Two popular suburban teens decided to go steal some shit from some old man’s house (which has been ransacked a couple...

Two popular suburban teens decided to go steal some shit from some old man’s house (which has been ransacked a couple times alrighty). Both of them ended up getting killed by the old man when they thought no one’s home. Old man ends up getting charged with murder and sentenced to life with no parole.

What do you think Sup Forums? Is it the old man or the two teens fault?

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While stealing shit out of an old mans home, killing some teenagers in cold blood is much worse, he should have just called the police, scare them away with his scary gun and provide a description of the burglars to the police.

What I wanted to say is
*while stealing shit out of an old mans home is terrible*

The old man should get a cash prize

obviously the police can't do shit without proof so he got tired of it.they won't tell you the police botch 99% of every task they're presented with

he recorded it and taunted them while they were dying. i think he was in the right but he got a bit creepy about it. doubt he would've got in trouble if it wasn't for that.
shit video but first one i clicked on


The second you enter someone's house uninvited and with ill intent you forfeit your right to live

They broke in his house. At that point he can do whatever he needs to to protect himself. He shouldn't be punished for their poor life choices

He shouldn't have killed them, just threaten to and proceed to rape the girl 5 times

I agree with you, had he not recorded anything it wouldnt have been any sort of issue.

I remember he called the police and they didn’t do any thing then set up a hidden camera that recorded the conversation and it as pretty fucked up

What if the teens were minorities?

Having been through a similar situation I was later convicted of assault (6 month suspended sentence)

2 people broke into my house looking for car keys
Woke up, went downstairs with golf club
1 ran
hit the other one in the knee with 6 iron. He fell and I punched him on the back of the head and knocked him out.
Phoned the police who came out 5 mins later to arrest him.
I admitted to the golf club attack and the punching and subduing of intruder and was also voluntarily arrested.

The judge ruled that I would have been within my right (in the UK) to protect myself using force only on 2 conditions

1. Did the intruders have a weapon (and instigate an assault on me)
2. Did the intruders come upstairs (if they did they are fair game)

Because I went downstairs and assaulted 1, I was charged, but the suspended sentence means fuck all - just I cannot be convicted of another crime within 6 months else ill have to serve 6-12months in jail

the criminal justice system is shit to be honest.

In the UK
In american states with castle doctrine you can shoot an unarmed burglar in the back even if hes trying to escape as long s its inside your house. this guy got busted becuse he hid his car down the street and pretend not to be home to lure them in, and didnt report it immediately

Thats fucked. Try any shit in Florida and you kill them and no one bats an eye. Applause all around.

I'm sorry the laws in the UK are not written to protect property owners. That never should have happened to you. Glad you made it out ok.

>Two popular suburban teens
The only reason he is doing any time but at least they won't fucking steal again. Imagine their surprise. Hahahahaha


The two teens fault.

That's in Eurocuck though, in the US they are more laxist.

How is this situation any different from when police use bait cars or prostitution stings?

win/win/win situation. two little stealy sociopaths get killed, and a crazy worthless old sack of shit goes to prison.

guns DO solve problems!

You misspelled im mentally retarded again

literally only difference is hes not a cop, I sure as fuck wouldnt have found guilty

holy shit I wasn't against him until he started to just whisper creepy shit into his recorder. wtf is with this guy? "I refuse to live in fear" "I'm not a bleeding heart liberal" "I felt like I was cleaning up a mess"
Should have just called the cops after shooting them and turned the damn thing off.


so after repeated forced entry the police still haven't caught on? really?


That's the problem, h>
e went beyond what he had to do to protect himself. Once you have incapacitated someone you don't have the right to execute them. They may bleed out or die on the spot but you cannot execute someone under any circumstances. Even the planning wasn't a crime, It's not illegal to park your car down the street and it's not illegal to wait for intruders. Those actions aren't a crime but they speak to his premeditated intentions which are followed by his actions which clearly cross the line of self defense into murder.

Wtf I thought you can shoot dead trespassers

if some teenage scum brake into my house i shot em and piss in bullet holes

you can, just don't be weird about it

You can subdue intruders and one way to do that is a gun. They may die in the process of being subdued by a gun but you can't execute them.

>in the UK
Absolutely disregarded.
The sun has long since set on your empire, bonglad.

Thats bullshit. They broke into his house and he ended them. It was well deserved.

If they were black nobody would be bitching. A crook is a crook, no matter skin color.

Also, show the news story?

>based Florida
Fuck I hate how hot it gets here, but there aren't many better states for defending oneself or another person.

Heres th real vid

Why the fucks there is only sound. Request some real videos of killing people with gun like that.

do not click

i dont have to watch your dumb vid

is was just a audio recording, not a camera

It's their fault they shouldn't have gone in there. The old man shouldn't be in jail. Funny thing is if these kids were black the old man wouldn't have gone to jail.

