Preacher carrying ‘you deserve to be raped’ sign hit over the head by baseball bat-wielding woman

Preacher carrying ‘you deserve to be raped’ sign hit over the head by baseball bat-wielding woman

What did she mean by this?

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She meant violence is justified against people who make you feel certain emotions. Like if a slut is wearing skimpy clothes, she does in fact deserve to be raped because she induces horniness in men.


someone should rape her as punishment

she posted her phone number on her facebook timeline back in 2011. i was going to screengrab it but i already restarted my browser and now i'm feeling lazy

Just remember, these violent leftists are being sent to disrupt Donald Trump events.

She didn't hit him hard enough.

She's just batting for change

Reminder that brother dean is possibly one of the most based men to ever exist

17 min 10 seconds for baseball bat to head

those cunts are in jail.

He deserved to be hit. Like with a sign like that he as just asking for it.

Saint Dean when?

I guess he was just practicing what he preached.


>those comments
Absolutely disgusting, why does he deserve to be attacked with a fucking weapon because he's hurting someones feelings?

>Police also charged her with marijuana possession.

Because beating people is tolerant and progressive

It's a free country. You can do whatever you want.

idk what she meant but i wont if she will have the same conviction in her actions when she faces muslims who rape her for not wearing enough clothing or traveling in a city by herself

>this preacher didn't deserve it just because he hurt someone's feelings

>all these trannies and kikes make me feel icky! gas them all!

I sure do love me some mental gymnastics

and whats the big deal with rape anyway? just let us use your holes for a few minutes, men need relief, and it would not take much of their time, besides most women have a rape fantasy

You're a fucking idiot.

Hurr durr what is self control

If you think people deserve to get raped, in general simply for what they wear, then you deserve a baseball bat to the dome. Or a lobotomy.

Truly a beacon of hope in a sea of degeneracy and cuckery.

It's such an absolute shame that they elected the biggest faggot imaginable to be the Pope. The Christian faith is under attack.


are you triggered you fucking cunt
get fucked

>what is self control
Something the lady with the bat didn't have when she saw words on a shirt.

Saints don't pussy out like a bitch and are willing to die for the faith.
I.E. Peter, Damien,Joan,Saul

didnt it take longer to type this post shitlord?


This has been decided. Did he deserve a baseball bat upside his head? No. Is he a good Christian? No.

liberal governments are literally telling women that they deserve to be raped by muslims because of how they act and dress

you created this mess, get raped in it

He's catholic?

>What did she mean by this?

> m-muh the left is about feelings
Stop projecting, lads.

>you created this mess
I'm personally responsible? Top kek
Oh you were generalizing, like a close minded fuckboy. Still top kek

Don't think you know what that word means, nip.

Do you think people on Sup Forums or right-wing people in general attack and assault lefties when they hold pride parades or preach their queer, perverted shit?

There is no equivalence with that you're saying.

Well if you talk shit, get hit.

No you can't. That's why she got arrested for it you dumbfuck.
You can say you hate Putin in Russia, but that doesn't mean you won't be taken to the gulags

>asks if I'm triggered
>proceeds to make an angry and hostile comment
Top. Fucking. Kek.

Lad, you're projecting and you can't stop. Your whole attempt at having an ideology is all about feelings. You don't talk about the politics or the economics, all you care about is the wacky feelings Muslims and women give you. If you weren't such a subhuman, you'd learn to not call out your supposed opponents for the very actions that make your modus operandi.

Black by any chance? Sorry

If only such a rule applied to the left.

you so triggered

>people deserve to be hit with a baseball bat to the head because they say mean words
very progressive m8

How does it feel to be Muslim? I'm curious.

It does, you just need to have the conviction

Carlos.jpg needed

> help, I'm oppressed! :( PROBLEMATIC lefties need to be reigned in!

DESU I wouldn't be too sad if it had happened to tim wise or any of the other faggots saying white people deserve to die.
That said she still needs to be punished.

Is this alleged "You deserve rape" sign visible at all in the video?

I haven't seen it thus far.

Brother Dean is both a dick and a heretic

You're just spouting nonsense m8 0/10

> people deserve to be killed because they wear towels on their heads
But it's not feelings, of course.
> b-but mudslimes rape our women
And you defend the man who proposes the very same thing, you subhuman.

>I'm personally responsible? Top kek

just like modern whites are personally responsible for slavery~

You mean when I get convicTED for assault you dumb niggers.

