Why are people so afraid of being a little bisexual?

Why are people so afraid of being a little bisexual?

Because it's gay

cuz they scared of they inner feelings

Its not just being bisexual. These faggots want to be a different gender entirely. I have no problem with fags. Even the super gay ones. But this transgender crap is ridiculous. We already accept that you're a dude who likes to suck dick. The push for acceptance is only making the rest of the world hate you.

Because I like women and vaginas.
Because being anything other than heterosexual is abnormal.


Quick rundown on BAIT THREADS
============1. background============
> m00t started Sup Forums 2004
> Sup Forums costs $$$ to run
> not enough $$ from ads: advertisers no like Sup Forums + adblock cucks
> more time on Sup Forums = more jewgold
> STRATEGY: keep users on Sup Forums longer m00t losing it, tired of shit revenue
> befriends SJWs (A.S., Z.Q.), gets SJW gf (Mallory G. from Gawker)
> Aug 2014 GamerGate & Fappening shitstorm
> advertisers say 'bye!'
> Sup Forums is fucked now, need $$$$!!!
> m00t bans GamerGate & Fappening pix (temporarily)
> replaces current mods with SJW mods to enforce bans
> Sup Forums rebels: vandalizes everything
> fuckthisshit.jpg
============3. Sale of Sup Forums ==========
> m00t leaves jan 2015
> Hiroyuki (2ch founder) buys Sup Forums on sep 2015
> Sup Forums still make very little $$$ (compared to costs)
> needmoretraffic.jpg
> 1. POLITICAL SHILLING ——Shillapalooza: JIDF, CTR, ShareBlue, Ruskies, NRA, etc.

When all else fails, but you still have the little self respect not to call the opposing side names, use the good ol' strawman.


why are faggots so afraid of being straight?













humans need to be special
it's easier to be a faggot retard than to contribute to society
they can use gender confusion as a conversation started because they've done nothing in life and think everything revolves around sex.


>it's easier to be a faggot retard than to contribute to society
words of wisdom fellow user





>Why are people so afraid of being a little bisexual?

Eat shit and die, faggot. If you can't figure it out, eat a bullet today.

Fucking faggot spam. GET OFF OF Sup Forums.

BTW the kerning between the 'r' and 'a' is way too tight.

you seem upset. Time to use hand and ejaculate. Its not gay, bro, just a little. Dont touch your balls.

all fields desu

i likk it.
gonna go to sleep, but you should make more. fucking with shit threads is way more fun than lazying around being sad about it ^^.