Only in the uk

Legal analysts have stated that the initial shootings most likely would have been justified under Minnesota's Castle law, but that the subsequent shots were not justified once any threat had been removed.[17] Sheriff Wetzel said that the law "doesn't permit you to execute somebody once a threat is gone."[7] Hamline University School of Law professor Joseph Olson: "I think the first shot is justified. After the person is no longer a threat because they're seriously wounded, the application of self-defense is over."[6]

On November 22, 2012, Kifer and Brady broke into Smith's home. Video surveillance captured the teens casing the property prior to the break-in.[10] By his own account to police, Smith was in the basement when he shot Brady twice at the top of the basement stairs, and once in the face fatally after he fell to the bottom of the stairs. Minutes later when Kifer entered the basement, he shot her at the top of the stairs. Wounded, she fell down the stairs, and after Smith's rifle jammed, he shot her multiple times in the chest with a 22-caliber revolver, dragged her across the floor to set her beside the body of her cousin, and then shot her fatally under the chin.[1] Smith then waited until Friday to have a neighbor call police, saying that he did not want to bother law enforcement on Thanksgiving.[1] Audio and video of the events were recorded by Smith's security system. [11][12]

Here in Texas, we have Castle Law. You can legally shoot anyone who breaks into your house whether they're armed or not.

Its weird that the hottest, angriest areas are obsessed with "defending themselves"

It's almost like the climate encourages pointless aggressive behavior.

Still did nothing wrong

old story. I was with the dude whose house they broke into until I heard the recordings he made

Here’s the thing. Perception is everything. To the old guy, it was him versus the shitty fucked up map we all spawned in. Blame media, that makes stealing, and snorting cocaine out to be all fun and adrenaline. Topkek. Blame the parents. Work is not parenting. Money is not values, and a phone, is not being actively aware if what your kids are doing. This everyone be nice BS, is getting us all grifted for our logic.

Pretty and nice(or handsome and polite), is also now code, for possible unchecked borderline personality. Because TV made it cool. Protected by angry dudes usually. Males by a rabid Mom usually. It’s Mothers day every day in the US. Who else can help you get away with anything? And is still above reproach? This world is bass ackward. Reality television! Who do you think got this man buried? The Parents.

Too bad you aren't telling the whole story. The reason gramps is in the pen, getting a well deserved rumpypumpy, is that he pretty much executed these kids. Had he just shot them and called the police he would be a free man. He shot to wound then murdered them. Let him rot.

god I would have at least kept her alive so I could sexually torturate her OP.

Yeah but anons think the 2nd Amendment gives you to the right to be judge jury and executioner. For real.

I should have listened, user

What the fuck, made these kids think it was okay to be breaking and entering, for fun? At a senior citizens house? Kek. Nobody I grew up with is this retarded.

Listen this guy, he know shit. There are very few problems that can't be solved by a bit of rape.

Nobody said that. Project much?

Only retards do. Most pro gun people would agree with the court once they knew the details.

that's the stupidest thing i've ever read

protection in your own home is almost universally common sense in society

so basically those fucking degenerates junkie assholes claimed they were only "looking for car keys". What if you were sleeping on the couch downstairs, or your kids?

Society sure is fucked now adays

she was some kind of junkie
can you imagine tying her up and making her go through withdrawal so you could give her the drugs in exchange for intense sex?

The funniest, are like the Facebook soccer mom’s, who think Sup Forums is still some kind of political platform. Kek. Newfags. We ended that.

The tape, you fuck. Served to work against him.

maybe they can't get laid

They believe it's their god-given right, user. Otherwise, they'd be agreeing with the legal ruling being posted here.

I tried, Sup Forumsrother. I fell for it, too. I was hoping it was filmed by the victims prior to death but, in retrospect after hearing the recording, it's not very likely.

I give zero shits about gore brutality. Honestly the sound is what gets me. The sounds Nick Berg made as he was getting his head sawed off and the girl in this video begging for her life, and the creepy psychotic banter from the old man "YOURE DEAD" You can hear her death knells in the audio its fucked up

Its possible he also molested her as she was dying, it was in the case documents who her shirt was pulled up exposing her midriff and chest when the body was recovered.

Agree with that one

There are still political threads here. They're way more fun than Sup Forums because there are no IDs and mods are asleep

>he shot Brady twice at the top of the basement stairs


>and once in the face fatally after he fell to the bottom of the stairs.

headshot execution

>Minutes later when Kifer entered the basement, he shot her at the top of the stairs


>she fell down the stairs, and after Smith's rifle jammed, he shot her multiple times in the chest with a 22-caliber revolver

uh oh

>dragged her across the floor to set her beside the body of her cousin, and then shot her fatally under the chin

another headshot execution

if you think he should go free, you are fucked in the head. he just cold blooded executed two people.

