What the fuck do i do to be able to go to sleep and wake up on time...

What the fuck do i do to be able to go to sleep and wake up on time. The only way i can get to sleep before midnight is by drinking till i black out, and in the morning i gotta smoke a joint just to be able to focus in class, cuz i usually have extreme headache and nausea, and especially cuz I wouldn't even be able to hold down food at least until noon otherwise. I'm fucking tired of feeling like shit all the time. i'm fucking tired of having to walk 10 miles to class and back literally having to smoke weed every morning cuz i can't go to sleep without getting black out drunk. I tried talking to a general doctor and a phsyciatrist about it but they are fucking useless "like sleeping pills are addictive and they don't help" like bitch fuck you they just keep trying to make me take anti depressant and anti psycotics cuz im' diagnosed schizo, like god fucking damn it i don't want a possibily of improvemnt in 5 years i need help controlling my life right now. i'm going to jump off a fucking building by the time anti depressant will do shit
>pic related, fucking useless pharma garbage ass risperidone

piece of shit motherfuckers god fucking damn i hate pretentious ass cocksucking doctors

My advice is don’t drink and if you can’t sleep one night then stay up all night and try to go to sleep the next day at what you consider a normal time. You know about sleep hygiene?

I had insomnia for about a decade, and was on everything from risperidone to soma to temazepam for sleep. It cleared up when I got sober and started doing basic sleep hygiene shit. Also if you’re schizo then take your damn meds

Change habits, do more physics
Activities and lay down an hour before you need to go to sleep.

That helps the mind relax and unwind, or you can keep doing that high school drama bullshit on yourself and self destruct

>Diagnosed schizo

There's probably more underlying factors. Why did you start drinking in excess to begin with? Everyone loves to black out but 99% of people i know don't make it a habit of daily life.

Ask yourself what the root of the problem is. It seems as if you would know the answers better than the doctors you see because, well, you said they're stupid when they aren't.

i started drinking when i started living alone like 2 years ago, and daily drinking for some months. Pretty much since i started college. maybe I fucked up my brain doing psychedelics, smoking hash bud and wax every day, and whippits/etc in highschool, but i don't give a damn i can't change that. life is fucking drug and the fact that they want to give me some placebo bullshit instead of a chemical that actually helps makes them fucking stupid.

no i don't know what sleep hygiene is

i can't be fucked to start running or working out

Have you tried that sleep podcast? I like it

Well your doctor sucks ass, they should be giving you this information. Google it bro, it really works but it takes some discipline to see the results. I know how hard insomnia can be, I can also recommend getting a sleep study done so that you have documentation of the issues at hand

shiiiiiieeet a sleep study huh

seroquel for sleep. you might sleep too much but the side effects will go away in a month or two. ive been on it for 3 years and ive been the most stable ive been in since my diagnosis. ive taken risperdal so i feel your pain.

Well uuuhhhhh im no doctor or nothin but drinking every night till you pass out is going to make you feel worse and worse each day. Just lay in bed till you have to go to school and when you do take a caffiene pill or drink an energy drink before you leave to go to school and your good to go fagboy

Also take B vitamins, D, vitamins, C vitamins

Fucking excersize retard

Exercise and eat right. It really is that simple OP

You probably have a high level of stimulants in your brain naturally. Through a genetic test I found out I have high levels of histamine, glutamate, and ammonia in my blody. The doctors are useless and they are way behind the curve scientifically.

Go buy some unisom with doxyalamine in it (there are two formulations of unisom so get the right one) to see if lowering your histamine helps.

Maybe go see a sleep specialist doctor even though they are kinda useless. There are so many possible genetic factors screwing you up and many are unknown to science as of yet. Good luck.

Change to another drug.

The drugs work OP. Not all of them for everyone, but they're the only thing in the long run that will help.

This is the best healthy way that will last if you can do it. I would even recommend trying to go to sleep 2 hours earlier.
My friend was on this when I was younger and he gave me some. They put you in a deep sleep but when you wake up you still feel very tired. They were very effective though. Always worked without fail bit I don't think anybody who's not prescribed them take them. I was dumb.

Me now I only take pic related the normal dose and give myself time before I have to actually go to sleep. I don't think it would've worked on the younger me.

Did tou tell your doctors you drink? Cause if you did you fucked up, i have big time trouble sleeping and my doctor wont prescribe me sleeping pills cause i drink, should have never told him that fml. He started me on Effexor because it apparently had drowsy side effects but all it did was make it hard to urinate, made me constipated and almost impossible to jerk off, told hik this and he put me on some other shit that did the same thing, fucking goddamnit

Not only are you wrong, but you are a dumbass, and completely brainwashed by the industry. Happiness is not found in a bottle of pills.

Exactly, its found in the bottom of a syringe

careful about taking too many water insoluble vitamins though, will make you sick

for real? that shit put you into deep sleep? and it's just an anti psychotic ?

i mentioned that taking a shot or two will ease me into sleep, so i didn't quite say i was an alcoholic but yea, fuck that fat indian or arabic bitch what the fuck that cunt is

Again I wouldn't recommend it because I think there's some bad side affects if you take it and are not prescribed it. I don't know for sure but later things came out about that drug before I took it.

My friend who was prescribed it said it was a mood stabilizer. For me it was sleep anytime I needed it. Seroquel put my ass to sleep but still felt tired after I woke up.

I think I took low dose because he later got prescribed a much stronger pill of it.

Man the fuck up pussies. Fucking learn to cope you pansy bitchboi faggots.

well thanks for bringing that little fact to my attention either way. I'ma ask the shrink about it next time

idk you are different body chemistry, I use to have hard time sleeping so I limit caffeine to mornings only and try to exercise and eat healthy. Then I take Valerian root and melatonin at night, I been sleeping good but I still don't fell all that rested.

Take Valdoxan, it's expensive but it's fucking amazing.