Metal is for children

>Metal is for children
>But a genre with adult men who brag whose dick is bigger and who has more money isn't

Literally nobody past 20 who is into music listens to either of these so don't act all high if you like hip hop and dislike metal

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This is just awfully untrue.
There are older metal heads, they’re just ugly so you don’t notice them

got butthurt from the other thread?

All music is for children. Adults work.

Music, TV and cinema are for kids

most adults i can think of who have a legitimate interest in music listen to metal and hip hop, along with most other kinds of music

probably because they genuinely enjoy music and aren't insufferable children

That's objectively untrue but thanks for the cool thread OP

Nahh,both genres are for the most part uninteresting and the most redundant shites in pop music

honestly i have yet to meet a single well-adjusted white person who listens to hip hop. it's like a mental illness

>that's part of being an adult! WAHOO

I work while listening to music,sup now bitch?You wanna fight?

notice that chart lists music as "acceptable" and everything pictured in the "manchild" side has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted

OP a broke tiny dick-ass nigga

Liking things is for children

I laughable how Sup Forums just disregards the fact that hip hop is THE nigger gangbanger music, literally the worst crop of society in the world is the face of this type music, and we're just sitting here pretending "it's art man"

>Thinking that either genre can be condensed this far

>NOT having autism.

Look man just because I don't listen to something that sounds like the soundtrack to a Bob Ross painting doesn't mean either genre doesn't have merits.


>This mad from the other thread.

Please continue trying to prove metal isn't about muh feelings.

Interesting/fresh sounds in hip-hop are encouraged but don't arise often, whereas interesting/fresh sounds in metal are shunned by elitists and arise even less.

I find that most good hiphop really resonates with my large nut sack. it's possible this is why you're missing out, OP, not even joking

Hip hop is a genre that is growing to this day and metal only gets their guitars dropped even lower each year. When was the last time someone made a metal album in standard E?

metal>hip hop

but it's close.
both have merit for sure but yeah some shit fan bases

I like metal because it doesn't have black people - or niggers, as I like to call them.

>When was the last time someone made a metal album in standard E?
this along with brickwalling are the two reasons why metal sucks nowadays. slayer didn't need to downtune for reign in blood, so why should you?

You torture your ears just because you don't like certain people very interesting.

Here is something with angry white people so you can begin to appreciate rap music

>Not enough FEELINGS for my taste

>Over 10 million views? Man this is too cool for me to like

>18 years of age
>Sup Forums can't criticise me for listening to hip hop
feels good
this is in standard and it's the heaviest shit i've ever heard... i miss old opeth


Slayer literally did downtune for reign in blood

Btw Vektor, Sup Forums's favourite metal band, tunes up a half step from E


Why does Moon Base man hates a humble music reviewer so much? Did he not give his favorite album a ten?

let me just point out they both got dubs