What would happen if a sun made of ice collided with a sun made of lava

what would happen if a sun made of ice collided with a sun made of lava

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The resulting black hole would be fucking gigantic. That's all

>sun made of ice

a white hole would erupt from the massive transfer of energy

>Sun of ice
you need some help, you fucking faggot

a sun made out of cold ice sounds a little stupid

You would not be completely retarded

This is stupid because there is no such thing as an "ice sun" and a planet can not be as big as a sun. You could have a gas giant that collides with a sun, not sure what would happen. I just came here to tell you that an "ice planet" or "ice star" is retarded.

They'd be totally gay and get made fun of by the other tougher suns.

Depends if they collide during the day when it's warm or at night when it's dark and cold.

>ice sun
>lava sun

Ice suns could exist. Have you seen the entire outer space? I believe in them. You must be gay boys to not believe in them.

a thing massive like a sun would collapse into itself and create heat/pressure, so probably there isnt such thing

Could be dick suns. 100% cocks except instead of light it distributes cum into its whore system.

They would cancel each other out and then we'd have a sun that's at 0degrees of heat.

"could exist" - go be religious somewhere else faggot

If it were possible for a large enough mass to be made out of ice without its own gravitational field causing it to collapse and create heat while causing fusion through the hydrogen atoms. Then the hotter sun would alreadly melt a considerable amount of the mass to vapor before the "ice sun" ever even reached the sun. Judging by the temprature differences and say they were the same mass, vaporization of said ice planet would only take approx 3 weeks if they held a steady close orbit. I can show the math if needed.

Also if it was a direct impact, the hydrogen would super heat on impact and just feed the nirmal sun more. It would cause massive ripples in space time due to the massive gravitational impact, but 1 sun would be left over and its not the ice sun. Entrope always wins.

Fucking racists. What if the sun identifies as a transnigger pavement-kin?

Wouldn't the ice sun still cool the regular sun? I would at least expect the outer lava layer of the regular sun to harden.


No because the impact itself would cause huge amount of energy to be made. Think of 2 balls hitting each other. The impact causes them to bend and stretch. This on a large enough scale is a massive amount of energy which turns in to heat and radiation. Basically the ice would cause so much friction it would create its own fusion on impact. That would cause a runaway effect and basically with the power of the actual sun to help it would just become one eventually.

Ice expands when it freezes dumb nuts. That's why you can't put your aquafina in the freezer. You guys are fucking stupid.

Lions win, but only if they attack the sun at night.

Um... actually -1000C is hotter than 1000C because of how thermodynamic temperature works. Basically, Kelvins don't make sense and we should be using inverse kelvins instead.

>can show the math if needed.
1000 + -1000=0
They cancelled each other out, if the cold of space doesn't freeze the lava first. If that happens then you have have 1 ice sun double sized

Stafford is overrated.

>-1000 c
you can't go lower than -273 which is an absolute zero aka 0 K faggot.

But if you bring a snowball next to a fire it will melt as it gets closer. I would think that would create a ring ocean around the lava star, which heats the ocean ring and creates ring hurricanes.

That's why the OP said "if" you fucking idiot.

He has beaten several Browns dwarf stars and many blue giants.

But thats just not true. For one a sun is not made out of lava. And secondly the second law of thermodynamics has to kick in:

The second law states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative.

Which basically says in this case that the negative sun wont be absolute zero because of the effects the hot sun are. Amd again the impact would cause both suns to get way hotter than 1000... waay hotter

Lava or magma, whatever you want to call it. Just semantics.

newfags being newfags

Not in the vacume of space. At 1000 it would just become vapor, and on impact the hydrogen atoms would release and the oxigen atoms would help create more heat.


nothing happens

Congrats OP
Officially stoopidist thread in last 24 hrs.
Pick up prize in any trap thread.

Sorry i didnt go in to it properly. Theres no rocks in a sun (as the fusion itself breaks down these weaker elemenets to the basic forms) so no magma, lava here:
The Sun is a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5% and the other 0.5% is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur.

-1000 °C does not exist you fucking cunt, the lower temperature posible is -273°C or 0 °K, learn your shit before posting you faggot.

it becomes waterworld?

I mean, youre right, but no need to spam it

you would get a steam sun, as big as both suns put together

no, the collision would result in an fagget like this one:

Ignoring the stupidity... If a sun collided with a body of water equal in mass, the water would evaporate almost instantly.

we're talking about a sun made of ice, not water

Read ops question you fucking faggots. What if an ice Sun and lava sun hit. Not, what is our Sun made of?

>the water would evaporate almost instantly.

Not in space

Is this that weaponized autism I've been hearing about?

Not water Sun vs. Sun Sun. Lava Sun vs. Ice Sun.

> 0 °K
>learn your shit before posting
first of all it's 0 K not 0 °K
second of all, temperatures below 0 k have been created, look it up

> temperatures below absolute zero

nigga what

By calling the dude who referenced the - and + temp from the OG post, youre just exhibiting your own new


>what would happen if a sun made of ice collided with a sun made of lava

We have actually observed this on a few occasions.
I believe the most recent observation was in 2011.