Catholics get the pope we deserve

95% of modern Catholics are barely Catholic

Why would God let us have an awesome pope when the majority of us suck?

Think about that

>douchebag gets beaten up by sjw
I see no issues here.

So much landwhale in the becoming

He relaxed around blacks, maybe he deserved it

This. Talk shit, get hit (with a baseball bat) kek.

>She has been charged with felony assault.
>Police also charged her with marijuana possession.

What sort of asshole doesn't ditch the weed before assaulting someone with a baseball bat?

And the Sup Forumstard pretends to be dumber than he already is. You subhumans are like clockwork.

Ahmed please stop posting or you'll be late for prayer at the mosque

>Tabitha Brubaker, 19,

19 and still in high school

Who the fuck is even saying that? are you autistic?

don't blame this jap for how he is. we caused him to be like this


Pick one

Well if you dress scantly, get raped

Towels? It is a religious and sacred garment, can you please stop being such a Donald trump supporter. Thank you.

i'm sure there will be no complaints if a BLM protest is assaulted

oh wait that's not how it works, is it?

Since when is race about feelings ? Biology is a real science.

Social psychology is about feelings, but that doesn't mean it's of no use or little meaning.

Even something as shallow as skin color can serve as a powerful signifier. Humans are irrational beings so we don't do ourselves any favors by discounting entirely their thymotic attitudes.

Good god that high school should be gassed. Nothing but spics and nigs.

Niggers man, they don't think further than 10 seconds.

do you even know what you are arguing against? you seem severely dumb arguing against a strawman of your own making


Your convictions mean more than your freedom, follow your convictions. It would be hard to arrest everyone.

brother dean deserved it anyway
fucking autist should be put in an oven

This the point the guy you replied to missed.

hey look its the nipcuck

I don't understand. Shouldn't a sign that says "you deserve rape" discredit itself?.. when you hit someone on the head with a bat it diverts attention from a poorly drawn sign to the violent libshits. I used to drive by a billboard that had inflammatory Muslim propaganda every day. I didn't go to the mosque and hit the imam with a metal bat because it was a ridiculous sign.


Is this just news because she was recently arrested?

The video was uploaded almost a month ago.

mashallah brother

Well then it doesn't matter that much to you then does it?

Dress like a slut, get raped.

>The bible says only god can judge

How are these people mixing up a Tupac song with a holy text?

>go out of your way to intentionally provoke people
>act surprised when someone wacks you in the head with a baseball bat

This is a prison sentence in the UK

>Marijuana possession

Meanwhile there are literal weed stores for people with a bullshit marijauna card for 300$, scattered throughout phx metro area.

16 year old Person of color with weed : felony

My16 white boy little brother with weed : community service for 30 hours

How does this work... Seriously why does the weed have to be brought into the situation...

so you deserve to be shot if you wear a trump hat on a liberal college campus?

One degenerate hits another degenerate, both deserve the oven and purgation by flame

Who said anything about murder , a whallop on the head doesn't constitute murder. And also brother fag doesn't have anything between his ears anyway to murder.

>you look attractive to me, therefore you deserve to get raped
You're fucking retarded.

Cut your finger nails four eyes, This aint Nazi Germany.

Of course not. He is a batshit insane protestcuck.

While searching Brubaker's home and car, investigators found a shirt "consistent with the one seen in the video," and "a metal tire jack extension."

>Investigators also found marijuana and a glass pipe in the car.

>She is being charged with possession as well.


w/e i just wish he wasn't such a fag and carried so he could've killed that dyke when he saw her coming at him

See, it's not your idiotic opinions that cause people to tell you to stay in your containment board, it's your utter incapability to stand by them. If you subhumans had a backbone, your reception on this site would have been much better, but then nobody with a backbone becomes a Sup Forumstard in the first place, so I guess that's that.
> we
Are you such a sad loser that the only "we" you can count yourself a part of is a fucking country? Get laid.
> Biology is a real science.
As an actual biologist I can tell you that not even religious fanatics are as bad at science as Sup Forumstards are: at least fanatics reject the science outright instead of trying to subvert it. You failed at junior high school biology (if you didn't, you wouldn't have become a Sup Forumstard in the first place), so don't feed your le race is a science meme.
> Humans are irrational beings so we don't do ourselves any favors by discounting entirely their thymotic attitudes.
Holy shit, you must have spent many nights crying yourself into sleep over your complete intellectual impotence, haven't you?
Like clockwork.

My fingernails don't even make it past the tip of my fingers you shallow idiot