She left me today Sup Forums 3 years of my life through thick and thin and coming home from MOS school and having my...

She left me today Sup Forums 3 years of my life through thick and thin and coming home from MOS school and having my parents get divorced at the same time, a distant relative die, and my dog walking with a limp im going through alot. I fucking hate living right now. Im supposed to just say fuck it but fuck she meant so much to me. She still means so fucking much to me. Fuck Sup Forums i cant even talk to people i still associate with now about anything... i have no one even in the military i feel fucking left out and not like one of them. Fuck life.

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Have a drink

Damn. I’m sorry to hear all this user, I hope things get better for you. I really do.

rah devil. Youll be alright

hang in there user, life will get better. the military will help you get your mind off of things. just keep on going and dont give up, be proud of the things you have accomplished. the pain will fade in time, trust me

user trust me shit will get just fine, give it time.. be patient.. good stuff will come eventually! I promise!

i know how you feel, user, gf of 5 years decided we should end it recently

This happens to faggots who think being a trained murderer is acceptable and heroic.

Found the kid trying to be edgy

Whatever, bro. I only speak the truth. You're part of an organization that basically bullies the entire world for profit. Neat, huh?

You have no idea what the military is if you really think like that

Found the "i almost joined but...." guy

get over yourself you flaming queer.

Op listen to this song it helped alot after i got a DUI and ny wife left me and took my son leaving me alone on Lejeune

Definitely not.

Sure, man, sure... keep "spreading the peace" all around... do it for freedom and peace. Buy a couple more bombs and drones just in case.

>Thinks hes a manly straight adult.
>Gets busted committing the single most irresponsible offense there is.

Sure, brah. You had everything coming.



Everything coming? I wouldnt say that but yea i did get arrested and paid the subsequent price and then some. Its easy to talk shit with out understanding the full scope of things. Regardless the threads not about me, its about OP.

Your new life is just beginning. Military life is not for everyone. You are going to make new friends that will last your whole life. Only they will understand you

You deserved it.
Nobody likes a whiner.


Been in your place before user. She cheated on me with my best friend. I have the last laugh though. I got married, have a well paying job, and my wife and I enjoy each other and have threesomes. My ex on the other hand got cheated on with said best friend...but with another dude. Me and said best friend are friends again, and we laugh about her. Dumb bitch.

OP, the amount of pain the world can lash out on you is limitless. Get passed the pain cause you cant ever get over it.
Be sad when you need to, like, give it 5min in the morning if need be, then go about your day.

Fuck her and the world right now. Be strong and do stuff you enjoy. Like playing vidya, hang with friends or just fold paper planes all day, it fucking up to you.

Random faggot of Sup Forums