Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, bulls and cuckolds...

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, bulls and cuckolds. Welcome to another edition of the Swedish party leader debates!

Come watch the world most corrupt and talantless politicians take part in the greatest, most meanigless farce ever seen, moderated by the most inept band of communist journalists ever seen.

Will any of them come up with an answer more meaningful than inane gibberish?

Will any of them admit to an apologize for all the pain and suffering their mismanagement has caused?

Will Jimmie make Sweden great again?

Should you even bother to listen to this crap?

Debate starts 20.00 CET. Bring your booze and your vailum and come listen to national cuckoldry take place in real time. Language is bork but it's not as if anything of value is said anyway.


Buzzword bingo for the lulz

what happened to akesson? why did he grow a neckbeard?

Förlåt jag pratar inte svenska

He actually had a burnout and was gone from politics for like 6 months. That's when he got the beard.

Putting money on Bingo is so +EV

Was that Street Fighter?

lol street fighter music for some reason

will racism-guy be there?

Yeah he's there and its live

Starting now


And they're already shilling for getting rid of the evil id checks

"Need mo' money for them programs", "they good boys" sums up the current discussion

5 minutes in and the Left is already getting blown the fuck out. The left tried to blame it on the right with unbased fact and she instantly got called on it.


Listening to this shit is cancer, its the same script all the time

>Its all our fault intergation failed
>We must give more
>Something Nazi something 1930's
>We are a rich country
>My feelings are hurt

>evil id checks

>Will any of them come up with an answer more meaningful than inane gibberish?
>Will any of them admit to an apologize for all the pain and suffering their mismanagement has caused?
>Will Jimmie make Sweden great again?
muuh Sweden was never great muh st bartholomew slave trade
>Should you even bother to listen to this crap?
If you want cancer

And there comes the "simpler jobs". Bring in violent arabs, cut wages to get them jobs. Thanks liberals.

>The left dodging all the questions
>The right giving straight answers

Loving this. No wonder the left is losing support by the hour here.

Zero tolerance for stone throwing, all those good boys just need more "programs."

your fucking centrist party is a disgrace. Hail SP

There an ENG sub version of this by any chance?

Leftists keep changing the topic over to taxdodgers. The current topic is segregation and their answers are "muh 1%" more or less.

It's live so no. But there isn't much to it. Everyone except Jimmie agrees that throwing rocks at police and ambulace drivers isn't ok, but Swedes are racist and isn't giving enough money for them programs so w/e. Left is also falling on it's face as they have to deal with reality.

Time for asylum politics. Dis gonna be good.

you should just strip mine until you have a nice big hole. then make some ikea sheds at the bottom like germany made . if germany does it it is acceptable.then move all refugees/migrants to them

if they dont like it mace them and throw them in a detention center for being a terrorist.shut down all cell phone towers when you move them so no footage of the transport gets out

then cause a landslide with water and cry on camera about the loss of lives "oh the humanity the horror the horror" and try to get some charity money

success is emulated. you can be a maverick or you can be a cuck

And there comes the Mediterranean. Green party rejects their own politics and call themselves evil racists.

>Muh SD is nazis

There it came

Jimmie 'Somalis need to breed with Swedes so they can integrate' Åkesson. I really don't care for debates where the goal is to cuck yourself as hard as possible.

Oh god that was 3 squares in one sentence. Stefan is getting btfo and Ebba pretends to be SD.

Omfg Löfven refusing to admit that Immigrants raping people is horrible

The left is dying. And now the left are eating eachother.

Lövin just said that she wants rapists to stay. The left is dying indeed.

I don't understand shit, how is it going?

You language is funny, I'm picking up something about sexual assaults and mosques.
What are the chances that SD take enough seats in the next election to evict the darkies?

You're retarded, Löfven is showing great leadership right now while the right is just screaming in his face.

Björklund you fuck. No you certainly wasn't part of the people doing this no way.

Wait wait wait wait wait...

The Swedish green party's logo is a freaking dandelion? Literally one of the most annoying weeds in the world that still manages to grow from every god forsaken nook and cranny it gets its seed in. An invasive pest that people spend thousands upon thousands to try to remove. Literally a nuisance party. Could they have picked a worse logo if they tried?

Lövin är ruskigt nära på att nämna en feministisk politik


They wont evict them, but alot of them will leave by their own will once the government starts hitting down on them. I'd say pretty good because the other parties are joining with them.

