Where did your life take a wrong turn?

Where did your life take a wrong turn?

there are no turns in life
it's just a straight into nothingness

when i licked dat 8yr pussy
maybe I shouldn't have done that

After middle school. I can literally trace my wrongdoings to my freshaman year when i got involeved with a group of people.

I'm an alcoholic that is constantly sick and could lose my job to being sick all the time (even though I have 2 months of sick time built up). I doubt i'll reach 40 (I'm 30 now). I get most of my calories from vodka and eat probably 300 to 600 calories in food a day because I just am not hungry. I'm sick again now even though I got over the flu a couple days ago. I just want to stop feeling sick all the time and the only thing that seems to give symptom relief is when I drink. But of course, I can't drink when I work because my job requires travel.

Also, I want my ex back. Her life went to complete shit after the breakup and everything was so much better when she was around. But I have a current gf I am not attracted too and have lost all interest in sex with her.

There's more but I don't feel like writing a novel.

I started working for the family business at a young age (13). By 16 I lost touch with friends during what I believe were crucial formative years. Didn't do the college thing, didn't need to. Was never thrust into real social situations outside of work.

Now I'm 28, own my own house, doing pretty well for myself - yet have noone to share it with. I have no idea how to make friends (I also do not drink). Made a facebook recently. I met someone I used to know and we hit it off, and with absolutely no warning they blocked me. I'm so lonely.

When my mother got her first aneurysm when I was 14.
Her mental health took a nosedive after the surgery she needed to clip it, she was diagnosed with depression and is being screened for bipolar disorder.

I started working under the table for construction companies at 15 to help bring money in because her disability checks werent covering the cost of living for my 2 sisters myself and her.

I got into a relationship with the girl I thought was the love of my life at age 18 that lasted until I was almost 21 and found out she had cheated on me a bunch so that started me down a path of heavy drinking for a few months, I still sometimes have a problem with binging.

Im currently working a job in roofing that I fucking hate and haven't had sex since september 2016 and even then it was shitty.

There's a lot more but it would take forever to write



I dont give up and I learn from.bad experiences.

Life never took a wrong turn for me. It just fucking blew sometimes and i learned valuable skills to apply in the future.

Inb4 delusional excuses for a shit life.

80K a year with a sweet job and a house. Happy overall.

Wouldnt have gotten here without some huge mistakes and bullshit.

Yeeeeaaaaaah bad idea.
Who as she? Neighbor? Sibling?

When I dropped out of high school because I was too fucking smart and all the teachers and administrators were too fucking stupid.

Turns out I wasn't as fucking smart as I thought. Alcohol didn't help either.

t. Amazing Athiest

still in the lane.bb

>cracked my lip instantly reading this

When I watched some kid poop in 3rd grade and a friend caught me

With my parents, but their parents probably took wrong turns, as well.
Humanity as a whole kind of took a bunch of wrong turns.
Why not just reset the whole planet, or the whole universe while we're at it.
I want a redo on life, but maybe all of life should get a redo.

Dating girl and she quit birth control without telling me. Gets pregnant. Did what I thought was right at the time, and married her. Have another kid with her. She starts having "girls night out" every weekend. Get divorced. Get in car accident. Lose job because I can't go back to work. Lose driver's license because I can't pay child support. Now I have to come up with 5 grand just to get license back. Meanwhile, she just had her 4th kid with another guy, so that makes 3 baby daddies.

How do you watch someone poop

We all entropy into nothing

You fucked up never forget

>Wouldnt have gotten here without some huge mistakes and bullshit.
Just because your life seems good, it doesn't mean that life couldn't be better.
Your standard of good and bad is not THE standard of good and bad.
If there's a creator, then this standard of living is crule and unjust.
If there isn't a creator, everything is crule and unjust.


It's not the creators fault because he definitely didn't create the world we live in today. There's nothing wrong with positivity and contentment my friend.

Never again. I found out later, that she cheated on me with a 52 year old tow truck driver. Gross. At least I never got an STD from her.

There's that saying, "It could be worse."

Well it could be better too.

When I was born...

Broad assumption i still dont strive for better.

I still have flaws and insecurities. Never stop improving.

>everything is cruel and unjust

Not when you live in a first world country with such a sheer amount of freedom it isnt. What could i possibly complain about when i have access to education, retraining, the internet (on which i have a digital store thats doing quite nicely), psychotherapy if my chemicals go off balance, and freedom to move and start anew, and not a single shell from some imminent enemy or fascist government dropping bombs on my house because a guy they dont like is nearby?

