/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico

Modest Mouse edition

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ate a burger now my tummy no longer aches with pain
hooray. I keep repeating I want to die to myself subconsciously

not a fan of this picture


Serious question. Why do white people think it's funny to mess with sleeping people? It's almost always when they're in a group, they do things and play "pranks" on the sleeping person but a lot of times they're serious cases of invasion of personal space and sexual assault.


thread theme

That's like asking why people enjoy sex.
It's literally fun.

Only happens at parties, and it's usually the first person who falls asleep.

It's to get back at the person for giving in and stopping partying first. It's kind of a contest to see who can party the longest and if you go to sleep you lose

Drawing dicks on your friends faces is the staple of every vacation.

Yeah my friends tried to do it to me once when they thought I was asleep but I woke up right before they tried.

They put shaving cream in my hand and were about to write on my face but I slapped them with it before they did so it backfired

because I used to be a loser. but that was before I became a SSRI loser. and now I'm back to being a loser. but with a deranged twist.
don't follow in my footsteps. because if you do, YOU WILL REGRET IT WITH EVERY FIBER OF YOUR BEING
hopefully that scares some sense into you

Business idea (for hiro): make LinkedIn-style profiles for Sup Forums users, put their Sup Forums posts on the profile, add all of their friends, and charge them to remove it.

That doesn't tell me literally anything. They've drastically improved my life so far.

should i catch up on the adventures of goblin slayer? Im 6 chapters behind

new neighbors are moving in today

that's how I felt. and then one day it ups and gets ya. next thing you know you're trapped, alone and thinking to yourself "What a disorienting and ludicrous existence this is. Surely I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere down the line, but I can't quite put my finger on what that wrong turn may have been. What do I know? Maybe it's always been like this.
Ah dammit, I've thought all of this a thousand times before. My thoughts are so useless and burdening. Oh well, I guess it's back to making freak expressions at that unfamiliar reflection in the mirror and incessant music resounding loudly throughout my brain.

Word of advice, once you're a SSRI loser don't leave your house thinking you won't end up making a fool out of yourself. Because you will.

welcome them with a jello cake

he's an anecdotal man; never trust anecdotal men

>Word of advice, once you're a SSRI loser don't leave your house thinking you won't end up making a fool out of yourself. Because you will.

I was that way before I was on them though, word of advice, when you embarrass yourself just tell yourself to go fuck yourself it usually makes me feel better.

Are you serious? I know many different people who've taken SSRIs as prescribed and they all ended up as trainwrecks.

do they have a cute daughter

"I know a guy..."
anecdotal man strikes again

>when you embarrass yourself just tell yourself to go fuck yourself it usually makes me feel better.
That's exactly what happened whenever I embarrassed myself as a SSRI dope retard, except I was told to go fuck myself by an entity that turned out to not exist outside my imagination.

the gf

>anecdotal man strikes again
alright then, show me a non-anecdote.

>memes have been proven to aid in mememagic with a success rate of 82% over the sample of 10,000 people over the past 10 years

i dunno I havent seen them yet

Fuck Obongo and fuck blackpipo

mamoru mono wa mamoru sa ....

interview when pretty good

If you had about $500 to spend on a new PC, but it had to be prebuilt (don't ask me why), and peripherals weren't a factor. What would you buy?

Probably pic related.

refurbished thinkpad from ebay


Looking into it. Thanks.

Ringos are a dime a dozen

Afternoon everybody

Yes, it is indeed afternoon.

releasing my last rare coffee frog

wow look at how smart you are man i wish my brain was big as yours

Oh wait, it's not afternoon here yet. Durr!
Silly me.

silly guy, where even are you?

Coffee frog is a shit tier meme

I am not entirely sure to be honest. Where in the world am I?

I automatically assume that anyone who posts pepe is reddit

fuck you

it is quite a big world i can see you getting confused

oh... you guys are here?


what does that even mean

if you are not h-h-here then... w-who are you?

maybe he's disappointed that we haven't offed ourselves yet
I don't blame him. you guys suck.

haha tru



The gf

still haven't watched that last episode

That's when all the Samsquatches come out

Do it bud

have my window open in toronto listening to some distance bangs

my gf

like the heels

I have a relative there that would let me stay there for some easy work during this winter, so I'm thinking about just going there to go to bars and stuff all the time
I wouldn't mind missing the coldest part of the winter

the heels have eyes

I really really really want a Canadian gf

>live 10 minutes away from one of the richest towns in the nation
>tons of trustfundies everywhere

I think I'm going to snag myself a trustfundie gf and have her support me while I do my writing. To be safe, I'll test out average 6/10 girls first, then move up, to see which one would be easier to live with. Muh feminism will make this even easier. Why didn't I think of this before?

the only modest mouse album I liked was Good news


Try an older woman who is a spinster.
My ex-gf was 45, and a lawyer for a large firm. She let me live with her for 3 years of university.

how do I get in bed with french MILFs, pierre

tell me your secrets

Amazon package came a day early.

The plastic does have different feel to the original. Not bad, just different.

>american special forces

don't be afraid of them and talk like a normal human bean, basically.
Growing up around older woman made me comfortable enough around them to flirt.
I can't do the same with a woman my age.

Also, need to find them in places where older women spend time, e.g. community centres, and charity organizations,

Eating chick fil a rn

how did a mexican like you get a hold of this top secret training footage

already regret taking up smoking again desu
I always forget how terrible it smells

it's what we get for homework to study when we're not being trained by los zetas

Take some psychedelics to help you break the habit or unironically start vaping

r8 my voice please

>Take some psychedelics to help you break the habit or unironically start vaping


I can quit easily
this isn't the first time I've done it and probably won't be the last
just gonna finish this pack off because I don't wanna waste money like I did last time

I have friends who are on the track to becoming high-level professionals, who are attractive, fit and have gotten laid 10 times as many times as I have who vape

Neckbeard virgins on Sup Forums obviously couldn't pull it off, so just keep vaping to yourself to break a cig habit

im retard

>I have friends who are on the track to becoming high-level professionals, who are attractive, fit and have gotten laid 10 times as many times as I have who vape

>Neckbeard virgins on Sup Forums obviously couldn't pull it off, so just keep vaping to yourself to break a cig habit

i unironically love cigarette smell.

im awake, /cum/

I only do when I'm in the habit, otherwise it smells like shit


Just had tendies for lunch and now I feel sick


going to practice parrellel parking in an hour or two with my mom

hmmm yes...

Refrain from tendies, it hath been decreed


Who gives a fuck about your voice

Just have confidence in yourself

>another spring quarter of everyone on campus selling grad tickets and I still dont have enough credits

trying to set up my employee discount but its annoying
a few days ago everyone was doing this but mine was quite becasue everyone near me was asleep so people said to do one during the day
one time an old lady said she could listen to my voice all day and that I ishould be on the radio


GF cried on the phone today. :-(

i like smoking, tbqh

fucking degenerate