. They aren't necessarily wrong.

Or you can keep whining and shit-talking them for not wanting to take cloud drake.


You don't need to cuss people out to get your point across. There's constructive criticism, and then there's being an irredeemable squeaker.

Seriously, do you have autism?

usually if i want to take a drake early its mountain so i can push, do baron when its up, rift herald. i was playing support xin and got 3 mountain drakes solo because the jungler that replaced me when i got autofilled was top when dragon was up. i need the team to do what i want becasue it is literally the best play there is possible.

>almost 10 year old account
>like 4 champions I dont have yet
>talk trash all game but follow it with "lol"
>never been suspended or banned

am i blessed or just a good player?

heres the kicker dude, criticism doesnt work because the adc players ego is so big they still get just as offended as if u were to roast them like a jew.

If you're not atleast diamond 1 you suck dick at this game. Lil tyler1 fanboy, find another game or get good shitter.

>i HATE mentally handicapped kids i cannot stand them although i may seem like one
>i may seem like one

You were almost displayed a modicum if self-awareness here. Almost.

its not a might its an if.

You totally missed the point of that post OP so you’re either a troll or very stupid.

i was toxic before tyler1 was a thing. i hate him and all his fans.

>I am flawless and have the support of my peers
So what about this sentiment is false when applied to you? Do your current mannerisms win you the game despite them not following your directions? Maybe try something else, then, you insufferable faggot.
>inb4 nuh-uh, I know best and everyone should be like me



This is a troll thread yall. Congrats.

im more of a tarzaned type of guy

Seem like one? Dude you are mentally handicapped in some capacity. Obvious narcissist for starters. You lack basic coping mechanisms for rage and have obviously no self awareness. Aspbergers? Autism?

You're a fucking Sheldon.

thats the thing, i do know the best. i know what to do. there is a reason they are bronze and i am gold. because they dont know what they are supposed to do, andi try to direct them but everyone who plays league has an inflated ego like me and wont listen.

Who even cares it's more fun to play along. Nothing good happens here anymore

Dont use a mic if you have aspergers. Problem fuckin solved.

bro u literally browse reddit and have the audacity to call someone else a sperg.

…and with that, the troll becomes obvious. Fun thread while it lasted.

>i would listen to them
because your goal is to listen to them and win rather than have fun and enjoy the fucking game
how is anyone this dense?
>have to win when playing games
Have you ever heard of a troll pick? How about playing a game for so long that winning becomes routine and boring unless you're playing with a handicap? How about playing for fun? How about being new? How about not wanting to emulate the shitter talking shit to everyone even though they're still going to lose along side you? How about not being what normies consider toxic? How about not being a socially underdeveloped faggot? Hold on, that last one was obvious.

the difference is im self-aware and most of them are not.

>bro, their jungler is dead, their support is the only one in bot lane midlane just recalled no tp and im pinging them to do drag what else am i supposed to do.

I don't play LOL, and this doesn't seem like English sentence

hahahha what the fuck are you saying are you implying winning, improving ur rating and further increasing the chances of the end of season rewards is not having fun? you are a shit ass my friend.
troll pick, in a ranked game lol. play flex if ur gonna troll noob. being new? these people have summoner icons from season 3 and are still shit.

obviously not the difference or you would be able to identify and solve your problem as a self-aware individual
being self-aware requires a certain level of capability that you obviously have not achieved

GLHF with your bans

this, tho

Lol I didn't need to browse reddit to see you're clearly at least a little retarded and deserve every ban you get.

the person on their team who is supposed to kill the dragon has died. they are on respawn timer. midlane and their adc are nowhere near and the weakest character on their team is the only one near the objective. we can secure it easily but my team refuses so i flame

>can't even comprehend the concept of playing for fun without winning
Why am I surprised? I should stop feeding you, but it's fun.

but you need to not browse reddit to see you're a sperg yourself.

if you want to play for fun play flex or normals noob.

