I have 6mg of Ativan. I would like to get high. I have never done drugs before. Is this enough to get me high...

I have 6mg of Ativan. I would like to get high. I have never done drugs before. Is this enough to get me high? Is it too much? Will I die if I take all 6?

crush em all up and add just enough water to make it a think paste, and stuff it into your ass for the best effects

Oh? Okay, thanks!

Start with two and go up. Lorazepam is a sedative, so you will probably just pas out because you aren’t used to it.

Have fun

you're gonna get sleepy, not high

it's not even a strong enough benzo

That would bypass the liver and be much, much more effective.

You may die though.

Take all of them and go for a drive

Seriously tho take all of them. You will though. It's what happens with benzos. You're sitting there all chill and suddenly all your pills are gone.

Oh, this works with everything btw including booze in a tampon.


> hmm, I can get a weird high that I won't remember, ONCE
> or I can alleviate stress and panic attacks 20 times in the future

Make your choice, adventurous stranger

Get some real drugs to get high. Just a line is all.

It will probably just put you to sleep. Not really a recreational drug, it’s only good for anxiety attacks, alchohol withdrawal, and insomnia.

Or if you start doing half at a time, you wake up and you did half of all of them.
For best results take one or two and drink some beers.

2mg will be more than enough for a first time. Done lots of benzos in my life, be careful not to over do it. Benzos cause blackout and amnesia. They can also cause you to do really dumb things while fucked up just like alcohol, beware.

DO not tell a benzo naive to drink while on benzos for the first time. You can die from that. Ignorer this guy OP.

I drank on benzos all the time, a couple beers won't kill you, let's be real here. And you won't have to pop multiple pills either. But like with all things, know what the fuck you're doing and know your limits.

Yeah you’ll want to turn your phone off. It’s like being drunk but you still have all of your motor skills and ambition so you’ll end up texting some weird shit.

My point exactly. OP doesn't know his limit. Yes I could handle 6mg ativan no problem but op is new to this and probably wont know when to stop. Its just poor advise to give a first timer.

This, beznos made me say and do really stupid shit including quit a job for no good reason. Its gets pretty embarrassing being fucked up on benzos all the time.

Kill yourself, stop advising people to drink on fucking benzos, are you retarded? OP, you don't drink on benzos. If you do, good luck remembering the days past, and controlling your actions.

Thank you for the back up. It is possible to die on alcohol and benzos especially if you have no tolerance.

That’s how Heath ledger died I think, then the Olson twins sucked the life essence from him with some ritual.

He died from a cocktail that included other Gabageric drugs on top of the benzos and alcohol. Doesn't mean that just those two won't kill someone without tolerance. It's happened before.

>20 times

3 you mean

Ativan is one of the only benzodiazepines that can be done up the nose. Crash a tablet up into lines and reck deep so it fills your nose then wait for 10minutes

also make sure to turn off your traction control OP

How do you feel

Do 2mg up nose

Keep it on otherwise the insurance won't cover you

well is this fat or fat cow is fat racist and gross and a racist

fuck im on 4 0.5 clonasopam and 3 50 mg tramadol i feel pretty nice

You're a faggot. Have a beer and shut the fuck up. If that shit would kill you, theb you're fucking weak. Stick to ibuprofen and hot chocolate and chick flicks ya cunt

Benzos by themself have a ridiculously high ld50. Mixing them with other CNS suppressants can be lethal easily.
>do a flip,faggot

Tfw bought a 500ct tramadol bottle legally before it was scheduled and I hate how it makes me feel
>bought it for my sick old dog
>he dead

did you take some op

1850mg/kg LD50
So by itself no, not lethal, not even close, just dont mix with other stuff