Dream Interpretation Thread

Dream Interpretation Thread

Haven't done one for a while now but.. Post your dreams and I will interpret them for you to the best of my ability.

Please be patient, it can take a while to get through them all sometimes.

sometimes i dream black people are equal to whites

i think that means you're cheating on your wife

Bump, when I get to my computer I'll post my dream

Maybe you are eginning to reconcile reconcile the two sides of yourself.. The logical, analytical part which you have used to convince your conscious mind that you are indeed inherently superior to a particular subset of human beings, and the intuitive, emotional side of you which knows on a deeper level that we all share some core similarities in our human experience. Or maybe you are just a cunt who shitposts to derail threads and feel edgy.

Was running from a sand avalanche. I was downhill and surrounded by small mountains in a desert. Avalanche starts behind me and i run for my fucking life. Made it up on the next small hill and barely survived. Avalanche passed by me as i watched.
Am I ok user?

The sand could represent small problems in your life which have been piling up around you without you noticing, or that you thought were fine to ignore or put off because they were not big or urgent problems. You may have gotten to a point where they are all collapsing around you and causing greater turmoil than any one would cause on it's own. The desert could indicate a lack of or disconnect from emotional nourishment, or a lack of anything in your life that makes you feel alive and well. The hill could be something that you feel you can rely on to keep you out of harm's way or pull you up out of this avalanche of stress and turmoil. It could be a friend, family, or a passion. But it would likely be something that makes you feel grounded and strong.

I had a dream where I was on a large circular bed, with the most luxurious silk sheets and amazingly soft pillows I've ever felt.I was floating on what felt like a lake, but everything except for the bed was only inky blackness, and reaching over the edge didn't result in me touching anything. The temperature was roughly 60 degrees, pleasantly cool. With me on the bed was a woman, easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She had short green hair (really weird because that's dumb to me normally but I liked it) and we were both fully clothed. The dream consisted of me spooning her and cuddling for roughly 20 minutes, no words exchanged. What do you make of that?

I was on like a platform shooting heart arrows at hermaphrodites, and when the arrows hit them, the body part the arrow hit grew like twice the size, and they started running up the platform and fucking me.
Yes, this is an actual dream I had.
Don't ask, I don't know.

Well I was on my house trying to sleep but I could't, I went to a nearby house with a huge backyard and two trees, then some little girl with a tiger whould walk to me and speak to me, later we whould go to a maintenance room under a house and then we would talk until sleep. Pretty strange, I omited some things but that's pretty much it (no pedo btw)

Very good insight, seems pretty accurate ... Thank you very much!

I am currently sick right now and last night I fell asleep super early, resulting in me falling asleep and waking up multiple times through the night. I vaguely remember my dream being about a society of young children who were either building or trying to dismantle a giant portal like device. Near the end of the dream someone had build a "wall" on the other side and the last thing I heard before waking up was a death threat from kim jong un. Fucking sick days

Honestly that just sounds like your brain enabling you to experience something that you are longing for, maybe subconsciously..
Do you usually have shallow, emotionally unfulfilling sex? Do you secretly dislike your girlfriend? Are you lacking intimacy in your life?


Nearly every one of my dreams is set in some post-apocalyptic dystopian wasteland future. I don't play games of that variety, nor do I watch shows, movies or read books that take place in this setting.
Whether it be underground, some kind of ruined remnant of a civilization, or outside in the bare bones of the wilderness it's nearly always following some sort of humanity eliminating catastrophe.
Any ideas as to what this could be referencing, if anything at all?


I had a dream recently where it was me tied to a chair and little me's were torturing me while I watched but I could feel the torture the me tied to the chair felt. It was wierd amd scary

Never attempt to interpret dreams if you know fuck all about the person dreaming. Dreams are always personal and should never be interpreted by anotherm for example trying to find common symbols.

To add to this, the things that occur in the dreams are rarely similar some examples are running through a crumbling building or hiding from outlaws scavenging through underground ruins. Or sometimes it's simply talking with people I know in real life.
Doesn't matter what the action taking place is, the setting remains the same/similar.
Dunno if that helps your analysis.

I often dream about a blonde girl in a rain jacket and matching rain boots holding a balloon. She's always standing outside in the rain. I'm looking out the window at her, but if I move to go to the door she vanishes before I get there. It's too far away to see her clearly but I don't recognise her.

