I am White, but into Mexicans. What else should I know about how the women typically are like, culturally...

I am White, but into Mexicans. What else should I know about how the women typically are like, culturally, in the household/marriage?

Don't be a soft beta that's let's them take control of you but also don't cross them.

Inside the home is their realm, respect that but know when and where to draw the line.

If she cooks for you, eat. Even if you don't like it, appreciate it.

Thank you for the advice. I live in California, where they may be the most numerous population group, now. I suppose I may marry one, eventually, and it helps that I'm already finding them attractive.

Also remember that their family comes along with them. If you want to marry a Hispanic woman don't disrespect her family. Her family becomes your family.

This is a big deal and it's a good thing. Once your in your in and it's not something to take lightly.

I know plenty about family, when my own is heavily Italian. Thanks user.

By the way, are you married to a Hispanic woman, or do you have a lot of experience around them, generally?

Ah, you're a wop?
Then you really don't have much to worry about.
We spics and you wops have a great deal in common. Even that thing with turning down a meal, yes?

I am hispanic. Not mexican but close enough

Yes, although with some light Norman features. My grandmother cooked a meal my immediate family dislikes, but we kindly accepted it, anyway. Nobody has eaten it yet, so we will likely throw it away, soon.

You'll have to adopt her family and she'll want you to love them as much as her
Be prepared for jealousy but know that Hispanic women have a ridiculous amount of passion in relationships so it's OK
Chances are you'll have to babysit niece's and nephews but you'll have to teach her to say no if she has siblings
They can cook the most bomb food (American or Hispanic food)
Be prepared for a high sex drive (not a bad thing)

I've seen two kinds of Americanized Hispanic girls. There's the lazy as shit ones who's parents force the Hispanic way on them (doing dishes and being a housewife) and they typically are overweight and lazy due to the American lifestyle. Also completely crazy once they turn 18 if their parents even allow them out of the house (as long as they live with parents they're under their control whether 18 or not)

Then there's the girls who want to make a difference, be the first to graduate college in their family and be ambitious/want to have a good job. Go for these.

I'm after someone who is a quite traditional, and a religious Christian, although I could accept a wife having a job, which is so commonplace now, and I see it makes sense, economically. The stuff about the high sex drive sounds exciting. I'm saving it for marriage, as well.

Yeah you'll be fine. Being Italian you already share similarities in the more important aspects. Most everything else is not significant enough to worry about in advance.

FYI: spaghetti burritos are awesome. Imagine the glory of portable handheld spaghetti!

they can be skinny as fuck when you meet them but they blow up after the first pregnancy

Any advice so that can be effectively reversed? I'd be willing to diet and exercise alongside my future wife, if that's what it took to restore shape.

They have great skin, typically. I like golden-olive tone, often.

>don't be a soft beta
>goes on to advise acting like a soft beta
Sure thing faggy

What would you do? Kindly explain, please.

I'm a spic with Italian descent. The gringo hazing from family members usually happens more to people of Norman descent or if your skin is pretty pale, and if you know Italian that's just a bonus since it's pretty close to Spanish. I personally welcome more Italian blood. You can fuck my sister if you'd like.

Don't leave your kids alone with any of her family. Hispanic have a high molseter rate. And they never report it. They just pretend it never happened.

be careful. I've fucked a lot of maried Mexican chicks. The high sex drive is real. There was one though, her husband was a marine and gone for like 3 years, I didn't try out of respect for him, but I saw a lot of others, and she was loyal as a Doberman. Realize that there is nothing you can do to keep her from cheating, you either find a loyal one or not. if she cheats with you, she will cheat on you.

also, make sure you find one with traditional Mexican culture. not one of the LA hood culture, they thrive on drama and will create it constantly of there isnt any.

this is true, uncles basically date their nieces from 12-18. every Mexican I've been with was molested. its just seen as normal. like "playing doctor"

Wish I was a Mexican uncle.

Same here every mexican women i have been with or have known has been molested by either the brother,dad, or uncle

OP here. Thanks for the comment. Maybe there might be some remarks about my more Northern European appearance than typical for mostly of Mediterranean descent, but I should handle the banter fine. I kind of look like a Nordic looking Jewish American, similar to younger Michael Douglas, my looks are kind of difficult to explain, but I don't look exactly Northern European, as in from Scandinavia, the Baltics, or Britain, but maybe I might pass.

Placing that little trust in family? Oh you of little faith.

Pols racism is sexuL frustration with ethnic male competition and secretly wish to be black so lie in circle jerk fashion to themswto feel better

>wish to be black
I actually did when I was a kid and the first blade movie came out. luckily my her taught me about my heritage and to be proud of my green eyes and white skin.I have a long gothic heritage that ties me to my ancestors. most blacks don't know the name of their great great grandfather. they imagine a horrible heritage of whips and chains and get PTSD by proxy.

Lol, Sup Forums just made me like Mexican people more, not less. Before Sup Forums, attracted mostly to White blonde types (regrettably, too many people dye their hair extremely light blond, lighter than looks natural on most, that's too fake for me, unless they are obviously Northern European lookin and have it as their natural color), after Sup Forums, I have come to appreciate Hispanic and other races' beauty as well. I can understand if people aren't attracted to other ethnicities or races other than their own group, though.

White women (and very pale East Asians), especially the ubiquitous dyed blondes, don't do it for me as much as tan and brown women do, too. I'm not really attracted to African, Polynesian, Dravidian, Melanesian, or Aboriginal women, though. I know, probably weird to be this particular, but I would say the attractiveness of Mexicans and other Hispanics in America is still underrated.

They put used toilet paper in the garbage can.
Her papi touched her, and she's been banging old dudes since 12(age of consent)

Yet Whites have high divorce rates and annoying passive-aggressive behavior, I guess every culture has its challenges to contend. I would do everything I could to prevent this molestation, of course, but what is this accusation founded upon? Are there any statistics which explain its prevalence among Mexicans and even other Hispanics?

Where's your source?