Two reminders to jealous eurofags - this picture and fact that we are so rich that we can actually afford to eat...

Two reminders to jealous eurofags - this picture and fact that we are so rich that we can actually afford to eat ourselves fat.

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Well Europe WAS rich enough to afford two world wars.

it's been so bleached by solar radiation over the last 40 years it looks like pic related

as if ur lizard overlords would actually allow you merifats to go to the moon

so the french went too.

What is lend lease?
What is hyperinflation post-war?
Yeah, bruh "afford".

dam now it looks like France landed there...

HAHAHAHAHAHA dam 18 second quicker than me


This pic is especially funny since nobody in their right mind believe anymore that Americans went to the Moon....

have a good day user

>when you're 18 seconds late on the joke and it's no longer funny
Sucks, famalam. You're clever, too; I promise.

Cheers B-Tard :)


We were too busy setting up a solid health care system and stuff like that.

>we are so rich that we can actually afford to eat ourselves fat
Mexicans are slightly fatter than muricans so are they wealthier than murica?

< my face when the average American fat cunt conflates the awesome achievements of NASA with their own utter uselessness.

a long time ago

but do you have a flag on the moon achmed

Crowder has an excellent rebuttal to this speech.

>so rich that we can actually afford to eat ourselves fat
what is this, the 19th century?

like to hear/read

No I don't but neither do you, Mahmoud because like me you're a fat, sticky handed, bespotted dweeb whose greatest contribution in life encrusts the inside of a throwaway gym sock.

you have potential. just need to focus your autism.

Actually buzz aldrins family, being a relative of mine, are of swedish origin. How many native americans did you put on the moon? None, you put descendants of eurofags there.

UK here, I'm not jealous of America, love the place, especially your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.

God Bless America.


well if aaron sorkin said it we should all just lay down and surrender.

you are so rich that you have to use russian rockets to get to the ISS

I'm waiting

>implying unhealty food isnt cheaper than healty food


Unfortunately you're now one of the most uneducated countries in the western world. A guy like Trump would never be voted in in any European country.

my country has one of the highest avg gdp per capita, highest average wages and best qualities of life. stay mad burgerfats.

Landed on a lifeless, airless rock without the technology to build a permanent base, smart!

Other countries realize it’s a waste of $$ to go there, so they don’t.


nasa was founded with stolen and bought technology and scientists from europe. the american scientists were not able to achieve something like that on their own. america had just the money and the ego to spent that much money just to be the first one.

im pretty sure OP is from the usa.


>we can actually afford to eat ourselves fat.

Unhealthy, fatty junk food is way cheaper than healthy food you stupid fuck.

That was 45 years ago - OP is living in the past. How do Americans get into space now? Oh yeah - a Russian rocket.

You can't be that stupid.... A large bag of lays chips is 3.79 a large bag of apples is 3.50.... people chose what they eat.

Werner Von Braun. Americans hate Nazis until they can help get you get into space.

Its easier to gain weight via portion size then what you eat directly, in other words you fucking autistic euro fag. If you eat a twinkie you are fine, but if you eat ten you are fat. imagine that, we can actually eat ourself's fat because we aren't poor pieces of shit. fucking think before you speak you inbred island living piece of shit

European nations have considerable resources to spend on social programs because they keep their military budgets so low. And they do *that* because they know the U.S. will come to the rescue if they're invaded.

Honestly, the U.S. should have adopted a military isolationist policy, let you savages of the world kill each other, and kick back enjoying all our money and freedom.

>implying Brits aren't fat as fuck
Going by HIM, America is "fatter", going by body fat %, Britain is far more fat

friend or enemy is mostly a question of benefit.

Lost, best YLYL I've seen in a while.

But not rich enough to win either of them... Who won WW1 WW2... Who saved Europe's ass?

I am actually from and live in the U.S and most people here who are fat are poor pieces of shit living on welfare.

The highest obesity rates are in the poorest part of the country.

You are either trolling or are completely retarded.

russia. america came on last minute and claim again they did it on their own, for nothing.

Anyone who doesn't believe that is brain dead moron... or European... "What's the difference. "

get rid of the 13% of the American population with black skin and we're immediately catapulted back to the very top of almost everything. Niggers. Lowering standards and destroying nations since the time of ooga booga.

You're right, only hyper leftist totolitarians get elected in europe.