I dream that my teeth are loose and fall or they just fall. This dream happens with a quite frequence and the scenarios are never the same.

yeah im gay ill get over it

A guitar with no strings.
thats all

I think you have probably been spending too much time looking at traps on Sup Forums.. Sometimes we just have fucked up dreams about shit we are exposed to a lot, especially if we feel conflicted about what we are choosing to consume (media / culture-wise).

Sleeping inside of dreams is always strange. What did the girl remind you of? What did it make you feel when you were with her?

The young children could represent the up-and-coming generation, the kids who have grown up in this connected age and are beginning to see through the power structures which are damaging our planet and evolution as a species. Trying to work on the portal could mean they are trying to destroy or alter the way we as a species relate to / percieve our past, future, or whatever else you think could have been on the other side of that portal. The 'wall' could be the way that the people currently controlling the world are desperately trying to block this evolutionrary progress, because it takes power ot of their hands. Trying to divide to many. The death threat from Kim Jong could be because that tension (and to a lesser degree tensions in the middle East) are the biggest overt threat to our development and may leave us with no Earth to inherit at all. (This one is probably biased because of my own beliefs)

Bitch, don't tell me what to do.
If I'm unsure I ask questions and if I have no idea I say that outright.

Everyone else, obviously only listen to these interpretations if they make sense to you, and disregard anything else.

Sometimes i dream about beating someone up, i usually win giving all i've got but i feel myself too weak, it's like i can feel my punch is not strong enough

(the dream with a girl guy)
Well, I remember it was nice, like someone I know I can talk to. Something like an old secret friend. She was mature for her age and I whould told her my problemes and she whould do the same.

I appreciate your interpreting please continue

I had a dream about Monika, she was happy and told me everything was fine.


I keep having similar dreams where someone attacks my family or friends, or hurts them in some way. And when I try to defend them, no matter how much or hard I punch that someone, it doesn't matter at all. They feel nothing. Am I subconsciously afraid I can't defend my loved ones?

Not sure really, but they are a common setting for dreamscapes. Even if you don't watch these things yorself, you will have surely been exposed to the idea a lot through the recent surge in these themes in popular culture. Do you believe that this kind of catastrophe could / will happen in the future? If so your brain may be preparing you for what you believe will come to pass, similar to how people that are dreading doing a public speech will start to dream about it.

The girl could represent a part of you, or something that you long for or long to be (or a part of your identity could literally be that longing). You are watching this part of yourself from a safe place you have built up in your head. It could be a place where you are emotionally walled off from what you are longing for. You wish you could do something to help nurture this part of yourself, internalise it and integrate it into your personality, but everytime you make an attempt to become what you want to be or claim back that part of yourself, it seems to vanish. You only know it is there because it is missing, but you can't interact with it directly. I don't have any advice, sorry. Maybe just try to leave the door to your heart open more and see if she wanders in by herself.

Teeth falling out dream at their simplest represent low self-esteem or feeling a lack of control about how your are percieved, or being so concerned with being percieved a certain way that you don't allow yourself to be true to who you are and end up being controlled in a different way (by other peoples expectations of you).

I had a dream that I was a doctor at an emergency room. I was presented with a patient with his limbs rotting off his body. He said that he got really sick from a cold but his condition got worse and worse. I could remember seeing how his bones were yellowed out from the sun and you can see his skin peel from the dark squishy meat that was his muscle. I was both horrified and intrigued of his condition and made it my mission to help him.

Hours later, I was dumbfounded to see my patient was completely back to normal. He can move his arms now and his skin is back to where it belongs. He shrugged it off like it was a bad hangover but I doubt that any miracle was behind this.

I later visited the rehab center, where our patients exercise in the pool. I saw that man again, walking barefooted towards the pool. That's when I realized, this man doesn't have a disease. He is the disease. He leans over into the pool and stuck his finger into his throat and threw up into the water. The entire pool turned green and the patients in the water screamed in pain as they became infected. I watch helplessly as I see those poor people, working hard to better themselves, suddenly melted and churn into a literal cesspool of human filth and gore.

I woke up with a terrible twitch and wondered why I'm not a serial killer yet.