I won the birthplace lottery. Im suspecting you did as well.

I've had several friends who took their own lives. I always think to myself, why not just walk away and start all over somewhere else?

2 times, actually.
1. When I didn't join the military after high school and went to work in a factory instead
2. When I still married my ex wife even though I knew she had cheated on me, because love made me blind.

When my aunt talked my mom out of getting an abortion.

died inside a little and was reborn with my sides displaced

I made the same mistakes. What is it with women these days? Most of my friends have been cheated on by their girlfriends or wives. There is an epidemic of cheating whores.

Fuck everyone I hope everyone dies

Is this a shitpost or are you a registered SO?

very insightful

Don't worry my man, we will.

Well, as far as I know, she never did it after we were married, and I thought I could forgive her, but I was always suspicious of her, and it eventually made me kind of resent her, but I loved her at the same time.
I can't help feeling that my inability to forgive her for what amounts to a stupid teenage mistake ruined the good relationship we had and eventually led to us getting divorced.

Got too high and missed my second semester finals. Ruined a year of my life

the fuck u do in Sup Forums

When I met my now ex.
I gave up everything for her. My job, a car and a place to live. I had been single for years, I was mildly content with my life. She came in and fucked it all up. We had been on and off for a year and a half but it finally came to and end 2 months ago. We met online and after a few months I was gonna go visit her and she broke up with me days before my flight. We stopped talking for a while. We crossed paths again and got back together, only this time she came to visit me in. She spent a week with me. When she had gotten back home she had made plans for her next visit and it would have been a 3 month stay. She visited again and only stayed 3 weeks. She broke up with me and went back home. I don't know why I kept getting back with her. I was blinded by love and I regret it all.

I guess that would be the moment my mom told me we're related to Adolf Hitler and asked me to not have kids in order to end the bloodline. That was pretty fucked up. Made me bounce on my boy's dick for hours. Of course, it's not as bad as President Bush lying about 9/11 or him working for the Illuminati. Vote Green Party.

my pupil, I'm a teacher

>Vote Green Party.
This is why things are so fucked up. People vote for the party instead of the candidate.
That's how you end up with shitty candidates like Hillary and Trump, or Obama and Romney, or W. and Al Gore. or any of the other shit presidents we've had down through the years.
Fuck party affiliation.

Registered? Lol I never got caught

When I moved state to get my parents off heroin. I was 8 years old and responsible for detoxing them. It went downhill rapidly.

Oh. How was it a wrong turn then? I mean, I'm certainly not saying it's a good thing you did, but it didn't take your life off track did it?

I got married , biggest fuck up in my life , she cheated and took my house , my truck , my kids( not biologicly hers) ,and I'm just waiting to kill myself

i came to Sup Forums and started spamming logs

You undervalue the psychological consequences that this kind of acts have on a man. Try to read Dostoyevsky's Demons for having such an idea.

Also, my life is super happy but I constantly think about the girl I did that and I'm spending my life hoping that what I've done wouldn't affect negatively her existence.

I spent like five months on the verge of crazyness.

Dropped out of uni to be with a girl 4 years younger then me who cheated on me less than a year after. Began smoking weed and cultivated my depression and lost motivation to try for anything, got a shitty factory job and had my joie de vivre eroded over the last 4 years.


Got on social security disability due to a back injury.
It's been 10 years, and I'm ready to go back to work, but no decent jobs will hire me because of the employment gap, and I can't work a job that pays much less than disability does.

I awoke. The light from the sun flashed into my eyes. My open window blinded and nerved me. I shut the the old window. It was strange that it was open, but it didn't really panic me. I decided that I should actually watch T.V and not just have it on. Of course, rather than the news there was just another one of those "save a dog" commercials. After the bothersome commercials, the Television finally switched to the news. "3 people gone missing, please stay indoors and we wish the most safety."

This alarmed me a little bit. I live in a small town in the suburbs and stuff like this doesn't usually happen. I sighed. I decided to cook my self some breakfast. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. I noticed that my fruits were on the chair rather than the table. Once again, I sighed. I had some friends over last night and more or less, we got wasted. I don't even remember when I went to sleep. Moving on, I made myself some scrambled eggs. I don't know if it's just me, but I love drenching my eggs with salt. It just gives me the satisfaction I need in the morning. Especially when I don't have work. I am a developer of computer programs. I mainly help make gun games. I helped make the game, "CS:GO." Maybe you've heard of it.