>permanent base


No they been crossing the border to eat our fast food.

Yeah, the people with free health care are jealous of the fat people whose grandparents went to the moon.

If only we stuck with neutrality for WWII
Europe sould still be burning.


I do think Russia would have eventually won the war without the U.S. but it would have taken years longer and millions more in lives. Their soldiers were just running into the meat grinder. The arrival of the U.S. opened a western front that divided Germany and halved their effectiveness against Russia.


How are you fat cunts going to fit in your tanks when Russia and nk come for you

Reality does have a liberal bias though.

op is actually ahmed.

Without American blockades and support, Britain would have fell, and there would be no western front, nor an African front, or Italian.
All those troops could be allocated to the east, Russia would not have been able to win in that scenario.


how else do you make yourself fat? silly american

Obviously you’re retarded, with a permanent base you can launch from the moon (saving billions) which is why going there without the tech to build a base is just a waste of time and $$.

Wow, You support the villain. Russia was Hitlers allie to begin with. That said yeah you might have won, but how many millions of graves did you want to dig.
There is no good war, there are short wars.
5 minutes of utter destruction is better then a year of light bloodshed.

Nah, Russia couldn't have "won the war".
At best Russia could have defended, and kept Germany from advancing much, but without America, Britain would have fallen, there would be no western front, no Italian front, and a smaller African campaign. There is no way Russia could take Germany in that situation, Germany may not have been able to take over Russia, but new borders would have been formed, favoring germany.

There hasn't been a mass shooting this week yet. What's wrong America?

Permanent base on moon is impossible. The moon has no resorcess. You can't fix problems, metal wears out...
That would be a waste of money.

>free health care
>pays a 24% sales tax on groceries, goods, and services
You say free health care but I don't think that means what you think it means. Wouldn't you rather keep the fucking momey you've earned and spend it only on services you actually use. The average person will never even see the inside of an ICU or the back of an ambulence in their lifetime. Congrats. You're breaking your back at a job you hate and pissing away time at home with your family to spend almost a quarter of your earnings over a lifetime to pay for something you'll never use. Must feel good sucking the dick of your government. Paying them millions just to file paperwork so you can have your "free" benefits.

We're reloading.

Its the fatty foods that are cheat just an in for you
>rich fat people are a thing of the past

almost, james almost

America thrives on competition when it went to the moon it was the USSR,
When it chose to "do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard"
Now who does America have to compete with? Shes been top of the class so long she grown fat and lazy unable to get shit done. No longer the upstart republic rather the decadence and pleasure seeking final years of Rome.
Bread and circuses has become Espn and corn subsidies

hello there

Britain was doing fine on it's own, Germany was no where near invading.

Only 184 stabbing desths in the last 5 days in London, must be taking a break for the holidays.

Fuel and food, it had become a siege

Russian rockets can't do this:

Jealous lmfao your land is a broke carnival

Only because America was already involved with massive naval support.
Without that the UK would have fallen, at at least literally lost all force projection assets, and couldn't enter mainland europe to make a western front.

nah, not like sending mass into space costs its weight in gold or anything lol

also europe both won and lost both wars.

Its fine by me, not like people struggle to live paying 20% tax. NHS is amazing, and im glad we have it, and knowing people with lesser incomes dont have worrys in that regard.

fake and gay

Considering the political aftermath every year since WWII, Europe lost, and lost hard.
No freedom allowed anymore.

Hmm my history book must have lied about how both your countries went ot hell afterwards and America could nearly print gold

You are comparing stabbings with mass shootings? Blimey. Im sure there are knife attacks in every country, dont remember last time someone shot and killed 80 people from a hotel in England.

Retard, that’s like saying america never won the swedish hockey league. Only US teams are in the fucking superbowl.

Also, it’s a fucking gay sport.


Trying this hard, paying massive tax, insane wait times.
Now you have immagrants and refugees, who's income that's getting sales tax, is entirely made up of taxpayers money.
The whole system will collapse, that's assuming Europe doesn't decend into chaos amongst the rape, and murder explosion.

>not broke
my fuckin sides

No im comparing murder to murder,
And per capita, the UK has way more than the US.

Not fake. Also US has two companies that have done it:

The totalitarian overlords say Europe isn't financially fucked, so the sheeple parrot it.