Thats not what the castle doctrine means. Castle doctrine means you have no duty to retreat within your own home or other legal abode (e.g. hotel room). But even then, you arent allowed to use lethal force unless you believe an innocent is in danger of immediate and serious bodily harm - even in your own home, and a rational and reasonable person wwould feel the same way in the same circumstances (e.g. paranoia isnt a defense). In this case it sounds like they guy wasnt in fear of his life, going so far as to set a trap for the robbers, so even in someplace like Texas he'd have a tough time in court, maybe even convicted in a liberal town like Houston or Austin.

>unironically not valuing your own life
I have a blackbelt and several weapons, not including my autism.
Maybe it's obsession, maybe it's a basic understanding of human nature.

Not the case for me, but it's cute that you sexualize non-sexual situations. How's the 11th grade treating you?

>Premeditated intentions
You hit the distinction right there. Even 'Castle Doctrine' in Texas fails if your intention is to lure them inside so that you execute them.

js if I couldn't get laid in a hot climate I would behave rather aggressively

>Not the case for me,
so you've committed violent acts against people lately?

That isnt remotely true. Though there is a large presumption in favor of the homeowner, esp at night. But this guy subdued the burglers, called the cops, then executed them - that execution is murder, even in Texas, even in his own home. He might not get the gas chamber, but he'd be looking at life without parole.

>frail old man rushed by 2 young teens
>can easily harm the man to the point of death
he had all the reason to shoot

Yea I'm very pro gun ownership, etc. (even though I personally don't enjoy them) and hate crybaby liberals as much as the next guy but this old guy's a shit bag

>UK laws
Holy shit, it turns out the term "eurocuck" isn't just a meme, you have my condolences man...

>obsessed with "defending themselves"
was the psychological state in question. Nice reading comprehension. I sincerely hope you don't have a weapon. I doubt you could fill out the required forms, though, as it requires literacy unless you have someone doing the reading for you.

I am glad this happened. I hope more teens see it and quit acting like no one is going to kill them for the shit they pull. I honestly hope this happens more often, not because he is in the right, but because kids need to learn that there are people out there who are crazy enough to kill them for the stupid shit they pull.

This guy is clearly fucked up.
But in general, i think you should be able to use lethal force, if you wake up and there is somebody in your house, you have absolutely no idea why they are there or what they are capable of.

>you can thank liberals for the fine performances of most police officers
well you are talking to minnesota where they let a stupid as fuck somali, who was under advisory after trying to kidnap someone, become and officer against all recommendations who on his first day kill some aussie chick

I'm from Arizona and it's pretty much the same. I wonder which is better, Arizona or Florida. Well, ARizona has been invaded by liberals heavily the last 15 years so maybe I'll move to Florida someday

He could have scared them away, wounded them.. phoned the police and got them a sentence. Some shit like that, or if he had the brains, being burgled many times before, upgrade his security.

>that would cost too much

Not really, plus he had enough time to load a gun and kill them. Even with a gun it takes effort to kill someone with it, you have to aim somewhere vital and if they have to bleed out, you have to wait.

They didn't have to die, he wanted them to. Old fart probably did it to "set an example".

>Arizona has been invaded by liberals heavily the last 15 years
Good. Push those angry Trump snowbirds the fuck out of here. Make that state go blue. Finally.

In Pennsyltucky we have a stand your ground law, and
I dont have to be inside my home to kill you, all you have to do is threaten my life on my property anywhere and bang your a dead man. As far as the rest of this nitwit bullshit interpretation of laws you morons dont comprehend, go talk to a police officer with your questions, if you threaten someone with physical violence in their presence they have every right to cheerfully beat you to a pulp, on the other hand if you are threaten over a communications device, such as social media, or a phone there is nothing you can do, unless they use the words, kill, or shoot, then they are in deep shit.

The parents of these two should be brought in for adding this trash to society. He was well within his right. Who knows what these two fucksticks had planned.

Fuck off Ivan. I know it's you. Picking hot-button issues in the news to try and divide the people of this country on message boards and social media.

What's wrong? Putin still butthurt you didn't trigger the full-blown race war that he wanted you to start in Charlottesville? Take your web brigades elsewhere.

The fact that you are so unable to construct a coherent sentence and still be allowed to legally own a gun makes me glad I don't live in America

Details matter - the old man left the window open in hopes of getting robbed. He had his gun ready and shot both. After both were disabled/shot he caped both of them (Rule#2) with multiple additional shots. Yes he got what he deserved as neither was armed or likely dangerous.

Dude....the sick fuck executed them while they were down. He exceeded his rights and is a murderer. I hope his ass can accommodate a two liter.

It`s all fun and games til some one gets what they asked for, then the old man is a shit bag for taking action against a bunch of fuck tards who think it is their god given right to do what ever they want with no consequences for their actions

Two less thieves in the world.

>man excutes his legal right to bear arms and to defend himself and his property
>let's jail him

You fucking Americans don't know what the fuck you want anymore do you?

That was hot when he killed the Bitch. Her whimpering made me hard

fuck you
you don't determine how many times he gets to rape her

Gurrantee in 15 years you'll either economically collapse or you live in a 3rd world shithole, we own you.