Yayyyyy!! Me n bf (gay) just got the green light to adopt!!!

Yayyyyy!! Me n bf (gay) just got the green light to adopt!!!

Lol.. that kid's gonna wish he or she had been aborted.

Better than a single mom I guess.

either bait or if its true that is 100% child abuse


Youre kid is going to grow up to hate you.

Your kid will grow up being bullied and eventually kill himself

homophobes out

not homophobic idc if you stick your dick in a smelly ass. im looking out forthe child because statistically it is far worse to be raised by gay parents then two heterosexual. this is how nature intended

tdlr for your faggot brain... statistics arent homophobic


they are if a homophobe compiled them.

Congrats on your nigger baby OP.
What us their name?

science is a tool a tool cannot be homophobic. your cognitive dissonance is scary

this study was done by norwegians and germans

inb4 your homophobia is scary

because you cant refute my point just attack me ad hominen

known homophobes

if a non homophobe published those statistics the results would've been entirely different

Source?You cannot just shit a stat and say "it's true".

>facts are homophobic

false because science isnt biased it doesnt lie

until you can prove it causes depression 100% of the time then posting that is literally homophobic

its 51% versus 19.7 for normal parents

Enjoy 16 or so years of parenthood until your teenager, whom you've psychologically fucked up beyond all measure, flips out and murders both of you one night.

stop attacking me personally refute my points

Proud for you Bro!

wow congrac user

so not 100% of the time.

i didnt say that ever in this thread

i didnt say that ever in this threadits two times the normal amount which you can easily conclude on average its worse for the child im doe arguing science is on my side

>on average
so for all you know OP's kid could turn out just fine and you're just a bigot

>arguing over gay shit in Sup Forums
who cares

It's only a problem if it occurs 100% of the time?
Congrats, you're retarded.

what do we do about opposite sex parents then
19% of their kids end up depressed
can't have that

dude im fucking gay how can i be a bigot i just know what is best for children jesus fucking christ

you have internalized homophobia

you got baited im not even gay

no you. fuck gays and their right to gay adoption I just wanted (You)s. muh depression statistics is a shitty argument though. children should be kept away from gays because they're gross.

State sponsored child abuse, yay!