>I was with my boyfriend in a city I didn't know, with people I didn't know.
>Out of nowhere this homeless lady starts chasing us with a knife.
>We get in a car and start driving.
>A bunch of homeless people are now chasing after us on foot and they run faster than the car.
>My boyfriend loses control of the car and it flips.
>He's unconscious, I manage to get out of the car and start asking for help.
>No one helps.
>At that point, the hobos are just gone.
>I see an ambulance parked not very far away from me.
>I tell the paramedics there has been an accident and my boyfriend needs help.
>We drive to the crash. He's not breathing. >They put my boyfriend in the ambulance.
>I'm left in the street by myself.
>The sun rises and out of nowhere my boyfriend appears in a tuxedo.
>I ask him if he is okay.
>He asks me to marry him.
>I tell him of course, but I needed to know what happened, that I thought he was dead.
>He told me doctors managed to reanimate him, but had to amputate his penis.
>Oh my god.
>So where do you want to get married?
>I'm sorry, but I can't marry you if you don't have a penis.
>He starts crying.
>I wake up.
>I see him sleeping beside me.
>I feel like an asshole.

ive had this same dream a million times, im dreaming that im sleeping, i wake up (in the dream) sweating SUPER fucking hard, i get up (still in the dream) and notice there's a giant wet stain from the sweat and i think "oh fuck someone might think this is piss" after i notice the wet stain I always wake up (for real)

I have the same dream basically every night: I'm looking for a beach, I find a beach, but it isn't the beach I'm looking for. There's always tornadoes and planes crashing above me as I walk the roads looking for that beach.

When I was a chid I used to dream EVERY night about my mother's face spinning with a diabolic expression and an infernal music in the background

I really don't know sorry, apart from maybe if this girl in your dream was younger you should seek guidance from a more innocent, childlike part of yourself. Kids have an intuitive understanding of emotional dynamics and I think we all retain that ability, but it gets buried under layers of social conditioning and how we are told to world works. Try to have conversations with that part of yourself and get it's advice from time-to-time. Sorry, this one is quitre strange. If you want to try to interpret your dreams yourself, think about what these things (the tiger, the maintenance room etc) represent to you metaphorically, what they made you feel in the dream, and how you segwayed into different setting s in the dream. It could be that one aspect of your dream unlocked a new feeling or mode of thinking, and allowed the dream to progress to somewhere with new symbols. Look at the whole thing as a series of metaphors with a plot.

That sounds nice :)

Yeah, it could be that you feel powerless against the things that threaten your loved ones. It may not be physical threats though, it could be feeling powerless or ill-equipped to help them feel better when they are upset, help them solve problems in their life etc. It could represent mental or emotional harm, not just physical violence.

Sounds pretty funny actually

this dream was a while ago, but ill try my best.
i was a little girl in a while dress, swimming in the ocean. a shark approached me, but i did not fear it. i tried to punch it in the nose but it ended up biting my right arm off. i went to the rocks to collect myself and saw a pomegranate lying on the ground. i remember thinking "i have to bring this pomegranate to the queen". then i woke up.

Bump, thanks for doing this OP.

I always dream of getting into a car crash, or getting a speeding ticket.

I know its because my insurance rates are extremely high, and I know if I get into any trouble it will skyrocket, and my quality of life will be ruined forever.

I'm the losing teeth guy and this is so true about me. But, is also true for like 90% of the people here. So i don't know.

In a fight and no matter how much i punch they just laugh at me. i do no damage and they just call me weak. i never back down in any of these fights though and they never fight back

The ocean water is black and poisonous. The sky is dark. There's lightning coming from the water as well as the sky. I keep running. I find someone I don't know in real life, but in my dream I know they are my friend. I tell him to help me out and he tells me he can't because I'm dead. He keeps repeating that over and over again, grabing me by the shoulder and shaking me. Don't you know you are dead? I wake up.

It creeped me out to be honest.

Hmm that makes sense. I guess I do kind of get a sense of impending doom with all the fucked up shit going on in the world. Thanks.

Sorry I missed you. You feel you have the instruments or tools you need to do what you need to do, but that part of you is broken in some way. A crucial piece of the puzzle in missing. Sorry it's vague, you didn't give me much to go on.

There may be someone in your life who you have realised on a subconscious level is toxic to everyone around them, and is covertly damaging relationships of making people unwell (mentally / emotionally). The could be talented manipulators, evidenced by the person first coming to you and presenting as sick and pandering to your sympathy and sense of duty (as a doctor in the dream, but maybe as a person who just genuinely wants to help people in real life). The rehab centre is a place where people who have been sick and are in a delicate state go to finish their healing under supervision from people who's job it is to care. They are vulnerable, but generally desire and commit to getting well. To me it feels like this diease-man represents a literal person in your life who you are wary or unsure of, who up until recently you thought needed help (and were willing to give it) but you are now realising is a complete fucking psychopath who will to their best to drag other people down with them. I'm not sure what it could represent on a metaphorical level, but maybe you have a clearer idea than me.

