Can someone please tell me what the fuck is up with my schlong

Can someone please tell me what the fuck is up with my schlong

nerve gas

That is the beginning (larval) stage of AIDS

Ingrown hairs. Really nothing to be worried about.

fordyce spots, they are harmless

You have cancer. Trust me I know

Your just an old fuck this is what happens, its normal op welcome to midlife crisis

i have the same thing, pretty sure its just hair

Not op, but I'm 18 and have the same shit

>having a dick for x amount of years
>still knowing absolutely nothing about it

God bless America

This. Google it.

Stop rubbing it for a while, wear clean underwear and wash regularly. Right now your pores are fucked.

As I said, u are an old fuck

It’s op, I thought they were fordyce spots but it’s kinda fucked that they’re alll over my dick and like when a had sex for the first time I’m pretty sure the girl thought I had an std

yup, this is correct

totally harmless but you better be able to explain exactly what they are. "don't worry about those weird spots on my dick" is a good way to not get laid.

You do have an std 90% of men carry HPV

Don’t get me wrong I completely got laid but like the girl seem so confused as to what they were when I was trying to explain them to her and I’ve basically had them my whole life

If I do this does it mask them or do they actually somewhat go away

that's just hair

I have those. They get really big on the underside of my dick and I can pop them like zits.
They're not harmful or infectuous, they just secrete oil on your skin. The more you have, the more stinky of a cock you have, which probably would've been great when we were hunter-gatherers, but now it's not that great.

this thread again?

They should disappear. Give it a week and don't put any chemical stuff on dick it will only make it worse.

>First noticed these when I was 12
>Have looked it up before but didn't know there was a name for them so only came up with genital warts
>have been convinced i have am STD since I was 12
>just assumed my mom or dad was a degenerate fuck and I was cursed to die of aids
Such a huge weight off my shoulders tbh. Best christmas present ove ever gotten. Thanks anons

The repubcucks told me I only need to learn sexual things from the bible

Eh don't worry about it. Just tell her it's normal. Like I have a cyst on my nutsack so meh

Its just keratin in the sweat pores

Wait if I just stop jacking off they go away
Does it come back

dude ur arm looks wierd

plucked chicken, anyone...?

Give it rest and you should be fine. Keep it clean and they shouldn't come back.

Oh fucking sweet
How long do I have to hold off for though

Thats natural bro


You mongoloid

Just look and see if they're their and if they are you're good is my geuss