Why aren’t you an atheist yet Sup Forums?

Why aren’t you an atheist yet Sup Forums?

I like to believe there’s someone or something out there. Nothing/nobody in particular. An “afterlife” would be pretty nice though. It’s just hard to comprehend never waking up or thinking a conscious thought again. Death poses a lot of questions, so I’d like to not rule anything out.

Faith can not be explained because the Kingdom of God is not of this world made of matter and energy

I used to be an avid atheist but now I believe there is a chance that we are living in a simulation.

>Invisible unicorns on Mars can not be explained because the Kingdom of Unicorns is not of this world made of matter and energy

Well what I gained through my existential crisis was the realization that humanity has one sole purpose, and that is to serve God.

Also simply because I just don't want to not believe.

>compare God with invisible unicorns

Stay hater if you want but take care of your gastric ulcer

That was beautiful

In the world there are 4,200 gods. Which one do you mean?

Why there are gods and spirits in all cultures?

Because there is immanence of God.

because i'm agnostic
religion has had thousands of years to get it right...which of the hundreds of religions is correct?

I am an atheist but Neoplatonism is cool. I could understand using it as an ontological tool because it strikes me as a Chad-as-fuck form of theosophy.

because akmed will cut my head off

Because only conservative idiots are atheists.

Yeah I used to be an atheist but now I'm agnostic.
Simulation is a possibility.
Also, if life succeeds (through technological advance), everything will eventually be merged into one. That higher consciousness will be universal.

other way around, homie. the conservative right clings to their guns and their bibles

>if life succeeds (through technological advance), everything will eventually be merged into one. That higher consciousness will be universal

Either I'm too stupid or you smoke good shit

Yeah bruv, high as a kite.
Makes sense to me though

I've noticed that too, atheists tend to be racist trump supporters.

because of that nigger

Yes, like Kristi Winters, Jeff Holliday, Steve Shives... oh wait, those are SJW liberals.

Nope- Conservatives are accepting of people's faith and generally Christian in the United States. Liberals proudly claim to KNOW that no god exists. The pinnacle of arrogance and ignorance.

I can wholly understand someone questioning a higher being. Intelligent people question many things. It's how we grow our understanding of the universe. But your typical liberal atheist soy boy just KNOWS that no god exists. He KNOWS. If there WERE a kind, loving god, he'd KILL ALL THOSE REPUBLICANS!!!!! AND HILLARY WOULD BE PRESIDENT!!!!! AND SHE'D KILL MORE PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE!!!!!

You cannot prove god, because proof denies faith, and without faith god is nothing.

"But what about the babel fish?" Man asked. "It's so perfect in every way that it is definitive proof of god"

And thus god disappeared in a puff of logic.