There should be a single day every year where cross-board raiding is permitted so that we can fuck up the Sup Forums...

There should be a single day every year where cross-board raiding is permitted so that we can fuck up the Sup Forums retards infesting Sup Forums. The best name I can think of for it is "4purge" and I suggest we do it on the 11th of September. Do you think we can make this happen?

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Petition that shit!
I'd sign it in a heartbeat.

Fuck off you nigger loving liberal.

Trump 2020, stay mad


Semi good idea but won't happen due
Op is a fag

OP here. I just read through my post and realized that calling for it to be on the 11th of September makes me look like an edgy faggot. Please ignore that part and make up your own date.

>implying that he'll live that long

OP here. Im a massive faggot just to make sure you know.

ment to send that to


watching hannity doesn't make you a politician, Jim-Bob. now go brush your dip stained teeth and work on that ford explorer that's been sitting in your front yard for 6 years

OP here, hahaha disregard that, I suck cocks

Hell yeah lets take our land back from these bitches

>not the 5th of November

b is ded

LOL, yes raid Sup Forums! That's gonna put Hillary, the Sentient Cankle or Irving the Commie Sheckel Stasher in office. Sad faggots.

>fuck up the Sup Forums retards

Yeah okay "the Sup Forums fags" are the native population of the site.The threads every 3 minutes trying to troll them are not. If you have not figured out it's reddit and they're still mad about Trump you are literally retarded. Sup Forums gets it even worse than we do, this is just Sup Forums's overflow of the same reddit faggots who don't want to look in the mirror and at least admit /r/thedonald had just as much to do with it.


Get a job you dumb nigger

OP is a brainlet soyboy who's too stupid to understand any thread that isn't trap porn.

Low test post

Looks like OP got some empty rage. Not my fault that you are simply insufficent at being. Nor is it Sup Forums. Dw though. You will be put into place, boi.

Why don't you just do it every day you feel like

You'd lose. Sup Forumss dedicated. They still raid and get ISIS bases blown up n shit
Sup Forums is full of tranny fembois too busy trying to suck their own cocks to do anything

Looks tough guns blazig, but when it comes to it,
he's all red shirt, right?!


That is so fucking american

Are you a nigger, a jew or both?