Anyone know their names/Tumblr account or anything where I can find more of this cuteness/fagotry? I need it!

Anyone know their names/Tumblr account or anything where I can find more of this cuteness/fagotry? I need it!

Also: New Femboy/Sissy/Trap Thread!

wow, that one on the left is gorgeous

Will post another if someone asks, I know I ain't passable but meh, maybe someone digs it. Wearing lingerie rn tho.

Found the rest of them for that photoshoot :3

I know it's not especially fun to do and maintain, but if you want to be sissy/trap/etc, you really need to put effort into some hair removal. It will make a world of difference.


please do share. they're both cute.

I just got the worst haircut ever, now my hair is hella short and I need top basically but a wig :-;

"Take of half an inch" *shaves half my head*

One on left looks like a qt3.14

One on the right looks retarded.









Tbh I love goofy, so I'd take either one.

Look up the tumblr "asdshem", I can't post the ink directly because Sup Forums is thinking that it's spam.

they mean your body hair

most traps don't have hair covering their ass

Traps are gay