Tfw you make mother Russia more capitalistic than America

>tfw you make mother Russia more capitalistic than America.
Russia creates a 13% flat tax. what the fuck are we doing here?

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>Russia creates a 13% flat tax. what the fuck are we doing here?
Because the Russian economy is in the toilet and that rate is more to do with that is the only amount the oligarchy is willing to pay

As a person from former societ republic I automatically assume that anybody who adores russian in ANY way is retarded.

If you are from the west and think anything in russia is good you are completely out of touch with reality.

1. they do porn right
2. perhaps they have learned a thing or two from having socialist revolutions for a whole century

>former soviet republic

Slovakia wasn't in the USSR, retard

Czechoslovakia was you fucking dipshit.

1.Porn is degeneracy what? Literally nothing works in that state. Russia is fucking 3rdworld shithole. Anybody who doesnt see this is blind

ivans need a war soon or else putin land implodes

>Russia is fucking 3rdworld shithole. Anybody who doesnt see this is blind

>Russia is fucking 3rdworld shithole
It's second world by definition.
Third world nations were neither NATO or USSR


after ww2 you had 2 worlds
usa and its sphere of control
russia and its sphere of control

third word = countries that were in neither of these two (latin america, dindu africa etc)

>brainwashed nigger watch TV a lot


i don't watch tv but whatever.
russia is a land power. it doesn't need bases abroad given its size. nor can it afford them.
cry more putin bot.

so you two agree

yeah, but he makes it sound like usa was top tier and russia was second.

>being pro faggot

>realy stupid monkey noise
who opened new base against russia in romania nigger?
Its comfortable to your dirty ass to be in CROSSHAIR now?

How much does kremlin pay you? 0.5cent a post?

Its not what I meant by that and you know it. I meant russia is a fucking shithole, like bangladesh or some dindu africa country.

Those are the technical definitions, cuck. First world - the west. Second world - Warsaw pact and other commies. Third world, all the undecisive pricks.

>Czechoslovakia was you fucking dipshit.
I, um, uh. What the fuck. Czechoslovakia wasn't in USSR you fucking retard. Warsaw Pact and Comecon yes, but not the fucking ussr

Should have posted this image :^)

>wishfull thinking kid noise

russia is a barking autist dog. it can't do shit against nato.
ivans are so desperate they had to invade their pet ukraine. lost 93% of ukraine in the process.


Russia has 12% national debt and huge reserves of gold

They're doing splendid compared to you

>Czechoslovakia was you fucking dipshit.

this eastern eyro monkey kid even more stupid than average murican kid.

ROFL. You fell for the gayrope meme too? Russia is fucking gay as fuck :D. Common mafia practise is to hire a guy to rape other male. Look up HIV prevalence in russia.

i was hinting at the fact that there were 2 separate worlds plus the rest who were not part of either.
i wasn't ranking them.

Tax rate has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism.
Lot of shit in Russia is state-owned or foreigners are banned from owning it.
IMO Russian model is the only sane model. Foreign investment can come if state allows it.
Of course excluding oligarchs and corruption, but that's a complex subject.

>had to invade their pet ukraine
nigger dont know that ukrain was independent for 24 years at that moment, and 10 years under west influence after first color revolutions

Who the fuck cares it was in soviet block.
Belarus :). Now you can go suck more Putins dick. Oh no, you cant yet. You have to shill for putin at least 5 more hours so you can afford electricity for next week.

>Foreign investment can come if state allows it.
is there another way foreign investment comes into a country?

>ukraine was independent for 24 years
by russian standards lol

Paccкaжитe ИTT пpo peaльный пpoцeнт нaлoгoв, a нe 13%-мeмec, мнe нaдo идти.

Yes, in neoliberal model colonies like Romania or Poland or Estonia or Montenegro Americans and other Westerners can buy whatever they want and satraps they appoint to rule their colonies agree to everything.

Flat taxes and income taxes are not inherently more or less capitalist then each other.

I live in the Netherlands, mate. I know exactly how gay Europe is, and its really fucking gay.