I have to go soon, I will not be able to reply to any more dreams that are posted after this post. But I'll try to get the ones that are already up done in time.

This dream means that you are afraid to someting happens to you because your insurance rates are extremely high, and you know if you get into any trouble it will skyrocket, and your quality of life will be ruined forever.

That's really depressing.
Thank you.


I think you're right
I had this dream when this old co-worker of mine used to come to me for friendship. he was only there for only a couple of months and he doesn't work or clean, he just comes to me to throw shade about the other employees. I kept consoling him, nut eventually he was fired for cursing out the manager in front of people.

he left a major impact since then. My old friends quit because of him. Me, the manager, and this one girl are what's left of the original night crew.

I dream about flying often. like no wings or anything I just fly and it is awesome..especially when I rocket straight up very fast oh what a feeling. but it ends quickly and I hover around a bit and then I can't do it. but while it lasts it is great and I am likle yeah I can fly from now on I have this to fall back on when I am depressed.

The homeless people could represent what you see as a lack of commitment that your boyfriend has to shaping up his life, sorting his shit out, and generally being an adult. After a while this catches up with him and causes him to lose control of the direction your shared lives (relationship) is going in. He is unable to keep your relationship on track, on the road to a brighter future. You feel like you are the only one concerned about this, and maybe his family and friends, or anyone else in his life (ambulance) just think everything is going to be fine. Just when shit completely hits the fan, your boyfriend is bailed out by friends or family (perhaps he has had to borrow money to pay bills or something, perhaps he can't care for you emotionally). This inability to provide for you the things you need destroys your perception and faith in his masculinity (lost his penis) and you can't be with someone who you don't see as a strong man, able to provide for you.

What are your credentials? Are you a psychoanalyst, psychologist...?

Whoa, what the fuck. This actually makes a lot of sense. Was not expecting this response at all.
Thanks, OP!

Lol idk man.. That just sounds like you're scared of pissing the bed cause people might laugh at you.. For pissing the bed..

Honestly no idea. Have you had some kind of childhood trauma where someone mocked you for pissing the bed?

It sounds like you are searching for something in your life that you just can't seem to find. You find things tht are similar, but not quite right. You feel like there will always be danger and chaos in your life unitl you can find this one 'beach' you are looking for.. It sounds like a sad way to live. How do you know what the 'beach' is supposed to look like? How will you know when you are there?

Did you have issues with your mom, growing up? Sounds like you just thought she was a big fat meanie or something.



Me and group of friends in future world where we can only live and go in certain places. Parents own a farm factory thingy in Wisconsin, which they move to Maine eventually. There are insects which roam the restricted areas. We hike into the restricted areas and get to a lookout point after much hiking, avoiding many alligators in water. We all sit down on the dirt and lookout at the majestic landscape. We see these colorful animals that look like Ostriches but are 20 feet tall in the distance... Then suddenly an animal that moves like an octopus but is a carpet type thingy is spotted and it attacks us. If we feed it then it gives us weapons to defeat it. So we all run away and as we run I come across some food and throw it into its mouth, it spits out a weapon which is a packet of some blue goo which I feed it, thus making the animal docile. After this faded we kept running from it and kept making it docile till we returned to the entrance where we were safe. All the while there is a supermassive creature which in the past descended into the depths of the ocean.

It sank to the bottom for many years but finally resurfaced to feast. It eats many creatures, so animals had to adapt by becoming smaller since it always ate the same # of animals, regardless of their size. Its tentacles could reach out of the ocean and reach anywhere in the world and pull the prey to his giant mouth.