The right talking about anything but what built the country. Even dodging questions about crime.


"We are a feminist goverment"
cross it

t. Mgbenge Abdulaziz ibn Mohamed al-Swedi

Löfven is showing that he is actually governing, talking and listening to the organisations that actually know what they are talking about.

"We are seen as a humanitarian superpower and everyone looks up to us"
"Sweden must take in more migrants"
"Migrants do not rape"

Left is dying from lack of internal logic. Right is using rethoric they called fascist 6 months ago. Jimme is miles ahead though he rarely gets to speak.

Calm down mohammed

>the organisations that actually know what they are talking about.
Muslim Brotherhood? Islamic State?

Now look at the liberal logo




(Thanks for the new Jimmie, friend)

Plz just die

Organisations that matter: The police, UNHCR, EU.

Listen, other European nations. Our problems come from the fact that you didn't cuck yourself enough. Shame on you Hungary and Poland for doing this to us.

>Löfven is governing
10/10 good joke

top kek

I agree that we need to stop imigration and I support SD in many things but the welfare state must be protected from M and tax evasion

You won't have any welfare left for Swedes if you don't sort out the shitskins flowing in and fucking things up. I'd evade taxes if it was going to fund refugees on the same scale you lot are.

>We will force Hungary and other countries to take more refugees.

Prepare your anus Europe

I love how there now isn't a single reason to vote S.
>We stand for worker's rights and the welfare state, except we gave away the welfare state and now we dump the wages to accomodate the arabs and africans. We still bring the high taxes though.


>look up to us

Meanwhile a swedish journalist who lives in Czech Republic wrote sobbing article where he complained that czechs are laughing at him and use Sweden as cautionary tale. It went so far that when he meets new czechs, he rather says that he is from some other country.

SVT showing this graph in the chat to proved that the difference in unemployment between people born in Sweden and people born outside of Sweden aren't that high.

These are the same cunts who wet themselves over "and we'll make Mexico pay for it".


But S is stopping refugees, while not letting M abuse the middle class.

Hah immigrants can...uh...scan documents, for example?

Also, a lot of "muh svenske modellen" from Stefan.

It's very likely that the right supports immigration just in order to crush the welfare state by overloading it.

Vem fan applåderar SVETSAREN!?

jag vill ligga med Ebbish

Rut and Rot is hurting the country creating new and bigger class differences

its a fitting logo then

Listen to idiot stedt now,he had somehting to say right now guys.

We agree on imigration, fuck them. But the blue side is doing what it does all the time, take every change to stop the welfare state and workers rights.

There are about 1.5million foreign born in Sweden. 8million swedish born. Yet the foreign born has 13k more people unemployed?

This is the problem with Jimmie, he is right about immigration but he is still just like M hating on honest people wanting to lower the taxes for banks and upper class people.

But normal people are going to see this shit and just be like, "Why isn't this in percentages?" How exactly do they expect people to think that this is a valid comparison?

Sverige är skräp!

Lööf wish to create jobs by letting the upper class abuse the lower class.

Sossepack, hellre död än röd :^)

Of coursh. Sweden has (or had) the worlds highest immigration and also the highest rate of umemployment among immigrants. Good times all around.

"öppet arbetslösa och sökande i program och aktivitetstöd"

In other words, this graph shows about a fraction of the actual number.

Which parties aren't cancer except Jimmie's?

The welfare state and the immigrants come hand in hand.
The only way of surviving as a nation is slashing it.


Pretty decent, a little cucked but nothing serious


almost every party is cancer

That's exactly what S is doing right now, they are finally on the right path.

Literally none. They all want to exterminate us, just in different ways and for different reasons.

You might like Ebba and KD though.

>Öppna era stjärtar
>Only a little cucked

Ye two parties wanting to destroyy the swedish system and the working welfare state.


Moderaterna is literally the worst. None are more responsible. I'd vote green before I vote for them.

>a little cucked
>supports the most extreme immigration Sweden ever had untill recently
everything except SD is fucked

No, they wont benefit poor fucking students and retarded industry workers who can be exchanged with robots

Jag göra bumbnosade barn med Ebba.

Muslim here/future Swedish. Will it be re-uploaded with English sub?

I bet all the "muh wälfäärstate" nigs here are neets living on welfare.

Jan Björklund is getting more and more based every day. Do you think he's been introduced to the red pill?

Of course they show the numbers instead of percenteges so it will look better for the immigrants.