Doesnt matter whether Russkis bum each other. Their society and government at least oppose it.

to be ally of great russia is a big honour when to be ally of warmongers and coward killers is disgusting
but this rule works only for humans not for soulness bitches

>Americans and other Westerners can buy whatever they want
citation needed
this still implies they need the approval of those in charge in said country


>I know exactly how gay Europe is, and its really fucking gay.
you live in one part of europe. and that part is really gay.

>calling Russia autists

The pot Called the kettle black

You dont understand how economy works boy

care to explain?

Approval that is always granted.

>this still implies they need the approval of those in charge in said country
Those are the first ones we bought, silly.

looking good. soon well have even more bases, nukes, ships n sheit. America has to make it know to the world that it is bar none the most powerful military not ever to be toyed with.

Belarus is working hard to get gas discount, beautiful :)

>As a person from former societ republic I automatically assume that anybody who adores russian in ANY way is retarded.

a) slovakia was not part of the USSR, but part of the czechoslovakian satellite state. you've proven yourself to be historically retarded right there

b) let's ignore 1,000 years of history and focus on 7 decades of the 20th century. but I guess a nation with a complete absence of a distinct culture or history needs to base its identity off something, why not join the other irrelevant non-nations at the "butthurt over the USSR" table

One country has huge debt it cannot repay
Another country has small debt and huge reserves of gold

What are we missing here exactly?

>soon well have even more bases
But Trump wants less bases.

buy what? give clear examples. also toothpaste thinks he's in an alliance with the usa in eastern europe. lol

Trump said he wanted the host countries to pay for them. He'll change his tune though, as he does on everything else. Our bases overseas gives us global projection power.

>overseas gives us global projection power.

Yes a projection of shit. You have a gay nigger president for 8 years, do the world a favor and KYS

>trump said
>trump want



Sure, just like they oppose Islam :D. Mosow has some 10% muslim population.

Woah nice post m8. Maybe Putin will now let you eat his smegma.

It was part of former soviet block.We were behind iron courtain its the same fucking thing lol.

Im not saying Russia was always shit. I am saying it is shit currently and its not looking good for them in forseeable future.

Anyway feel free to delude yourself. Russia and its people are fucked up and you fell for their shilling if you think otherwise.

i sleep like a baby every night knowing that americans tax payers protect my with their latest tech.

Neither do you it seems. Less debt means less burden. More revenue stays at home and use as investments. GDP calculation is C*I*(N-X) and since Russia operates at a positive trade balance and moderate domestic consumption rate, only thing holding itself back is the investments. Essentially one of the biggest drives in Russia's GDP growth till foreign, cheap credit was no longer available. So they have resorted to high interest rates (till inflation drops more) and bond market (with a small mixture of venture funds, subsidies on loans and state run support like Rostec or Rusnano).

> Mosow has some 10% muslim population.
binar thinking niger noise again

>protect me

They only put you in the crosshairs, you automatically draft for WW3

thats not gay, that hilarious

>join EU
>we give you money in the form of subsidies and investment
>conversely, you have to join the common market
Tada, we have just bought complete access to your market and industry, and if you oppose us, we sue you in the European Central Court.
No, we're merely the 4th largest EU economy and one of the main contributors. So we pay into it so we can exploit your market.


Good lord there are so many buttmad Russians. Maybe you would have more overseas bases too if you did not treat your "friends" like shit.

Literally nobody likes Russia, and Russia's only allies are allied the same way a business is protected by the Mafia.

>Nice country you have here, be a shame if something were to happen to it.

that's not how it works
see japan and south korea

>It was part of former soviet block.We were behind iron courtain its the same fucking thing lol
no? are you going to say the USA and France were the same thing too, since they were both in NATO?

> I am saying it is shit currently and its not looking good for them in forseeable future.
you're right. just keep protesting while your country is flooded with refugees, everything is fine. lol

we didn't have an industry to begin with. lol

>monkey give a fact about shizoid killer like a trend

so, its normal for monkey

America is more hated than Russia worldwide

Typical rus shill. There's no niggers nor muslims in Slovakia. God you must love Putins cum. Almost as much as he likes muslim cocks.

ever heard of chechnya?

