Mysticism thread got pruned by forces seeking to silence the flow of knowledge

Mysticism thread got pruned by forces seeking to silence the flow of knowledge.

>Welcome to the Shaman Shack
>user speaking, how may we help you
Yeah I'll have uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh double spirit sandwich with a side of anima and JunGLe sauce

>Share your woes
>Ask for advice
>Contribute to the conversation

good night

Do you have any real word knowledge? eg how old earth is

I'll take a bowl of contradictions and some of your mystic sauce with mashed clarity and a side dish of the beyond.

Sleep well!

Yes, but that's a question better suited to people focusing on facts. The only true purpose for caring how old the Earth is, is to have a more finite grasp on the concept if creation. Neither side will be given an answer until their reasoning lines up with their proclaimed altruism.

does kitty like to be fondled ~^.^~ RAWR

fuck man you talk SO MUCH TRASH, unbelievable and you never seem to run out of trash to talk. Ah well, that's the infinite nature of fantasy..

So you offer no answers, no value, only here to deceive people.

>Coming right up!
I enjoy being kind, generous, and caring to everyone on the pure basis that they are human like me. Yet, I also hold great malice in my heart for those that abuse others and water their gifts. Furthermore, I myself psychologically abuse others and regularly manipulate people for my own happiness and entertainment.
>That being said, does that mean I hold malice towards myself? Am I the evil that I claim to abhor?
Yes to both. To hate oneself, is to understand the imperfect nature of one's being. It is a rejection of the qualities and traits that we deem unfit/unacceptable for spreading to the general masses through contact and interaction.
>Apart from both of those statements
There is an even greater pain that lies in my heart. It is the doubt that all of this may never truly matter in the long run. I am not aware how long my consciousness has existed, or how long it will continue to do so. I strengthen myself everyday with new information and understanding, hoping that it will be the momentum that carries my true personality through the heavens and into eternity (and hopefully the history books someday)

>Kitty always likes to be fondled :3

If the answers you seek are corporeal, you are already looking in the wrong place, user.
>To find right treasure, you need to find the right map.

thanks, perfect.
Ah, sorry, could you add some more of the contradictions? I need some more tension to finally cum. Have you encountered the holy substance yet? For aeons they claimed it is a source of new life by forming a truly sacred and intimate bond with an EGG (I know this sounds weird..) that leads to a self-organizing entity.

Why does my answer anger you? Again, like the other user below you, if you are looking for worldly answers, then you have come to the wrong place.
>This is the Shaman Shack
>Currently our specials are:
>The Personality Plate - free
> Persona'd Pickles - free
> Woke Wonton Soup - free
> The Goetia Guacamole - free

yeah man, don't look into the world to understand it. Look the other way..

>O WAIT, there's also the world.

Well then, just don't look at all and come up with a fairytale about what would be there when you look at the world instead of just looking.

sorry, I'm a strict meat-only eater so are there any vegetables in the personality plate? What are the ingredients?

>Sure thing sir!
I hold my breath on the confirmation of the shipment of holy sauce. Though I am not foolish enough to say there can never be such a thing, I am skeptical that it is how we have portrayed it to be. The power of creation and destruction are something we attempt to grasp everyday, and yet, realizing this I stride towards my humanity regardless. For the hubris of accession is an errand for the mighty and ignorant. I accept my humble position to follow in the footsteps of those before me, sharing what I have learned and will learn. Yet even still, I yearn for the power of God. I dream of it. My soul understands it's own desire for immortality.

"Anyone of you kids wanna buy some magic?"

>Alright, user. It's time for your night night time.

If you are thinking about the terrain, the length of the runway, the fuel tank, the tire pressure, etc. you thinking earthly and will never fly.



I'll take one wizard plox

>The platter includes:
>Large RealiTea
> The facade of self fries
>The persona pizza, with 3 toppings of your choosing

> Anima/Animus anchovies
>Mental Palace Mushrooms
>The Nature of Silence Sausages
>Persona Impersonation Pepperonis


Excellent choice lads

but what if I just take a plane

Have fun sitting in the hangar.

Why are there two hobo wizards?

You're thinking logically, hence not focusing on the individual parts of a device and choosing rather to utilize it for it's usefulness.

There's a lot of hobos out in the world, user.
Show some respect.

Not advice, but, what makes you want to give advice? It's a very generous thing and i doubt too many people here would be so inclined to do so, even out of impulse ;p.

What's up, OP?

>Don't educate yourself, be a pleb, be a consumer

What separates us from animals?

The last thread got my gears turning and I genuinely enjoy serving as a tool for other people's betterment. We as a humans should serve our brothers out of the kindness of our hearts. Not because we can gain something out of it (we do), or just because we think it will get us preferable treatment in life (it will). The point of the action is to be selfless without expecting gratitude or even acceptance
>Oh yeah, that and the insomnia. That damn insomnia..
>But thank you anyways for the kind sentiments!

