What's stopping you believing in Jesus, user?

What's stopping you believing in Jesus, user?

common sense

my brain that is capable of independent thought. if you had one, youd understand.

Because I'm Thanos

i am not a cuck

Why can't you define atheism?

Just growing up and gaining a general maturity.

why cant u define my cock

Eh, he was a cool enough guy.

Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity

what is it that atheism you're talking about?

how are you catholics diferent from muslims or jews?
its the same shit

the church

i lost faith in religion because of the fucking church and the retards running it

also, nuns
WTF is the deal with nuns? they fucking creep me out

I like to think that he probably did exist, and that he does exist in all of us, even if we all choose to deny him in one way or another.

Mostly because I'm not an edge lord faggot.

Most of the Bible could be made up bullshit, but that doesn't mean the dude definitely never existed or didn't have a message.


Jesus is dead and religion is fake


He's a fithy jew

oh look THIS AGAIN.
don't you get bored faggot?

no, these repetitive, unoriginal posts are created by mods to keep this shithole running

I dont even believe in myself.

then suicide

Even if the cunt was real and died for our sins, he obviously didnt actually do that (also the fag didnt even die). I hadnt even sinned until birth. How'd the cunt die for what hadn't even happened? Even then, surely that means I could not believe in him, sin up my life from petty theft to murder, then get into heaven anyway cuz that dick already absolved me of those sins by being dead.

>hasn't read what Jesus said
>doesn't understand that when you read His words it becomes glaringly apparent that this was no man but God Himself
mate, get your head out your arse and read the Gospel. Go with Luke or John to start

Quick rundown on BAIT THREADS
============1. background============
> m00t started Sup Forums 2004
> Sup Forums costs $$$ to run
> not enough $$ from ads: advertisers no like Sup Forums + adblock cucks
> more time on Sup Forums = more jewgold
> STRATEGY: keep users on Sup Forums longer m00t losing it, tired of shit revenue
> befriends SJWs (A.S., Z.Q.), gets SJW gf (Mallory G. from Gawker)
> Aug 2014 GamerGate & Fappening shitstorm
> advertisers say 'bye!'
> Sup Forums is fucked now, need $$$$!!!
> m00t bans GamerGate & Fappening pix (temporarily)
> replaces current mods with SJW mods to enforce bans
> Sup Forums rebels: vandalizes everything
> fuckthisshit.jpg
============3. Sale of Sup Forums ==========
> m00t leaves jan 2015
> Hiroyuki (2ch founder) buys Sup Forums on sep 2015
> Sup Forums still make very little $$$ (compared to costs)
> needmoretraffic.jpg
> 1. POLITICAL SHILLING ——Shillapalooza: JIDF, CTR, ShareBlue, Ruskies, NRA, etc.

Anybody wanna to limericks?
I'm shitty at limericks. But anythings' better than this shit thread.

I'll start:
i once met a fagotty man
he wanted me in his van
I ran for the trees
Till' i buckled my knees
now I'm just another picture that's b&.

Jesus was not jewish and had nothing to do with jews.

Hey he looks like my uncle Ramon.