So. What was it? Really

So. What was it? Really.

Other urls found in this thread:

Superman jizzing mid flight.

The Crazy Frog

I dunno could you fill us uninformed pooples in

It was a SpaceX rocket launch that successfully launched 10 satellites into lower Earth orbit.

Harrp or ufo

Santa Claus

trail from spacex rocket launch.

the trail was high enough in the sky to reflect the shallow angle of sunlight at sunset.

yeah idk im calling B.S. on thr spacex rocket thing. idk what it was but i know it wasnt like any rocket launch ive ever seen.

It was a rocket that had to have the power to boost 10 satellites at once into space. Obviously it would look different.

North Korean version of the 1980 Damascus explosion.

That's the staging separation mechanism when the unit splits up, and other booster rockets fire off in order to propel the satellites into orbit.


This guy has never seen anything like it before guys, UFO/conspiracy CONFIRMED.


I agree, It has to be Aliens


The Meme Hentai Empire did their first "Hentai Scream" and then this happened.

Isn't everything unlike any (whatever) you've seen before until you see it for the first time?

The last remaining flying fuck.

never said it was aliens or ufos but, i dont belive what they are calling it,

It's the usual rod-shaped Earth based space vehicle used to release CCN payload above the Earths atmosphere so it can disperse evenly and increase the conductivity of the Ionospheric F-layer which will be blasted by by high power "ionospheric heater" arrays that are based on the ground, such as HAARP, EISCAT etc.

They dump aerosols like this using space vehicles that operate on the electrogravitic propulsion principle (UFO tech) all the time, and whenever it's done too early ie. still in the Sun's view, they call it a rocket test or launch by X, Y or Z. Of course that's only fairy tales for civilians to digest.

scientists going back in time to warn us not to waste our time.


Occam's Razor- of COURSE it's easier to believe in magical space alien UFO technology than a simple satellite rocket launch. The most likely answer most often IS the answer... and in this case, it's magical space alien UFOs.

>so it can disperse evenly and increase the conductivity of the Ionospheric F-layer which will be blasted by by high power "ionospheric heater" arrays


PS they also release payloads of methane gas (for weather control purposes) which then enters the plasmified ionosphere, where the methane undergoes a non-combustive oxidation into carbon diozide and water vapor. The water vapor being created in situ offers the fuel for creating weather systems below. Using the methane release and the following chemical reaction into CO2 and H20 allows the military to create water at altitudes (for weather control purposes) where it would otherwise be difficult to get water from the ground. We're talking really high altitudes.... SPACE.... where chem jets can't travel. Chem jets are only designated for tropospheric aerosol release anyway.

Your tinfoil fedora is on a little tight, sweetie.

Also, what people don't realise about the FUCKING GOD DAMNED SIZE OF THAT PLUME is that it's HUNDREDS OF MILES . WIDE. Civilians have no real concept of the altitude of the phenomenon that they're watching from the ground.

at first i thought he was joking.
then i realized

I think we have a nice one here.

That's not how that works. That's not how any of this works!

I promise I'm not working for Black Helicopters Inc. Can you show me the basement where you live? Just out of curiosity.


Someone please make a pasta out of this. My fucking sides.

There's a shockwave in front of the craft as it's breaking the sound barrier
The exhaust stream behind, lit up by the rocket. Either a plane or rocket

Aerosol-user here....
>breaking the sound barrier
In space, where there is no atmpshere. Brilliant!

Did you get your chemistry degree at Trump University?

It was still in our atmosphere at the time of photo obviously

The sound barrier breaks before it gets to space. Call it a fucking hunch.

Always remember guys, we could be dealing with actual schizophrenics, so be considerate.

Do you have a particular scientific question to ask, since you seem to be confused.

Oh, was it? Are you suggesting that the "rocket" was less than 110KM altitude? You better double check your calculations on the altitude that the sun was still shining at the time.
protip: the sun wasn't shining at a mere 110KM altitude at the time of observation

it's a demon trying to manifest, we are in the end days lads

And how much do you know about light refraction and how it bends over the earths atmosphere? I'd wager not enough to know jack shit about what anything should look like at any height.

>chemistry degree
Read a fucking book if you're that clueless.
Here's a start

Clearly Sir you have access to information I don't have and you show great command of physics. I have a question : what is your estimate of the number of people involved? Clearly such great endeavour must involve a large number of individuals and organisations.

>light refraction and how it bends over the earths atmosphere?
Light refraction through the atmosphere shifts the light to red, does that plume in a clear sky look red-shifted to you, you fucking idiot? Not to mention the refraction happens only at low altitudes such as that seen on the horizon in a sunset. Does that fucking plume look either red shifted from atmospheric refraction OR that it's at a low altitude? Take your kindergarten science and GTFO, idiot. The fact that you thought you pulled an ace just proves how clueless you really are.

Ah ok. So by reading this book we'll come to the conclusion that there is an international conspiracy involving dumping tremendous amounts of chemicals in the atmosphere for climate control purposes?

Id be way more interested in where you're getting the information about the phenomenon in this exact scenario. Posting a link to a textbook doesnt say anything about this, or your credibility.

Ok so we are witnessing publicly a massive plot? Are you a fucking retard or what?

probably the jews.

>So by reading this book we'll
...get a god damned clue

Try it. >Ok so we are witnessing publicly a massive plot?
Wait, you mean this whole basic concept is NEW to you? LOLOLOLOL Oh jesus

Notice how all of the wealthy elites that live in California are on vacation out of state right now. Coincidence???

Well you should clarify right now which nutjob option you're going for. Aliens, weather control, etc. It probably matters, since all you're saying is it doesn't look like what normal rockets do.

Space niggers.

Not aliens, not rocket. Just military, just black ops and classified tech.

They are on holidays because they have money and can actually take holidays you idiot. Do you want to be commuting or banging asses in Bali? Men are too selfish to allow conspiracies to last. Such scheme would involve too many individuals to keep something that big secret.

OH. Well you should have said that in the first place. That's logical, possible, and probable. Its also possible that space x is on that same level of tech and this rocket is much more intense than you realized. Unless you've recently read some rocket engineering textbooks.


I wana point out after the UFO I saw a few days later army base shoot a missile like this into the air

I can only guess its to analyze any traces the craft may have left behind

This is the kind of dumbass who thinks the earth is flat “The earth is flat, if it was round the trail would go straight up. I haven’t even finished high school and I have worked in retail for 30 years but I read about the Illuminati online so it must be true”

Please don’t reproduce.

nvm just double checked its a diff color

No risk. The only things his penis touches are dirty underwears and his rotten Fleshlight.

Literally everyone in the world knows it was a space x rocket launch.... Unless you are one of those retarded cunts that believe all conspiracy theories going and also think the earth is flat. If so, kys.



Its exactly like every other night rocket launch ever seen. Don't be a retard