That time of year again boyos. Scut Farkus is on the rampage, singles you get your pass beat...

That time of year again boyos. Scut Farkus is on the rampage, singles you get your pass beat, dubs your tongue stuck to the pole, trips you beat Scut's ass. Roll, I triple dog dare ya.

I'm just going to lay on the ground like a slug, it's my only defense.

ooh fudge, im gonna roll

I aint scurred niqqa

i'm getting quads bitch

here we go

roll to beat his ass


here's rolling to stick my tongue to that pole


Rackin frackin



here hoes nothing

I think I'm gonna sign up to be a toadie instead...


I want to suckle from Ralphie's mom's teet

Fuck you scut farkus!!!!!

Nigga i dare u


Fuck you, you yellow-eyed jackal