I think you misunderstand the notion of taking a plane. It's not as simple as you put it out to be.

While I sit in the hangar, I don't sit in the hangar: this is the dialetical nature of an inner ascension. The highest activity is inevitably connected to stillness. The stillness is inevitably connected to activity. While you are one, the other is neglected. While neglecting the one, you are the other. Both oppose each other but their difference vanishes as the wolves howl at the moon three times a fortnight. The eternal shrine delivered by the soul's salesman is founded on the grounds of holonomy. The SU(3) symmetry group reveals the concordant state of being here and elsewhere. The science of logic unveils the logic of science, abhorring transitivity. The phase transition of the persona is a multicausal phenomenon from the point of view of entangled universes. I am the cat, you are the mouse and yet, I am weak. The mouse is weak and by being weak, it is suppressed. The suppressing implies stillness which, as shown above, is interchangeable with activity. The activity takes its turn on the mouse and the cat empowers the mouse, turning the mouse into a cat and the cat into a mouse. meow.

The ability to understand our subconscious. Animals loathe us for being able to "think outside of the box." It is why they will hunt us, and in turn we will hunt them. Their aggression makes others believe our return aggression is justified, but the cutworm should not hate the plow.

What keeps bithering my family

>Hey again, user
So would you do it?
>Would you kill for the satisfaction of the act alone?

mysticism, in its purest form, is the focus of the holy light: it travels through and beyond matter; its physical side demonstrates the negation of physicality. 1 demonstrates the destruction of 0. 0 demonstrates the construction of 1 and vice versa. If you think straight, you don't. If you don't think straight, you do. Not looking at facts will make your will factual.

>Is there something for your family to be bothered over?
Simply because we perceive a problem or altercation, does not mean one necessarily exists. To understand the family, you must understand yourself first.
>Is there something about their actions for you to be bothered over?
>Is there a cause for unease in their tone of voice, method of interaction, or style of living?

i want to see a porn anime featuring every single one of these guys. or .. whatever they are. doing their thing. with each other, or with unwilling human sacrifices. either one's good.

Can't say I really do. There's enough evil in the world that even an altruistic and artistic vision like that could easily become corrupted for the sole purpose of manipulation.
>I'm more saying no to the people potentially behind it than the idea itself.

By killing, I create, by letting live, I destroy. By destroying, I construct. By creating, I diminish. Should glory come upon the emergent phenomena of my rise, I will fall. By falling, I rise. If you try to catch me, the web will be woven. By weaving the web, I catch and I devour. By devouring, I process and by processing, I create. By creating, I destroy myself. Be water, my friend.

i guess that's what i get for trying to address a self-confessed mystic. "life is a school in which we must all learn a different lesson"

the subconscious doesn't exist.

Animals loathe us and hence hunt us?
No. The strong prey on the weak.

Ability to understand subconscious


>I've been tempted one too many times, "user."
The pursuit of knowledge has driven me to hell and back; I have tread lightly since then. Speak softly, carry a bit stick.

>Maybe to you it doesn't.
>Da' Nile is a Egypt's most glorious river, my friend.

The subconscious contains a contradiction and therefore cannot exist.

>Then first explain why weaker animals attempt to usurp the food chain and attack us?
Animals understand that there is something greater than themselves out there, not being corporeal that is. However, they lack the capacity and cognizance to understand and grasp it.
>Atleast from all the animals I've experienced
>The possibility of outliers is strong

Y'all must be pretty spooked by what I possibly may say if you're trying to derail me this hard.
>Git gud

the only thing NOT corporeal is the abstract content of thoughts. This content however is a reflection ON the corporeal and further, the logical processing of the reflections.

>One X-tra Large RealiTea coming right up, sir!
>Life itself is a contradiction
>Existence is a contradiction
Just because something contradicts itself, that does not make it any less valid/real/prevalent/obvious

How do we know that animals have this understanding?
Also do you mean humans?=something greater than them? Or like God or whatever.

>True, this content is a manifestation of corporeal knowledge, devices, and individuals.
>What encompasses thought?
>What does it mean to think?
>Is thought creation?
>Is creation the essence of a deity?
>What is the essence of a deity?
>What makes a deity different from imaginary friend, per se?

Okay not corporeal= yes define please.

Nah mate im just selling some magic

dude, come on. There is no such thing that flies and doesn't fly at the same time. There is no such thing that walks and doesn't walk at the same time.