>pic related is sketch of monster

can i get a reading on mine its bugged me for a while man

its this one


We wanna throw sick party so we ask around. ben has a billionaire uncle who has a mansion. it has courtyard and massive bathroom with big flowing fountain u piss in. Me and several others including Michael Motoki all sleep over their one night. we get super high and people want to party. We buy a new vape and then we find a machine which makes u super high apparently. I get into the machine and like im back im reality. I go to piss in the fountain but then touring students enter the room and I have to start pissing so I leave and go complain to Ben and Riu. Then I am back in the basement of the house. The machine has put me in a COD simulation, im going around shooting people and shit and its exciting. Then suddenly zombie things appear and I kill them effectively. then randomly a purple rift opens and I am sucked in. Charlie is in my head and I ask him which path to take since i have a left and right option as im slowly pushed through the gooey, slimey place. I go left, enter another dream and battle. then after that i ask where to go and as i go right, another path left grows so i back up and go left. After several rounds of this never-ending shit I finally hear one blubbery path flap and it sounded like “fl-fla-fla-flatulation” so i went there and got pooped out back into reality. im in driveway with friends around and im cover in goo with CFC (weed smoking device), wallet, keys, and student ID (Wiscard). They all tell me Michael was gonna watch me but he was inside so he basically lied. they all waited and then we set off to dinner!

Never looked at traps a day in my life.
Because I'm not gay.
A hermaphrodite is different from a trap.
Look it up.

I love dream psychology.
I'm high right now but I had a dream about my crush at this career technical center and I barely see her but I think she is just the cutest thing in the world. I was flirting with her and then I went out and talked about her and I realized I had to go after her so I ran back to get her number but I ran into this girl that got super close to me to the point she wanted me to be her first real boyfriend, she was really pretty, but she hasn't talked to me and the last time we talked we were all up on each other hugging and telling each other we love each other. I ran into her when I went to go find the girl I had a crush on from the career technical center. And then it was awkward and I woke up

>How do you know what the 'beach' is supposed to look like? How will you know when you are there?

That's the thing. It's a place I've been before when I was a child. My childhood was terrible, so I wouldn't think I'm looking for anything related to that. I spend most of the dream walking up roads in hills, there's always a traffic jam, because all the drivers are going to the beach. Not that beach, specifically, but to a beach. I stop by every beach on the way and no beach is the beach that I need to go to, so I just keep walking that road and those hills, still looking for that beach. The thing is, the hurricanes on the road don't scare me, but the plane crashes do. The threats are always on the road, rather then on the beach, even if it's the wrong one. The weather is always nice at the beaches I stop by, everything is calm, it just isn't the beach I'm looking for, so I leave and keep walking that road looking for that one beach.

was in a car with my mother and her partner driving down a road in a semi industrial / warehouse area, it was pretty empty, no other cars in sight

all of a sudden I see choppers circling overhead, then they fly off into the distance, then a couple of jets fly overhead, then two more, jets start firing at something, can't see what

then all of a sudden a massive craft of some kind comes booming down through the atmosphere and crashes, I actually feel and hear the explosion when it lands / crashes, but nothing happened where I live, no loud noises, no quakes, no nothing

Water in general usually concerns emotions or the subconscious. The ocean is emotion that has the capacity to completely swallow us. It is so much more powerful than us. It seems like maybe you failed to fear something in your inner emotional world (or something external) that was a very real danger to you. You thought you could handle it (punching the nose) but it ended up hurting you, and you lost a part of yourself. I'm not sure about the pomegranite, you have to think about what that means to you, but I think the queen could represent either your higher self, the part of yourself that you value the most, or just your own self-worth in general, or it could be the better part of whoever it was that hurt you, the part you were trying to save when you allowed yoruself to be hurt.

He's right actually, this is just your fears in life manifesting in a dream.

You feel undervalued, as though no-one believes in you. You want to be seen as a threat as that would make you feel strong and / or powerful, but people shrug you off and disregard you.

I've just always had a deep interest in dreams. Spent years interpreting my own and having my friends tell me about theirs, then friends started asking me to interpret their dreams, then I started making these threads.

Not sure im into dream interpretation but youll have fun with this one.

It was my 30th birthday and i threw a house jam. I fell asleep second. I was in between sleep and consciousness. Happens on occasion and i tend to have lucid dreams st this point.

I opened my eyes and could hear my friends still awake downstairs on the back porch chatting. I stood up out of bed and something felt wrong. I turned back and saw my body still in bed. The air was thick like water, i could feel it. I felt compared to check on everyone.

I walked down the hall to the guest room where one of my friends was already asleep. I looked through the open door. All the furniture was gone except for a reclining chair (i dont own). She was sleeping soundly on it, seemingly quite comfortably and peacefully, except she was wrapped neck down like a mummy and blindfolded.

