Who should i get golden gun for in overwatch

who should i get golden gun for in overwatch

who do you play the most

junkrat for the meme

Baton da robot

i play everyone pretty equally and i dont really wanna get it for my main anyway, just something that looks good

junkrat bc he rock

Torb or Bastiono, as a way of saying "I don't care about golden guns and pride for my mains, I'll use my comp points for anything!"
just to be a nonconformist cause y not

I gotta say this is some next level batman villian shit

i bet hanzo
or gengu

Yh, I mean. I stopped playing OW but the gold guns I got weren't for my best heroes, cept one.
I got Gengu, Bastion and Widow, in that order

>zenyatta nutcracker skin
>golden weapon
>golden nuts

Ashe or Thresh either or is pretty good

CLEARLY reinhart's hammer.
badass af

dafuc these digits

dafuc x 9001

the black guy with the huge limb

McCree, so you can tricks other people into thinking your aim is better than it actually is

>who should i get golden gun for in overwatch
Dont get one. Theyre trash


I thought this game died already. Shit is garbage.

Moira for freaky nails