I think im having someth8ng like a heart attack right now

I think im having someth8ng like a heart attack right now

why haven't you phoned emergency?

Dont know if it really is a heart attack. This same thing happened to me like 8 years ago, went to the hospital and was fine after that

Could be a panic attack. Feel very similar (I've had both)

Oh, and also im almost 20, no drugs or smoking(ocasional drinking), but taking deep breaths hurt a lot

Nothing has happened that could do such thing, watched porn over 2 hours ago, my life has been ptetty good recently

I once had a heart attack whil driving a bus. Powered through it and told no one. You'll be fine.

How does it feel tho?

Delete your browser history just in case

First time I had a panic I was just a passenger in a car, after that I just got them by being anxious about having them


I know its not my thread so you don't have to acknowledge this but its really fucking terrible

Ill feel normal than start to think about it for whatever reason which makes me feel a bit anxious, then that feeling is proof that its happening so I feel worse, then that's more proof so it gets worse, so on and so on. You honestly feel certain youre going to die

This might just had killed me


True cardiac pain isn't reproducible, meaning you can't cause it by breathing, moving, pushing on the chest, etc.

If there haven't been other symptoms, you probably have costochondritis (inflammation of cartilage in rib cage), and have worked yourself up into an anxiety attack. Take some Tylenol or Motrin, lay down, and try to relax. Maybe go through a guided meditation session on YouTube.

If you've been having cold/flu symptoms, get yourself checked for pneumonia.

Well, after searching that, it sure takes a of off my chest. It still is weird how it felt. Thanks user

Did you died?

If you've ever had heart palpatations it was like that times 10. About 6 really hard, slow, painful heartbeats and it was done.

probably anxiety, anxiety attacks don't actually need to be triggered by anything obvious, sometimes they just happen.
perhaps see your doctor about it eventually, but honestly its probably nothing physical at least.

Nope, as far as I know

those can be caused from lots of things, most commonly anxiety, too much caffeine or lack of sleep, for example.

Sounds like I wouldn't even the time or the strenght to write

Check for everything you listed. Maybe I just have a mental disability and thought it was a heart attack. I still wish I would have just went that day.

those things are also hard to diagnose for a doctor. you may want to see a psychologist if you think it could be anxiety.
honesty I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. I've experienced very similar symptoms and I'm quite sure it was anxiety, as it is something I suffer from heavily.

But im not a big guy