The window to the backyard was on the wrong side of the wall, it was horizontally mirrored..

I went downstairs and out the back to where my friends and wife were. I could hear them but i couldn't see them. There voice volume was loud but the words were muffled (as though i was actually hearing them from.bed. where my body still was.

But the outside was a hellish environment, like lovecraft. A thick ominous fog was all around the house. I couldnt see passed my deck. In the distance there was a low, slowly tolling bell. And i could hear creatures in the distance. They made skittery chirping noises and i could tell by sound they were running all.about too and fro.

They were getting closer. A red glow began to creep through the fog.

"I should return" i thought surprisingly calmly.

I walked back inside where a deep red glow began to permeate the inside of the house. I returned to my room and to my body and lay back inside of it.

I awoke with a deep gasp. Im kind of used to dreams like this honestly. Just kinda thought "neat" then went into an actual, dreamless deep sleep.

was in my bedroom with my mother, looking out of my window, have a view of the horizon from my bedroom, on the top floor of my block of apartments.

noticed something in the background, a speck gradually getting larger, pointed at it and asked my mother what it was, she said she didn't know

it gradually got bigger and bigger, I started to feel uneasy

I couldn't move, eventually I figured it looked like it was getting closer, not bigger, as if it was moving towards me at high speed

the speck was no longer a spec, it was a large orb, about as big as a car roughly

the orb didn't stop whatsoever, it flew straight through my bedroom, through me, I felt the impact, but nothing in my bedroom was damaged, I passed out, my mother panicked, I felt like I was going to die

I woke up

>It's a place I've been before when I was a child.
Let me note the beach doesn't exist. It doesn't have a name. It's a memory and a feeling. It's a beach I can't remember but I know it exists. I don't remember much of what it looks like, but when I get to the wrong beaches, I know they are not the right beach because I don't **feel** that they are.

The thing is I also have a lover who I honestly think is my soul partner, who is so part of me and is the best partner for me, but I have interest with those other two in my previous post

>You feel undervalued, as though no-one believes in you. You want to be seen as a threat as that would make you feel strong and / or powerful, but people shrug you off and disregard you.
fuck, man.

used to live in a small apartment with my mother where my bedroom was right next to the livingroom / lounge. the sofa in the lounge was up against the wall facing my bedroom so my mum could easily hear what I was doing in my bedroom of a night, y'know, if I was meant to be sleeping but was playing with toys or something instead

this one evening I was supposed to be asleep but my mum could hear talking, she told me numerous times to get to sleep but to no avail, she eventually came into my room to check on me only to find I was sat up on the edge of my bed, in a trance

she asked me what was wrong, what was I doing

my response

"there's a man in all black stood by my door"

I remember seeing a human figure shaped shadow stood behind my mother, when I told her she turned around and looked and it disappeared

i had a dream my wife and i were driving downtown in the car and my favorite song was playing but the song is about living your life hidden and she got out of the car and i was going to follow her but i noticed she left the keys in the car so then i was helping her put keys on the key ring, her face was also blurry which is unusual

If you even the slightest knowledge of the brains temporal lobes you’d know that dreams mean fuck all, anyone that tries to tell you different is talking shit or trying to sell you books on interpretation etc.

Ugh that's freaky but it sounds really interesting. If I had to hazard a guess, I might say that you feel like a lot of your life is shit, and everything around you is toxic and dangerous. You are running and running, trying to get away from all the shit in your life but everywhere you look, everything's fucked. The friends in your dream could represent all of your friends in real life lumped together as one entity, and maybe you feel like they are giving up on you entirely. That said, it only represents your perception of your friends, not how they actually feel.

This really is a huge guess and I don't feel very confident in this interpretation.

Flying dreams are awesome, and can be a good way to naturally lucid dream. Congratz on the fun, not-dark-and-twisted dreams!

It was actually terryfing

Maybe you are searching for something you feel you missed out on in childhood, or you had very limited experience of and then you never got to have that kind of experience again, and you miss it and didn't feel like you got enough. I'm not sure what that might be, but when you said it was more of a feeling that is what came to mind. You feel cheated out of a happy childhood which you only got a very brief taste of. Try to move on user :(

i laughed that sounds like my everyday hallucinations

I once had a dream a person I knew died and the next day, they actually did. They weren't sick, they were healthy and they drowned. No way I could have known that before hand. I dreamt I was at their funeral, the next day they are dead and about 10 hours later I'm in their funeral. Explain that, science man.

