What would you categorize me as racially?

What would you categorize me as racially?
>In4 sandnigger



Post your anus


low caste



greece bulgar serb turk etc

American mutt

I would guess iranian or afghan desu

could just as easily be some sort of arab

Arab rape baby

You could be Caucasian if you had a lighter skincolor

You guys have never seen an Arab, Afghan or Iranian I think

Well you look a bit like my chaldean Iraqi buddy so I'd just assume mid east at first glance.

They have the best goddamn food, especially a traditional pacha dinner. And fuck everyone else's grape leaves, iraq makes the best. Why don't y'all eat more lamb???

you could pass for local here, especially from some provinces like Santiago del Estero or Tucuman.


I know plenty from each group, I'm also from one of those groups, lets just wait and see what OP says.

I don't think so, the Chaldeans I know are very dark.


turk or a churka

Arabs and Afghans have a sandy skin color, the majority of Iranians too. My Iranian friend.


I'm not iranian. OP looks very typical for iran and tajik afghans...

He is a bit darker and hairier, but facial structure is similar. Funny story he survived 2 rounds of cancer and because of the chemo he now gets sun burn.

What are you OP?

looks like your typical """white""" American to me

This is the only guy who got it right. I'm Persian from Iran.

You look mestizo


You people have zero clue about the racisl types of the middle east.

You wont find any arabs that look like me except if you look into the levant.

No, he doesnt. Just look at his skin color, he doesnt have a yellow-sandy skin color.

Arr rook the same

Skin color varies in Iran. People in the north have usually whitish skin while central more olived and south tanned or brown.

see you have no idea what people from morocco to afghanistan look like it seems


>you have no idea what people from morocco to afghanistan look like it seems
I ironically know people from all countries from Morocco to Afghanistan, even Pakistan and India. No one looks like OP.

Thats why I said the majority of them

Actual Persians look like me mate.

he looks very typical in terms of skin color... it's a wheatish color

that's my hand and I'm afghan

you have no idea man, sorry

Actual Persians dont exist anymore

Alexander had fun with your ancestors.

Are you one of those eurocentrists that thinks ancient Persians were nordic kanngs?

>posting poor people who are outside in the sun since youth and have poor nutrition



>Actual Persians dont exist anymore
yeah, they stopped existing a long time ago when the tribe of pars took over all of greater iran

lol fuck off, none of them look white to me

white people are just retards that think any paki or indian = muslim

This. Iran and Afghanistan can get hot as fuck, so our skin tends to change every season or so.

This is why people from the mideast are usually lighter skinned in the west compared to their respective countrys.

also you're just an idiot, from morocco to north india, even within the same family there are people with different skin tones, I have several cousins/family who all look like one another but with different skin tones, one of my cousins looks straight euro and his brother looks straight sandnigger, and their father you would confuse for a paki


Id say anyone who speaks Persian or a dialect of Persian as their mother tounge is Persian.

Shitskin fantasies, Persians dont exist you are all A*abs now

My skin tone isn't considered white here, neither is OP's.

yeah, in summers if I'm outside a lot I can get tanned, in winters I'm pale

anyone of majority iranic ancestry that speaks persian as their primary language is persian (aside from those who have obvious heritage from other iranic groups (i.e. parents/grandparents who speak another iranic language) like kurds/balochi/pashtun etc.)

I am half tajik though I would never identify as persian, iranians have taken a claim to that for the most part

arabs left little genetic impact on iranians though

anyway, this is Sup Forums, people here believe muslim = anybody brown with a beard and a turban

>Muhhh nordic kangs

Look at how ancient Persians portrayed themselves in statues. Look at the facial features and compare them to mine.

You should consider yourself Persian, as Tajiks, Farsiwans, Hazaras, Tats, ajams, Parsis are all ethnic Persians and Persian speakers. You dont have to be Iranian ti be Persian, much like you dont have to be saudi to be arab.

nah I'm half pashtun too

if anyone asks me my background I say afghan

I cringe whenever anyone, whether iranian, afghan or tajikistan say they are persian

also I don't think hazaras and parsis are 'persian'

hazaras have turkic/mongol ancestry (going back to my definition) and parsis are far too mixed with indians


That portrait looks like nordic man to you? retard

Kinda weird to say that for political reasons but u look at history most the scholars of the islamic golden age were persians from central asia. So its evident that tajik and persian were used interchangeably and share a great deal of affinity.