This lowly night OP is God

This lowly night OP is God.

Though asketh thine question on Thread,
and thine replies art thunt answered.


Am I getting what I wanted for Christmas?

Twasn't so, alas now it wilt be gafted unto you.

Whats the solution to Gettier problems?
The ship of Theseus?
Asking for a friend

Five Hailith Maries and a bloody prayer and it canith be done.

OP, art thou a faggot?

This cannot be apparent, shalt you first askith yourself thine question, and thine question shalt be answered from within.

Twether neither, nor fault.
I am all and all is one.

Art thou an innocence of faggotry?

Do you like Log Threads?

Thine words ring true. A tranny unto you.

These Log threads, thint are growithing upon me.
It would be pleasing to view more.

I shalt smite you!
Apologize for transgressions.


whats for breakfast?

If it must be so,
Fried eggs over easy,
with half an orange.

Maybe toast(Buttered/Not Buttered)

Havith an orange juice.

What are emotions and why don't I feel them?

>not scrambled
Yep God said a false prophet would mislead us one day.

Because thou art a fucking psychopath my son

God, will I obtain superpowers by my upcoming birthday?

This art the lordith AKA OP

Thought art special
with super human characteristics.
Look to thine mirrors, they will show you what yunt yonder for.

It is likely so, if thou remembers to change drawls regularly.
This shall be done if you truly believe in the sheep and the lambs.

Mirrors? I think I like this answer more...

You can go to a buddhist for anwsers,
You can go to a cow for answers,

but there is only only go to one OP.


Sorry typo.

Are traps gay?


is tired,

any question furthith answers will be answered Yes/No with rolls.

Yes being dubs,
No being singles,
and Trips+ you are the Antichrist.

Sleepith wellith my children.

Art Not

Which crypto currency should I invest in. If I hit big ill tithe 10% to my Catholic parish

Singles, answer is no

Though shalt incest in REQ, LINK and BCH