Why kill yourself when you are going to die anyway?

why kill yourself when you are going to die anyway?

Faster? fucking moron

For more personally I have medical issues that cause me constant physical pain so to make that stop.

second question

why not just get fucked up till you die?

I am currently not sober. So I don't know.

that sounds like a problem, fix it

I used to stay sober because I was bothered by any sort of memory loss.

wait nevermind i read that wrong, carry on



whats your poison tonight?

Working on it.

Tequila I was thinking about taking some melatonin so I can sleep but I don't know

damn man if you need both to sleep that must suck

im actually drinking some sake, dont wanna get too fucked up because whenever i do i get weird shit happening with my brain


I mainly want to get as fucked up as it takes to sleep but without dying because it would suck to be found dead by the severely autistic child in the house I'm in on Christmas.

that would fuck up that kids Christmases forever
youre a good person for thinking ahead

>quit my shit job
>get rid of phone
>took out my 401k
>travel around getting fucked up
>see lots of beautiful shit
> life feels great
>run out of money
>decide to kill myself
>about to do it
>remember all the good times
> 2 years later and still here

if you have any money left you could invest it into ADA, i mean its not a guarantee but better than nothing dont you think?

I try my best. I simply wish people knew the like physical level of pain I was always in so they wouldn't blame themselves if I killed myself.

the american diabetes association?

tell them?

its a new crypto, aims to actually be a universal currency, and tbh as a daytrader it looks like a good investment to me

Extremely tired

Being told is different than understanding

i know that feel, you get over it after a while, you slip into apathy which honestly isnt so bad. trust me on this, stick around for a while longer

thats true, what is this pain if you dont mind me asking?

That's what I'm doing.

like right now?

cheers to that

Honestly overall I'm just kind of Sickly but my diagnosis is, persistent chronic headache, chronic migraines, gastritis, menorrhagia and gender dysphoria. Currently doing blood work to figure out what is causing the gastritis.


ayyy we both have neurological problems. doctor says i likely have MS but we cant know for sure unless i get a catscan, but im too much of a cheap shit to go fork over 500 bucks to see if my immune system is actively working against me.

but yeah i get where youre coming from, sometimes you roll a shitty hand and unfortunately there are no re-rolls with life. at least you can live with hope that medicine will get better over time, one day those headaches will go away for good

So to shortly put it my head hurts I constantly feel like puking and often do it atleast four times a week (my intestines are swollen) which is mainly what makes my life suck. Being chronically ill also makes me open to getting stuff like colds super easily. The more annoying less important thing is I wish I had a dick instead of a vagina.

I sure hope so. They have put me on anti seizure meds, antidepressants beta blockers and tried all sorts of stuff to get rid of the head pain.

there really isn't any difference. some just want to hop off the train sooner than others.

society pushes you to do it

ive been having headaches for over a year now, and its not just the headaches, i also feel like my brain is about to explode out of my skull. and if its not that, one side of my body gets weak and i get weird feelings in my spine, muscle spazms, involuntary movements and jerks. i wanna say shivers go down my spine but its more like it feels sensitive. but yeah have you gotten your head checked out? along with your sinuses? those actually cause headaches sometimes too


Been having them for 4 years. Can't afford a catscan but I have had my sinuses checked out. Also my wisdom teeth removed and my glasses updated.

wait could wisdom teeth have something to do with this? my shit started after i got them removed, and the wounds havent properly healed either

No mine were compacted so we thought they might be causing the headaches. They shattered when being removed from my jaw (2 out of 4 did atleast) but it didn't help.

To be ahead of the game.

idk man, life is weird but we cant just off ourselves without seeing the full extent of society's self destruction
think i am now drunk

I kinda quit rofl

quit what?