Hi Sup Forums give me some weird ass facts. Fake or real

Hi Sup Forums give me some weird ass facts. Fake or real.

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OP is always a faggot. FACT!


traps are gay

A cat can strip the skin off of a human by licking in the same spot 10 or more times.

Shit smells bad so that you don't eat it.
Our own farts smell good because we know they are coming.
Stranger farts smell bad because they are a surprise.

~40% of the girls i knew from high school have been blacked

In Finland it's legal to fuck a animal of opposite gender

It's illegal to fuck a porkipine on a Tuesday in Florida (so it's legal the rest of the week?!?)

Black people are the "missing link" the government suppresses this information cause it would cause a shit storm.

Not racist or a conspiracy nut, just sayin

Where I live theres an old outdated law that says it is illegal to bring a fish bowl on a form of public transportation like a city bus because the sloshing of the water may distract the driver

Cocaine is a hellofa drug

Asian men are always looking pissed because hot Asian women prefer to fuck outside their race

There are more planes in the sea than there are submarines in the sky

HIV is herpies in gorrilas(so essentially HIV aka soon to be AIDS, is a fucking form of herps for primates)

Who fucked a gorrila

Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die.

There is a parasite in fish that survives by eating the tongues of the fish and connecting itself to the fish's blood supply. It's the only known parasite that completely replaces an organ in its host.
Cymothoa exigua.


Sex with a Goat at 15yo is a right of passage for people of the true Islam, The event takes
place while family members hold the goat and slit its throat when the boy ejaculates signalling man hood.

The entire village cooks the salted meat and everyone but the female members eat a slice of goat meat raw
as acceptance into the social hierarchy of the village pillar 24 of the Talmud describes this .

If a horse lies down for even a second, it dies.


Growing weed plants upside-down an suspended, makes the buds grow fucking huge
Around 2.7 times bigger

My IQ isn't high enough to understand this post so I'm just going to assume it's something gay

Medieval chefs (very skilled ones anyway) would sometimes stuff an animal and then shape it into another animal for artistic purposes.

Skyrim's based on a true story.

niggers are faggs

The elephants foot
Chernobyl, reactor 3 basement, going near the elephants foot causes radiation burns within 1,hour after exposure
3 hours later cellular deterioration causes cells to stop reproducing properly,
At this point your white blood cells are dying
And your DNA strands are withering because the radio active molecules have punched great holes in your DNA,

Around 12 hours your skin has deteriorated and is bleeding in openings, sever bruising, and your major organs can start to fail

24 hours, if the doctors haven't given you mercy and stopped your vitals, your skin has split in large areas, and any groin areas, armpits, neck, anywhere the skin creases, is starting to rip open because the tissue there is softer

That Japanese feller, Ouchi just fell apart on a cellular level to the extreme.

Inserting a Baby potato into your rectum and
leaving it there for a week without using a toilet
Causes you to talk with an Irish accent.

Whiskey will accelerate the vocal adjustment cutting the potato time by 1/2

If you survived long enough after exposure
(A few days ,maby a week your body with start rotting, and your DNA, Is exposure was long enough, is melting. The melting of your DNA means that your vitals are constantly giving out, your body if the Nerves survived will be constantly send signals to your brain, it will be the most agonizing death you can face. To be honest dying by fire is nowhere as dreadful as radiation exsposure and expiration, at least a flame could kill you in minutes not days with you litteraly rotting
Pic similar to results but this man was Japanese and died in the most horrible way

The worst way to die to e honest

If I recall he begged the medical staff to put him out of his missery
But they preserved his vitals to watch what could happen to a person

There's worse ways if you put your imagination to it. Still pretty bad tbh. I used to climb inside an old CT scanner in an abandoned hospital to masturbate til I read about what happened to that guy.

wrong degenerate. you like your fart because it's your own fart, you can also like a smell of your sweat, unwashed penis etc

