You faggots will argue about anything

You faggots will argue about anything.

That's bullshit, we will not.
You're a tard for even thinking that.

Obviously round because it's more natural. I dare anyone to challenge me

yeah. because bread grows in the wild. don't want any of that "processed" bread...

fuck you, OP...we'll argue about everything


round bread distributes pressure more evenly, so it's tougher when biting into it. might knock out some of your teeth. square bread is much more saferer

The round looks like flour, yeast, and water. The square looks like the shit your mom makes sandwiches for you with

fagggot. go back to russia and kill yourself you Trump supporter

I think we can all agree that OP is a faggot.

irrefutable truth.


OP here, can confirm, I am a huge faggot.

In the end it all depends on whatever you're putting on it. I hate it when I have circular pieces of meat not covering the corners. The same goes for rectangular slices of cheese on a rounded piece of bread.

Source: daily bread eater

Source: fat fuck

Square Bread is more optimal, more bread per batch. Fuck you and your round bread

I know your favorite is faguette

There is no argument, round is obviously superior. The only way anybody would say otherwise is out of being jealous of people who have round bread because they can only afford or access disgusting square bread, therefore their arguments are invalid.


You mean cylindrical and rectangular. Or at least close to it. Fuck tard.

When you want a sammich made out of ham and cheese, I'll go for the square bread.

square bread is much easier to stack for long term storage. round bread just means you like putting round things in your mouth. if you like round bread, you're subconsciously gay.

Okay but round bread TASTES better yaknow? Like straight out of the oven bread is delicious.

Who cares user, when I want a sammich, I'll for the cube one.

Before or after you try to suck your own dick?

Vad fan sa du bara om dig, din lilla tik? Jag kommer att få veta att jag tog examen i min klass i Navy Seals, och jag har varit involverad i många hemliga övergrepp mot Al-Quaeda och jag har över 300 bekräftade dödar. Jag är utbildad i gorillakrig och jag är toppen sniper i hela USA: s väpnade styrkor. Du är inget för mig men bara ett annat mål. Jag kommer att torka dig ut med precision som som aldrig tidigare sett på denna jord, markera mina jävla ord. Tror du att du kan komma undan med att säga det till mig över Internet? Tänk igen, fucker. När vi talar kontaktar jag mitt hemliga nätverk av spioner över hela USA och din IP spåras nu så att du bättre förbereder dig för stormen, maggot. Stormen som torkar ut den patetiska lilla sak du kallar ditt liv. Du är jävla död, barn. Jag kan vara var som helst, när som helst, och jag kan döda dig på över sju hundra sätt, och det är bara med mina nakna händer. Inte bara är jag utbildad i obevakad kamp, men jag har tillgång till hela arsenalen i United States Marine Corps, och jag kommer att använda den i sin fulla utsträckning för att torka din elaka rumpa från kontinenten, din lilla skit. Om du bara hade kunnat veta vilken ohälsad retribution som din lilla "kloka" kommentar skulle ge dig, kanske du skulle ha hållit din jävla tunga. Men du kunde inte, det gjorde du inte, och nu betalar du priset, du jävla idiot. Jag kommer att skita raseri över dig och du kommer att drunkna i den. Du är jävla död, kiddo.

You probably like round bread. I hope you kill your self.

What the fuck you said about me you little bitch, as you know I graduated from the top class of Navy Seals, with shit ton of confirmed kills Kiddo!

he probably voted for Trump

Selection of wise men

I can't suck my own dick, I don't do Yoga, as OP nigger.

The only bread you need, OP.

round bread cause no corners faggots

Retard. Shape of the loaf doesn't affect end quantity, only dough input affects this you limp-dicked, corner-loving, 90 degree having mongoloid

Oh fuck off, take your naturalistic fallacies somewhere else.You round-fags make me sick. Probably use radians in conversation instead of degrees so you can explain exactly why you believe they're 'better' you circle jerking piece of human garbage.

I posit a new and improved bread shape. Pic related.

That depends, are we talking about hamburger buns and crackers here? Or just like french bread?

He who comes to me shall not hunger.
He who believes in me shall not thirst.

Square bread is for toasts, so it's more thin and untasty. Round is made for eating it raw, so it's tasty.

good luck cooking a FUCKING TRIANGLE evenly asshole

oh wait, you burnt your tips and your center is soggy? fuck you and your low IQ triangles, suck my ass TRI-CUCK, i bet you cant even roll, nope just mold that shit like a fucking kindergarten retard

Fucking roundfags fuck off. Square is more efficient for putting in toasters and making sandwiches since cheese also comes in square blocks. Round bread is statistically inferior.

The yeast partials in the round bread make for a more chewy dough, while the square bread makes for a more airy dough. Bigger holes in the middle of the square dough.
>Round dough is less airy therefore more concentrated flavour, thus being superior in every way.

Since a fucking crescent is efficient. Accept the Lord and savior of bread shapes. Choose square bread.

square is for fat amerifat to make fat greasy sandwiches to school with bacon cheese and ham, fucking fat pigs

Here helped your retarded brain out


Because I live in a 1st world country.

you dumb fucking nigger, say the square lenght is x and lenght is L. volume of your dumb ass cubicle bread is x^2*L
meanwhile if you add curvatures at the sides, adding half circle to each side, your volume will grow with pi*(x/2)^2*L, which is more than enough bread to shove it up your mouth so you no longer spew all the ignorant bullshit


I'm an african gimme food

Round bread is the only bread, you dense motherfucker.