Post ITT if your country isn't cucked by political correctness

Post ITT if your country isn't cucked by political correctness

>Calling a black person "negro" is not racism, racism is thinking that saying "negro" is racist, because you assume being a negro is something wrong.

c-c-combo breaker

This is the same everywhere, when Cucks tell me not to say negro I just say every language calls them negros and if they still get mad I start calling them niggers



really makes you think doesn't it?

Why is Sweden circumcised? They aren't Muslims

Sweden is like 70% refugee now.

I know ;)

That's what I've always said about the word nigger. It means black person, nothing else.

In Spanish "negro" literally means the color black so you would look like an idiot if you think that's racist.

Liberals love changing definitions
We went from nigger, to negro, to coloured, to black, to people of colour. Fuck that don't destroy the English language you're a nigger

but negro just means black in spanish, hardly anyone would care if you called someone black

I was told by some American not to say black people it's rude

Yeah, but in English it doesn't, it means black person and has a negative connotation.

You don't belong to this thread.

Is Costa Spica a based country?

Being a nigger has negative connotations

Being black has negative connotations, then calling blacks for what they're(blacks,niggers) is considered a insult. Not because the word is a insult by itself, but because people that are usually called niggers are the scum

it'd be rude to describe someone as "a black," but describing someone as "a black person" would never be considered offensive unless someone was just looking for a reason to start shit

I guess it's noun vs adjective

They instinctively see blacks as negative, which is why any word used to describe them will pick up negative connotations and become a slur. "People of colour" won't suffer from this because it also refers to races other than blacks.

"focusing on race as the most relevant characteristic to distinguish someone, implies you don't consider black people as something in the normalized and integrated in the society"

¿how old are you?

I'll just keep calling them niggers until one day someone decides to punch me out for it

How else should I call negroes if they are uncapable of inventing a name for themselves?


No Sven he said you're 70% Muslim