If their whole team is dead/backed you should be able to solo dragon. And if it's so early you can't solo it, pushing turrets is often better because you get gold and map control that leads to easier dragons and over-extension of the enemy team.

Dragons are worthless in the early game. It's nice to have them for the late-game, but they're an investment. A safer investment is to take things that give you an immediate and tangible advantage, like getting more cs than your opponent or taking his turret. These are things that will pay off within 5 minutes, not 20. This can be very important if your team isn't good enough to last 20 minutes. If your team fell behind and needs to catch up, 30 seconds of unmolested farming is more important than a dragon. And if they're already ahead, they should press the advantage in lane instead of letting the enemy have 30 seconds of unmolested farming while you take dragon.

The bottom line is don't do dragon unless you're sure you can solo it. Don't bitch at your team unless they're literally walking around doing nothing. If they're doing something, ANYTHING, productive, they're already doing more to win than you are by complaining.

>I should stop feeding you, but it's fun.
This wasn't meant to be a joke but the irony is palpable.

so then don't flame them. Isn't it blatantly obvious to you at this point that that's why you keep getting banned? Hasn't league made it clear enough to ur dumbass yet that they don't look kindly upon it?

You're like a retard who keeps going to prison for assaulting people and whose only defence each time is "hurrr but they won't listen to me!!"

Doubt you keep your cool long enough to find out if you've had that many accounts banned.

quit playing a shit game. play starcraft 2. 1v1. no team bullshit. if you lose, its your fault

I don't play LOL because hero mobas are trash.
You're adorable. These are universal concepts that are generated by gamers all over the world who are bored with tryhard fags like you. Enjoy your bans, troll.
>spending 2k on a video game
Did LOL at least offer you a BJ? Fuck, dude.

dragons are worthless lol. mountain drakes help the pushing of towers, infernal drake boosts damage for the WHOLE team. and yes, i do to get towers when i see fit but the tower has minions backing it up respawn timers are short it takes less time to get into lane than dragon. the adc can farm but its a little ridiculous when the support sits there in lane doing nothing noteven warding or helping with drag.

If someone gets too toxic I'll throw the game then go on a win streak with better players. Toxic players are rarely excellent players. Not sure if you are or are not good at the game OP. Doesn't matter, you're likely not and I'll be happy to throw the game to ruin your day for trying to ruin mine.

I'm just a few mins away from a better group without you.


>Playing LoL
Really nigga?

too toxic, you mean when i say "drag" "help" and ping you 3 times your ego is too big to handle it, and you throw on purpose because you're a little fucking kid. i assume ur a jinx player and literally provoke people and nothing has happened to you which you should get banned, not them.

How much is 6% of nothing? Infernal is only good once you have items. How much faster do you kill turrets with 10% extra turret damage if you don't actually get to hit the turret? You're a fucking moron, enjoy spending money on accounts that get banned thinking you're good when you're hardstuck in gold. I shit gold and haven't seen silver since season 1. And I'm not even good. Stop thinking you're better than the people in your bracket because you're not. And even if you were, 5 people doing the wrong thing together is better than 1 person doing the right thing by himself.

This is bait, right?

you get to hit the turret because if the laner dies to a gank or gets super low with no pots and has to recall you can take the tower so much easier without the top laner using tp and mid roaming down.
you literally just said 5 people inting is better than just 1 person inting LOL. stay silver brudda

d1 peak here, if you can't control yourself from saying stuff on riot's trigger list, you're probably just an ape at heart

its actually crazy to me how you're trying to justify inting but also trying to come off like you know a shred of info about the game.

You're not saying that to me though. You're saying that to someone else then I get sick of it. Then I make sure you lose the match.

Not my fault you're a piece of shit teammate. I used to lose games because of people like you. Now I intentionally burn them to find better people faster.

It's a two way street. You deserve your fucking bans until you grow up and learn to play with other kids. If your anger management issues are this bad then you're a threat to others outside of gaming too.

Better figure that out before it's too late.