Lets show some swedish girls :)

lets show some swedish girls :)

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so damn funny, vill du ha en kaka?

rubber doll fag


vill du suga stora kewken?

Rubber doll with a piercing? Are you a virgin or just retarded? That's real



funny =)



who is she? got more? :)


Vem är hon? :)



Vem är hon? :)

Vem är du?

Din far. hurså?


nu postar jag inte resten :)

haha, låt bli du min son ;)

hon är perfekt

Det är någonting med det svenska språket som gör det jävligt gay att lyssna på/läsa. Kan inte sätta fingret på det.

good old sweden

Them quads tho. Troligtvis angered.

Spot on


You’re racist if you think there’s an issue with this.

Does that look Swedish to you?

Technically there's nothing wrong with this, but from a societal point of view it's hurting the swedish identity since we're being more influenced by other cultures than our goddamn meatballs.

What are you getting at?

Aside from the teacher, there is not a single Swedish name in that class.


And if you think racially Swedish people are more entitled to be in Swedish classrooms than citizens of other races you’re... well you can probably guess what I’m about to say.

That's because we literally segregate foreigners into special classes.
I shit you not.

YES! A majorty of Swedish people should be in Swedish classrooms, not non-existent. You don't see an issue here? Fuck you.

I’m sure they’re all Swedish by nationality. You’re literally just talking about racism.

You were about to say:
>Hay guize! I like watching cuck porn, and I'd love to be a cuck irl, but all the Swedish girls my age have been groomed for Muslim men so I'm single. But hay, I can just walk down the street to see some Muslims raping Swedish girls any time, so I guess I'm set!


The key to effective immigration is assimilation. People who live in other countries than their own, other cultures than their own, are subject to cultural shock and segregation. If they are to live here, they have to act like us, think like us, do like us. However I'm partial individualism, you can't act how ever you damn please because you're a minority.

I’ve never understood the new def of cuck. Is the implication that any race mixing whatsoever makes all other members of each race cucks?

If I ride the subway in Tokyo, am I Japanese?
t. Akesson

What are you getting at?

kek, i lost

>you can probably guess what I’m about to say.
That you're a cucked faggot?

Welcome in Europe 2.0

Dan Eliasson borde avgå. Jävla sossar.

You're a whole new level of cuck. No seriously what's the matter with you swedes? Why do you like to be screwed by sandniggers so much? You were vikings ffs

Cuckold, in the old definition, is simply someone who's wife has committed adultery. It didn't have any connotations of power, and only mild humiliation. A cuck that killed his wife/lover was somewhat respected, but still a cuck.

It has since turned into a fetish, mostly revolving around a lack of power and a massive amount of humiliation. This is the part that parallels Sweden. Swedish people are largely being removed from power in Sweden. They are being bred out. Their culture is being destroyed from the inside, in a purposeful way. And it is being done by people who are purposefully trying to achieve this.

So, cuckold fetishist:
>a person who likes their partner to take their power and humiliate them sexually by sleeping with other men

And a Swede:
>a person who likes their government to take their power and humiliate them socially by promoting the needs of culturally opposed immigrants over its own culture and people

Did you guys know that in Sweden, it's against the law to be criminal?

>in our government btw


That those blacks are not Swedish and never will be. Simple fact. Ethnicity is the only thing that matters.

I’m actually a mixed race male posting from Napa California.

That’s racist tho why do you care what the people around you look like

It's not their color that's the issue. The issue is that that was an uncommon color before mass immigration. A Swedish class should not look like this right now, because if the concentration of immigrants are this high, they have no incentive to learn the language, crime rates may rise too much, et cetera.

You're a mongrel and that's why you don't care about the importance of ethnic and racial purity, because you're a disgusting mix.

People actually tell me I’m very attractive. But you’re right I don’t see the importance of racial purity. It kind of seems like just an excuse to be racist.

>He stated that two years earlier he had not predicted police resources would be saturated by migration, gang shootings, serious crime and terrrorism to the degree that was the case.[11] The reason for this inaccurate prediction was that policy makers including himself had not realised the full extent of the problems because they did not fit in the popular image of Sweden as a safe and prosperous country.


I'm sorry for you. So it's your parent's fault that you are a product of race defilement. Nothing you can do about. But you living in California and cucking around here is nearly a cliche.

I don't care if it's "racist". It's a fact. And race isn't just "what they look like" you bluepilled cuck. They're African and Middle Eastern. They don't give two shits about Swedish culture. It doesn't matter to them. That's why they rob, pillage, leech, rape, and they graffiti national monuments. Swedes' ancestors fought and died for their land, and they're being disrespected by disgusting violent apes.

>race defilement
Jesus Christ lol


It's not about racial purity, since that's a facile argument, it's about cultural purity and identity. You can be whatever if you act accordingly.

It sounds like you don’t like criminals. Why are you so racist? You should be voicing hatred towards criminals, no?