Anyway, I started to smell something very foul. The smell was like rotten eggs. I knew I didn't over cook my eggs because I had just finished eating them and they were fine. Every step closer to the smell made the smell even worse. Eventually, I found the source. It was my basement door. The basement door. My friends hate my basement. Even my girlfriend does. I never could understand why, until now. I slowly opened the door. My nose was dying by the second. There they were. The three bodies from the news earlier. 2 women and 1 man. I walked down the stairs. I thought this could have been some sort of fucked up prank played by my friends. It wasn't. I wish it was, but it wasn't. I turned around. There he was.

I got off social security, got a job, got promoted and shit, got a back injury, begged them to keep me, they made me quit, the government won't pay me disability, I get $600 every fortnight and $420 of that is rent.

That isn't your fault and I'm sorry that happened to you. You deserve better.

When i brought 7 knives to school and cut myself deep enough in my stomach i could fit my whole fist in it

fuck you faggot, stop making excuses and get off your fat ass

Probably when i received life altering brain damage from an abusive step father basically ever since the beatings i know I'm not right I the head. I make irrational decisions and i can't even stop.

That's one of the problems I have. Once you get off disability, It's hard as fuck to get it back. I don't really need to go back to work, I get $2400 a month, and my house is paid off, so no worries there, but I want to work. The novelty of being able to do whatever I want without having to worry about work has worn off, and even the hobbies I've taken up have become boring.

Yeah, it's impossible to get back on. I have to present the government with medical certificates montly, stating why I can't work

>Chronic autism
>"Patient is too vulnerable and unable to communicate"

And I get paid jobseeker benefits, being asked in all directions why I can't work

Sorry to hear your predicament, user. Hopefully you find a new hobby or something to occupy your time.

after start masturbate everyday few times a day

I'll probably just go work somewhere making as close as I can to what disability pays, and do some serious budgeting until I make more/get a better paying job. I gotta do something, I feel like I'm going nuts being at home most of the time. I plan to start looking again after the first of the year.

I hope you find what you're looking for, user.

Freshman year of college. Fell off the rails and became obsessed with pussy. Failed the semester, lost friends, broke up with gf and dropped outta school for 2 years. Had that never happened I'd be in a uni and living on my own by now.

Mmm...difficult to tell.

Too much college studying, wrong women ( too many) plus wrong me, hashish, working with the family, alcohol, a bdsm relationship, a gf charred dead in a car, several love triangles that went all wrong, not always the best friends, reckless driving on alcohol going to fetch a girl of one of the former love triangles duting the week at night, and got caught, very bad relation with my father, although I must admit he is a good man, electroshock after some years on psych treatment, 4 months rehab from alcohol, then again in the hole when the fulcrum of one of those triangles left me, engaging in covert relationships with wives of school classmates, not finding a job in the field of my studies...and again, alcohol and chicks

Well at least you're remorseful, I guess. How old were you at the time?

I was accused of rape at 14, haven't gone out much since then.

after i moved to another country, was around 16-17yo, probably gained like 30kg extra, now around 95kg and became lazy fag.

When I started caring about shit

Are you me? I was pretty happy when I was a nihilistic alcoholic who didn't give a fuck. I had a decent job and shit, I wasn't a NEET. But then I decided I needed to quit drinking and go to college and now I'm just fucking miserable no matter what I do, and if I try to start drinking again I just get sick and turned off of it.

Parents' divorce. Been learning everything I should have as a kid because my mother was/is the no discipline type, and we had moved every year to a new place.

Perhaps you were too drunk to remember the bad times

It all started when I survived the abortion...

When I started smoking weed and hanging out with losers.

Oh no there were plenty of bad times and retarding things...I just didn't care. I was pretty happy-go-lucky about it all.

Three times:

When I broke up with the love of my life because she was the first girl I fucked and I thought my life would never be complete if I didn't have sex with multiple women.

When I got out of the Army.

When I tried heroin for the first time.

did you do it user?

No. She tried to fake evidence and get her friends to corroborate her story, but I managed to get off.

I'm deeply saddened by the fact that there's an 8/10 I like but she supports Bernie.

when i ignored my wife because i was hallucinating and she left me... part of the "hallucinations" are the best thing in my life currently tho but not that party i had that was the worst day of my life

Falling in love for the fist and only time