An Iraqi asylum seeker in Britain allegedly tried to join ISIS after six months because he did not like living in...

>An Iraqi asylum seeker in Britain allegedly tried to join ISIS after six months because he did not like living in Sheffield, a court has heard.

>Shivan Hayder Azeez Zanagana, 20, known as Aziz, lived with his brother in South Yorkshire between November 2015 and May this year, when he was arrested.

>Aziz is said to have become homesick and missed his mother and siblings.

>Aziz, who appeared at Westminster magistrates court on Friday, left Iraq after being injured in a car bomb explosion and entered the UK illegally in September, having travelled via Italy.

Have a heart for this poor victim who has fled violence and persecution and only wants to be somewhere safe.

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So sad

>having travelled via Italy.
I was just listening to this; It roughly says this in the quite degenerate but great 'song' I listen to lose some anger. :
"whorefucker I simply had it, die with a cancertumor in your asshole."
Fits this quite nice, and it's a 'song' I would love to put on while removing kebab. Terror music and heavy hardcore is what we should be blasting when we should execute fucks like this iraqi rat.

>living in Sheffield

i'd join ISIS too to be honest

I like these

If the terrorists kill you, you win

What the hell is wrong with these people?
>get blown up by ISIS
>could legitimately get into europe as a refugee
>sneak in anyway
>regret it and want to go home
>somehow this makes joining ISIS a good idea

because they're not telling the truth.

That's what I was wondering to. This fucker was almost killed by a terrorist, but then decides he wants to be one? Wtf??


I kind of don't blame him. I wouldn't want to live in Britain either.


the white power system claims another victim

Living in Sheffield does that to people.

Even if America went 100% Mexican, it still wouldn't be Britain.

You are literally THE WORST of the first world nations. Even Sweden is less cucked.

Zyzz lives on

Not enough schools and movie theatres for you to shoot up?

Hey now. There's a lot of shit in this country I don't agree with like gun proliferation and fetishism, but at least we're not actually, literally living out George Orwell's warnings of what not to do. Mostly, anyway. Don't get me wrong, we're all fucked. But you guys are the canary in the coal mine. You fell earlier and much harder than anyone else.

>A single Landlord makes Britain bad

>Even if America went 100% Mexican, it still wouldn't be Britain.

You're right, it'd be Mexico.



I can sort of see where he's coming from.

63% is alot different when you live in a place larger than the continent of europe, let alone a tiny ass island full of butter toothed brits.

>Implying stories like this don't happen every single day in Britain
Britain, you're the Florida Man of countries.

Si, SeƱor Jarabe de Arce.

Lel all these people supporting the terrorist. Poor Britain.

I'm not really supporting him, it's just that I would probably turn into allahu snackbar as well if I had to live in Sheffield for more than a weekend.

LITERALLY pic related - the story

Hey was preyed on by brit moslems too pussy to do anything.

European moslems are the most dangerous because they grew up in a free society that allows them to do whatever the fuck they like without significant recourse because they are a somewhat protected species.

He misses all the raunchy goat sex i reckon.

Let me rephrase: "All these people agreeing with him fleeing the UK to join ISIS". And I don't blame him either. It's pretty much a guarantee he'd have more freedoms with ISIS than in Oceania.

march him into the sea when his sentence is over.

he hates the place so much he can leave by swimming somewhere that will accept his retardedness.

>Shivan Hayder Azeez Zanagana, 20, known as Aziz,

Comedy gold from Finland.
Too bad that the actors' wish was that these are not to be shown on TV anymore, as it would offend some people. And cause radicalization.