Hi everyone its fortune time with osaka as your host

Hi everyone its fortune time with osaka as your host

Hehehe now this time I got distracted from thread making anyway ill try not to leave like I do at others times or get a ban

The rules
>hugs for anyone that ask
>saying sata andagi will give you a dream fortune instead of your normal one
>fortunes can range from decent to shit
>fortunes might take some time to make
>discussion is accepted
>one fortune per user
>I have the right to refuse service
>any bad fortune will happen to you
>reminder that my fortunes come with risks like thoughts of suicide, limb loss, becoming homeless, retardation, death and becoming a huge faggot

You're a part of the problem.
You're why Sup Forums is so shit now.
Fuck off.

Should I even try with my discord link still?
Its always been shit so why bother

Osaka! fortune pls!

testing if I can post, been trying to write a message and the system thinks it's spamm

Sure anou hehe
>your fortune says a simple no is all you need to say to be free

Osaka, fortune!

whats sata andagi mean?

>your fortune says put your right hand out when taking the object

i thought i would get something good but as all NEET fags, I have shit luck

Sata andagi is a okanawain donut also I'm assuming you want a dream fortune
>your dream fortune says the block of ice will stay behind you everywhere you go untill it gets stuck in the snow

is that thing pic related?

Now now everyone can get lucky even neets and have you got a fortune already?
Yes she holds out the donut

whats the name of osakas anime?

Its azumanga daiho anything else you want answered?

are you kicking me out?

No why would I?

Does anyone else want a fortune?












this seems like a nice thread, why is Sup Forums so unaccepting of anything that isn't porn?
anyway can I has fortune pls