The contradiction of the notion of the subconscious is the following:
The subconscious is thought of as the "true source of our action" (denying objective purposes, and therefore free will - but that's not the point here). Without any trouble, the psychologists attribute the possibility of all the logical operations to the subconscious (that's already strange). When they start to explain why you subjectively relate to something in the world, e.g. with fear, they go on to state something along the lines of: "yeah in your early childhood, or whenever else, you lived through something that made you be fearful." now they claim that the subconscious "remembers" this when faced with that fear-inducing thing. This shall however go unnoticed by the mind: they claim that you don't remember this. Hence, the subconscious claims that you remember and don't remember at the same time which is a contradiction. Therefore, the concept of the subconscious is wrong and to be dropped.

>You're like that damn frog wizard from adventure time
>We don't need your magiks!

Damn it, how do they keep finding out

> what encompasses thought?
> what does it mean to think?
the neural activity of our brain creates mind. mind is the realm in which you can use your brain by thinking. the logical operations performed while thinking find their material representation in the metabolism of the brain.

> is thought creation?
> is creation the essence of a deity?
> what is the essence of a deity?
no deity exists. therefore, it merely is a thought. a thought of something that doesn't exist.
>what makes a deity different from imaginary friend, per se?
An imaginary friend might answer.

>Real talk no jargon
Motherfucker you do realize you're stationary, yet constantly moving, correct? Do you understand inertia? Gravity? The laws of the physical plane are pretty wack, dawg.

>Contradiction of Memory
It's not that the experience isn't remembered, it's that it isn't acknowledged. When trauma is inflicted the mind does what it can to heal and soothe itself to prevent any further harm/suffering that the personality cannot handle.
>Hence "God will never give you something you can't handle"
If your mind is weak, so will your recall ability be. Training the mind and accepting what scares us deep down, what shakes us to our core, is the only way one can gain true growth and understanding from any experience or interaction.

Good thought provoking questions for another time when I have the strength to stay awake, user. Props
>Actually lost my shit on that last line XD

>I will leave you with my belief of thought
Thought is not creation. For creation is the act of willing a new essence, a new thing, into existence. Everything you have thought, are thinking, or will think, has already been though, and will be thought again. To understand this principle is to understand the unity of humanity/empathy.

> stationary, yet constantly moving.
There is no contradiction here: Just like a wave can be stationary and moving. The stationary thing about this is the FORM, not the whole thing. There is no contradiction like: "it doesn't move and moves", it simply is a phenomenon in which one facet is constant while others are not.

>inertia, gravity
physical laws contain no contradiction: they however might express the interaction of contradicting forces; nota bene: the contradiction here is not logical but merely consists of forces pointing into different directions.

>remembered, not acknowledged
remembered by whom? acknowledged by whom?
>when trauma, healing the mind to prevent harm the personality cannot handle
again, you mess up the whole thing. first of all, the mind needn't to be healed: its functionality is the abstract processing of thoughts. It either works or doesn't. What's the personality? This concept is crap too dude..

>hence god
dunno why you talk about that imaginary thing

>Thought is not creation. For creation is the act of willing a new essence, a new thing, into existence. Everything you have thought, are thinking, or will think, has already been though, and will be thought again.

plain wrong. how come science progresses if everything has already been thought?

I AM THE CAT, motherfucker


Y'all niggas need contradictions. They're elementary to being. We wouldn't be able to perceive with contradictions, and without perception there is no mind/thought.

if he posts that fucking triangle one more time-

I am very wondering if OP is real mystic.

I grew up in remote siberian villlage, before moving to other country at 15. We had a village shaman, a medicine man if you will.

We went to see him, if had injuries or other stuff and that guy was total debil. Treatments worked, but he was constantly drunk because offerings or high on mushrooms, which he even gave to us children.

He was weird man.

I'm not sure if I believe this but I'll try anyways

So, I dreamed with a family member I haven't seen in super long. She lives in another country. I lived with her for six years but had to come back home, and we were separated abruptly, couldn't even say bye properly. Anyways, in this dream, I go into the airport and see her there, then I hugged her and started crying. Everything faded away and I woke up in tears. I tried talking to her but had no luck. So, what does all of this mean?

>Poor with money
>Rich with knowledge

He's making a point. The device is the point he was making. He wasn't telling a story to which there is an individual solution, he was phrasing a situation in a way best seen as a lesson to be learned.

He is very vehemently suggesting, that you EDUCATE YOURSELF. or at least learn.

im out.

Hope I can get help. This is long too so I'll try to resume.

I went into a military program in my country because jobs are getting scarce. I met this girl I fell in love with. I barely talked to her because I'm a socially akward fuck and because a public relationship or children will get you out the program.

I got a reading that told me I might have a child with her and we might marry... but by doing so we both would live a missery live with little means to provide for all three of us.

Also, some ex of her threw a spell on her that needs cleansing before she can have another relationship....

What the fuck do I do? I want to marry her and have a child but I had done so much yo enter this program just to end up screwing both of our lives? What should I do?

Come on. Any input? Anything?