You say it like it's a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your fatherland homogeneous. There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep your fatherland secure. There's nothing wrong with wanting to protect your people from the violence of other ethnicities/races that act like sub 60 iq apes. There's obviously something wrong with the mindset of Africans and west Asians when they're only 5% of the population and commit 90% of rapes.

>our fatherland
So at which point did it become your fatherland? You realize that a lot of land was historically secured through unethical means, right? No reason why your fatherland can’t become someone else’s someday.

Of which most in Sweden have an immigrant background? Exactly what I'm talking about.
Do you know how many lives in Sweden WOULDN'T have been ruined and destroyed if the cucked government didn't spread their ass wide for muslim cock? Do you know how many Swedish women would have a normal life instead of being traumatized because of Monbongo Achmeds "sexual emergencies"?

>they're only 5% of the population and commit 90% of rapes

Pro tip to fix this :
make them 90 % of the population.

>Problem Solved

>at which point
At the point where it was occupied by Swedes, the same Swedes as today, for over thousands of years
>unethical means
War? Yeah, they fought so we could live in a safer nation. They fought to secure us a land for ourselves.
>No reason why your fatherland can’t become someone else’s someday.
God, you're such an insufferable globalist cuck. The reason is, they don't belong here, they don't care for our history, they want to impose their laws on us, they are violent scum, and it can't just "become" their fatherland. Their real fatherland is Africa/Middle East and that will never change.

Right but you’re still correlating two things for seemingly no reason. You don’t like criminals right? What’s the point of voicing anger at a larger group than criminals? Like what does that accomplish?

Why is sharing a fatherland not an option?




Sounds like you don’t like rapists. Why make your claims less precise by targeting immigrants rather than just speaking out against rapists?

>speaking out against rapists ?
>speaking out against immigrants ?
pick two

That's not even a fucking racist thing to say, he didn't say race1>race2 he just stated a thing.

There are immigrants that don’t rape though. By targeting them as well you’re making your claims against rapists less precise with no gain. So why do it?

You hate rapists? Speak out against rapists! Targeting immigrants neglects targeting local rapists and targets innocent immigrants. You’re introducing a huge number of false positives and false negatives into your argument.

100 % of muslim are not terrorist
100 % of terrorsit are muslim

That isn’t even true but if it were why would you wanna target innocent Muslims?

>innocent Muslims

Here’s something no racist/bigot can explain and it’s made pretty damn clear by this thread.


If you really didn’t like rapists, criminals or violent people why don’t you just voice your opinions against those groups of people? Why also target innocent members of some demographic (Muslims, blacks, whites etc)? You’re making your arguments significantly less precise by doing so.

So why do it? It’s because you’re racist, and if you’re racist you might as well just come out and say “I hate immigrants because they’re brown!” Rather than trying to make some proxy argument about rape, because it’s clear from your actions you really care more about being racist than about preventing rapes.

You’ll also see no racist make a reasonable argument against this.

When 90% of rapists are immigrants, it's not just a problem of rapists...

>Are you full retarded ?

A) that’s a blatant lie
B) even if it were true why would you speak out against innocent people for simply sharing a demographic with rapists? That makes no sense.

If you get bit by a snake and avoid snakes forever, that's a phobia. If snakes are biting people all around the world nonstop unprovoked and have killed millions with no signs of stopping for 1,600 years and you avoid them, that's just common sense. You don't stick your neck out for a snake that seems friendly and let it around your kids because it seems to be an exception. That'd be asinine.


Yes because people have a right to Exeter a country.

Fucking autocarret


Amerifag here, is this true??? Raping a Swedish woman only results in a fine? How is this not forced prostitution? Why do brits fly to amsterdam and thailand when they can just go to sweden? How bad is this fine?? Do they accept cash up front? If it's left on them afterwards, does it count as paying the fine?

unrelated note, where in sweden has the hottest women?

I don't hate muslims because they are brown. I hate them cause of the dumb shit they do. I know "not all" but you can't just ignore a statistic like this. It's the majority fault that the minority suffers.

Muslims has just 632–634 years late on christianity, so they are still stuck in the kill them all period, we just have to wait a bit.

Thats called fear, not phobia. Different things completly

I just hope they fall apart. What we need is another crusade.

I would say this is flawed for a couple reasons, the most obvious to me is that there are non-immigrants that rape, whereas in your analogy you don’t consider that there are people getting bit by other people— you only focus on the snakes and that makes your method, again, less precise.

The fact that you think the correlation between demographics like race/country of origin and rape is comparably as strong as the correlation between species and whether or not something will bite you is frankly what’s asinine around here.

Zlatan ibrahimovic is an immigrant and Muslim.

So if I get a papercut and spend my life in fear of paper, let's try that example since you seem to be purposely missing the point.

If one in four sheets of paper will actively seek to slice the fuck out of people, would it still be irrational to avoid the stuff?