>niger-tier educated kid opinion is very important here

>He thinks he's on the same level as japan and korea


I admid I fucked up when i said Slovakia was former soviet republic. I should have written explicitly that it was member or former soviet block, then you wouldnt have to post 3 bullshit posts about nothing. Im sorry.

>slovakia flooded with refugees
kek m8

this monkeys are broken hard, give me more strong shills

You mean the place we levelled?

>1. they do porn right
what did he mean by this?

More like nobody gives a fuck about russia any more

People can say whatever they want about russia, but they are fighting the good fight right now, they're noy sainta but not demons either, and they deserve our support a lot more than ameridumbs and the cuck union of the yuros.

>"""lost""" ukraine
>annex Crimea and Donbass
>never directly engage, spend very little money, realtilvly few casualties
>crash cuck pro west government with no survivors
>Obama and his gang of globalist gomunists are to scared to do anything about it

if thats losing, then NATO needs to do more losing

no you retard.
japan was a devastated country after ww2. americans invested => now is a regional power
south korea was rice farmer central. americans invested => technological super power.

Russi has an AIDS epidemic, I wonder what caused it lolol.

List the top 5 strongest countries that will be there for Russia if Russia were to be invaded tomorrow morning.

Now list the top 5 that would be there for America.

And so help me if you say China, you are a moron. Since China will be the one invading.

yeah. it's some emirate now. with a 50.000 haji militia.

If the US has their way, there soon will be.

I don't understand you butthurt belt countries, you act like america is the god saviour of the world and russia is literal satan, but all the actual laws being put into practice by the US abroad are exactly the kind of stuff people hated about the USSR, meanwhile Russia continues to distance itself from those same policies and laws.

It's like you've all been literally brainwashed and cannot think for yourselves.

Russia sucks, american intervention isn't any better.
Stand up for yourselves you spineless fucks. Neither russia nor USA has your interests in mind.

>He thinks he's on the same level as japan and korea



Yeahhhhh...... we can slaughter them again if need be.

hey im glad you finally have internet macedonia. welcome to current year

I don't fucking get the people who criticise Russia for it's mudslimes. They didn't invite them in like all the cucks in Europe. They fucking conquered them.

>Now list the top 5 that would be there for America.
holy shit who cares

the day we actually need useless euroshit "allies" for anything is the day our nation dies

nope. they rebuilt they halal kingdom and will turn on you given the chance.
you're in a war with ukraine and supporting assad.
another war with chechnya will KO you.

China and Russia are blocked off from each other by an absolutely massive mountain chain, they will not be going to war.

And China's interests are primarily in SEA, which is where they are focusing their military force and projection, and where the US is trying to stop them. Russia and China have a mutual enemy in the US, because the US is going out of its way to contain, control, or destroy both countries.

they also keep them in check with ruthless KGB tactics. when was the last time you heard of a terrorist attack in Russia?

>They didn't invite them in like all the cucks in Europe
200.000 hajis come to russia every year for work form the former soviet states.

lmao cucked western nations will not fight to protect their own countries let alone America

They have terrorist attacks in russia all the fucking time.

its sad but
you say about 90% of /pol, that morons are hardly jewcucked and hate muslims more than jew cock in their ass

>Fighting for britbongistan

I mean you'd really need to be a retard.


Putin lost in Ukraine. He only achieved 1/16th of what he planned.
Spend very little money? Are you being serious? The toll on russian economy was enormous.

Before ww1. Czechoslovakia was 8th most developed country in the world. During ww2, when we split and slovakia joined with germany, we were also very well off. Then came Russians and 40 years of communism. This has fucked our country so bad that it will take generations to recover! We are butthurt because we have really shitty experiences with russians. Much more so than with Americans, or even nazi germany.

Russia is failed police state owned by oligarchs. You are the one who is being brainwashed. Again why do you think im pro usa? Where have I implied it? Im just saying Russia is fucked up and we need to watch out for it. Really, you are the one who seems to be brainwashed.