Assuming the same mass, it forms a binary, neutral star. In it's early stages it is half dark and half light. This differential makes the combined star spin incredibly fast.
In approximately .02 nanoseconds, the newly formed star neutralizes with an absolute, neutral temp of 0.

I am trying, the question would have to use other celestial bodies as the definition of a sun is a giant "gas" body. Theres no point answering the question with what just doesnt exist. A mass the size of a sun just cannot have lava as its own gravitational field (mass) breaks the elements down required to have "lava".

It it were 2 smaller bodies then certain laws wouldnt come in to play. Then the 2 bodies hitting each other woulf still cause the ice planet to vaporize on impact due to 2 thermodynamic laws.

Plus i guess it also depends on how much kenetic force the 2 bodies would have on impact but even if they hit each other at dead slow speeds, the hotter body would have more time to simply melt the ice planet. Either way the hotter body wins.

>weaponized autism
weapons-grade autism, you sperglord

The result would be a sun with the same volume as the 2 suns put together. It's core would be solid rock surrounded with a layer of ice.

Here's the physics (fuck the maths):
As soon as they collide, as they are respectively +1000°C and -1000°C, they would cancel each other and become a mass made of water and solidified lava (also known as rocks). Rocks are denser than water therefore they would sink to the center of the new double-sun. The water would stay on the surface. As space is really cold, around -10°C, the water would then freeze to create the outer ice layer. That's entropy for you.

Ignoring those retarded temperatures; an "ice sun" (a giant body of ice) hit a "lava sun" (a giant body if molten rock), since the ice is much less viscous its momentum would plow it into the lava like a boulder dropping in a pool of honey. Immediately the ice in contact would melt and the lava would solidify. The shockwave would deform/explode the lava mass and gravity would pull it back in onto the ice ball.

Fast forward: the lava would aurround the ice. The ice would melt from the outside in, while the lava would solidify from the inside out. Some rock would sink to the center, and some water would rise to the surface, where much of it would evaporate and form an atmosphere if there are no nearby stellar winds.

tl;dr: You'd end up with a core of solid rock, surrounded by water, encased in a solid shell of rock, surrounded by an atmosphere of water vapor.

No. The activity of those gases are read as negative on traditional scales measuring temperature, and are thus read as "below absolute zero", but are NOT lower than 0 K.


so basically create a planet capable of supporting life?

a sun made out of ice..
right there is when I realized that you are an idiot,
no you arent trolling, you are actually stupid...

you could have asked what would happen if a ball of ice the size of the sun collided with the sun and I would have actually pondered the idea for more than a second
however you took the retarded route instead

btw comets are made of ice and collide with the sun from time to time.. its kind of neat, you should look it up.

>right there is when I realized that you are an idiot,
right there is when I realized that you are a newfag

>so basically create a planet capable of supporting life?

theoretically, yes. but the life form would need to evolve in hyper gravity.
the combined mass would be equivalent to 10,000 earths. eg: your weight x 10,000

-1000 C is impossible. Also everything else about this.

>eg: your weight x 10,000
that would be great, ppl wouldn't be able to call me skinny anymore

Niels Bhor's law states that no mass in zero gravity larger than 10 trillion kilometers in radius can enter the same zone of another mass. Besides, an ice sun is an impossibility. Ice isn't affected by gravity.

I love you

huwite hole


>a sun made out of ice

this is actually accurate.
now that we've discovered dark matter and actually measured it, we can now use the same techniques to measure ice stars.

Science can be pretty amazing!


Isn't that called a planet?

>Decide to leave Sup Forums after years of browsing
>See this copypasta, which was the first thread I ever saw on Sup Forums.

Heh. See you fellas.



No. Once gravity forces the matter of both stars together, the ice would instantly stop the nuclear reaction of the lava star.
temp would go to 0
all ice would reform, mostly on the surface.
You would have thick layers of snow though.

>leaving Sup Forums
see you in two weeks, user! Remember. You're here forever.


here; water makes it far more likely for life to emerge, but it's still very unlikely because there's no molten core and nothing implied that a nearby star is nearby. Since theres no heat from the inside nor outside, there's no energy to drive turbulence in the water to stimulate to formation of complex molecules and eventually life. It would likely remain a lifeless cosmic body that would be interesting to study/explore the structure of.

A sun cant be made out of ice, suns are stars caused by thermonuvlear fusion. They have a lot of kinetic energy and therefore a lot of heat.
Again, suns are not made of lava, they are made of byproducts of thermonuclear fusion.

But, if you wonder what would happen in terms of calorimetry as to what would happen, assuming the ice and lava have the same mass, there would be an exothermic reaction of the lava freezing while transfering its energy off to the ice. The ice would evaoprate as water vapor and carry the heat with it. Assuming that the lava is purely organic compounds, it would remain as a big block while no ice remains in the calorimeter


What about a sun of nerve and a sun of mustard?

you get earf

>assuming the ice and lava have the same mass

>water vapor and carry the heat with it.

>no ice remains in the calorimeter

I hate to be pedantic; but your statements aren't correct.
The h2o would NOT escape the area of influence and fall back to the rocky core as snow.

gay I'm gay