Will try to make it short since thread is getting flooded.

I have a recurring dream where i am consistently trying to defend a love one, swallowing the fear and fighting to save them from a physical threat e.g. fight in a street. However i always seem to lose, like any resistance i put up does nothing and i have to watch my loved one get hurt. All the anger i have feels like it can never protect.

Your thoughts? If this type of dream has been said earlier, apologies.

moved into my own place a few years back, had been living here for roughly six months. lived alone.

this one evening in particular I got into bed, woke up a few hours later, but I couldn't move. I was half asleep but half awake.

I heard footsteps walking up the stairs outside my apartment, someone was inside the building.

I figure it was Dave the taxi driver who lives next door as he works weird hours sometimes, but no, I would've heard his front door go.

instead, I heard my front door open.

then i heard slow footsteps in my hallway, at this point I was absolutely shitting myself, trying to move. the footsteps stopped outside my bedroom door. "what the fuck is going on" I thought "is someone in my flat, like legit???"

no more noise after that, something worse.

I suddenly felt the weight shift in my bed. as in someone got into bed with me. what's worse is that my back was facing my bedroom door so I had no visibility in that direction at all.

I started getting this sickly feeling, that the life was being drained from me. I felt like I was going to die.

I woke up with the worst cough and sore throat I'd ever had. I had them both for about two months.

mother told me it was "parasite", something spiritual

I remember visualising a snake for some reason.

I have insanely normal lucid dreams every night. It's really fun.

OP here. I have to go now. Sorry if I didn't get to your dream.. I will try to do these threads more often now that I know people are still into it.

Thanks everybody.
Happy holidays!

keep having a dream about being on a small rowboat in the middle of the ocean its dark and the weather differs each time i have it a giant eyeless sea serpent/monster approaches under my boat its mouth opens revealing thousands of needle like teeth it swims up to swallow my boat whole

thanks Prof OP PHD in Dream Interpretation and Internet realization

Lately ive been having dreams were a attractive woman would invite me over but i never make it over there. Most of the time i end up in jail somehow. Also my teeth really hurt in my dreams i feel like theyre closing together so much they might break, often times they do break if you can explain why my dreams are often this id really appreciate it.

Thanks, OP!

I'm in a house that I used to live in.
I'm walking down a flight of stairs, looking at a massive dead bonsai tree with white bark, cast in the moonlight.
The tree is crawling with scorpions and cockroaches. They're making a very loud storm hissing and clicking.
A man appears at the top of the stairs, a little ways behind me. He's dressed in all black, with a black leather mask on, carrying a huge karambit. Pic related. He has no eye holes in the mask, just a gash for the mouth, and an empty void underneath.
He starts dancing, but not very energetically. Long, languid strides that take him closer to me, bit by bit.
I take off running through the darkened house. Every corner I pass by he's right behind, taking swipes at me.
He tackles me, and slits me open from throat to groin.
I wake up gasping.

What the hell did all that mean?

i've been dreaming with a friend from elementary school for the past days, i have not seen her in like 8 years or 9, im 20 now, i don't know why she keeps coming, i mean, i liked her, we were friends, but it wasnt that much of a big deal of a relationship

Just wanted to let everyone here know that our dreams are recycled.
Might help with the process. :)

Im in my hometown but theres trash everywhere, evetything is ghetto af. Lots of cute girls and nice bros that i do cool shit with. Things are always breaking mostly wood. My city has multiple areas in it from past states ive lived in.

I always had a normal relationship with my mum so i have always been intrigued about this dream

I've seen myself, family, friends, and others brutality mutilated not to mentioned deformed and killed before in dreams. I have spent years within sub-spaces of seemingly endless horror to only be awakened. I've witnessed my own death and the astral destruction of our world. But within the emptiness of death, we will all find comfort. I like to know someday you will glide along the peripheral cosmos, comfy without hardships. Also I really don't like Indians for some reason.

I have dreams where I feel pain, i'm drunk/high, and dreams where I live whole lives. I've had a dream that I was a soldier of some religious galatic empire that was battling a virus that threatened to destroy millenia of progress, I've climbed trees as tall as mountains for a ceremony of life as part of a race that was completely in harmony with their world. I have also had a dream that I pulled the pin on a grenade and held it in my hand as it went off, experiencing the pain of a shattered body until I passed out from the pain and woke up in my bed.