And that kids, is why you don't skip leg day

sweden just passed a law to make it illegal to print bibles

in germany you have to salute to a picture of chancelor merkel before you're allowed to vote

someone has gone as far as nobody will ever be


Fact: goat is the most consumed meat on earth.

fact: black pussy is disgusting

[X] Doubt

fact: marijuana is actually addictive and bad for you.

and the most raped individual in the middle east+sweden

Physically addictive, no. Bad for you, absolutely. The retards who say it cures cancer and grows brain cells can die.

no. it's classified as animal cruelty

you have more than the average number of legs

theoretically the UK is still at war with israel, they never signed a peace treaty

Goat meat is great. It's real lean and tastes better than beef imo. I slow cook it and eat it along with ostrich, hare, rabbit and other meats. Goat is my favorite though, it's so versatile.

>eating meat
>thinking meat is healthy
>in 2017

this poster should be thrown into a vulcano. FACT.

Enjoy your heart disease.

People who have damage to one side of their parietal lobe can lose not only the visual representation of the side of that side which the damaged lobe governs, but also can lose the whole concept left. So you give them a plate of food and they only eat one side of the meal. In the morning they might wake up and get scared by their own paralyzed limb because they don't map i onto themselves. Many have been recorded to throw or push away their leg in horror and falling off the bed

Apparently not eating meat turns you into a preachy whiny cunt so why take the risk?

You like all that cholesterol, fatass?

psychologically addictive yes. and before you say that's not a thing, try going a month without fapping. You're psychologically addicted to it.

Enjoy your vitamin deficiency, depression and giant soppy vagina.

i love goat meat. the only bad part is you have to live near african niggers or sand niggers to have a grocery store that sells it

Nobody likes you hippies. I hunt too ;)

vegetarians and vegans are self-righteous cunts that make even fundamentalist christians seem cool in a libertarian sort of way.

Did you know if yoh would strip every single vein in your body, and lay it on the floor, you would be dead?

shot a 4 year old spike last week. Culled that piece of shit out the gene pool and into my freezer.

>implying meat is the only way to gain nutrients

You hunt? What a badass. You're definitely not a pathetic pussy for using guns to kill animals, nope.

fact: i should be working right now


> This song will make you woke

You can visually determine a vegan, its in their complexion/build, and it's not good. Full spectrum of nutrients and other building blocks is necessary for a wholesome body and mind.

FACT: Trump is better for the US than Hillary ever was or could be.


basically everything women say is a lie


Vegans don't give a shit about animals, health or anything really. It's all about attention. That's why they never shut the fuck up about it. Derail any thread with their fucking cult. Just ignore the attentionwhore.

Didn't have to be true

I second that

Penguins are responsible for 25000 rapes each year.

If you blow on a sloths nose it dies

OP loves cocks in his mouth and ass.

Whitney Wisconsin frequents Sup Forums
>source it's me, bitches.


The actual standar around the whole world is owning a normal circumcised penis.

You are spot on.

I do

It takes between 12 and 21 ejaculations after a vasectomy to fully clear the male ejaculate of sperm, due to the number of sperm present in the areas downstream of the vasectomy procedure. Doctors say to wait until comfortable before masturbation post-procedure, and at least 1 week before sex. A typical timeframe to produce the first sperm free ejaculate sample is 6 weeks. My 2 week followup is in 1.5 hours, and I'm up 35 ejaculations (34 masturbations, plus sex last night). We'll see how soon I'm allowed to drop off samples for testing.

Also, getting a vasectomy SUCKS. Do it in the summer; having stitches in your balls in the winter is not fun, what with shrinkage and expansion.

I would think the sweat and heat would be worse for the overall experience to be honest. Maybe spring would be better

Fact : it's physically impossible to blink if you keep your mouth mid-open while moving your head back and forth.

The earth is flat.
If you put a ball on the ground, it wont roll because the earth is flat.

If you put a ball on a massive sphere(like earth) in space it won't roll either, because equipotential surface of its gravity is a sphere.