What are you talented at Sup Forums?

What are you talented at Sup Forums?


I fart and burp all the time. I seem to have gas constantly and I release it in some form approximately every 5 minutes. Apparently I do it in my sleep too.

If I'm on my own, surrounded by family or friends, I fart loudly without any attempt to conceal it. If I'm in public I still fart and burp but quieter. Even in work and in meetings I fart but I just do it quieter. They almost never smell, and even if they do its pretty mild and passes quickly.

There are only very rare circumstances in which I'll hold it in, the conditions have to meet all of the following criteria:

> I have eaten spicy food or drank lots of beer the night before
> I have farted a few times already and they fucking stink
>I'm in a social environment with people I'm not totally comfortable with

i'm a god damn savant when it comes to screwing up. like the usain bolt of fucking up

Nothing now.
Used to be amazing at athletics and skateboarding.

hiding the pain from my family and loved ones, who i believe don't even care if i live or die or not.

I'm good at making maps in HAMMER and I like to think I'm pretty good at drawing

I’m a professional disappointment

I care user. Pain is temporary but death is forever

hula hooping with fire hoops

Nothing really. Everything I try I end up beeing quite good at but I never manage to push further for various reasons. I guess I'm really good at beeing slightly above average at everything. And I fucking hate it.

My only talents are killing and cooking. Other than that I'm pretty much useless...

Really sad to hear. Unless you have been in an accident and can't walk anymore, there's no excuse for giving up skateboarding.

Software engineering. Fun stuff

this guy either is or thinks he is pic related

>What are you talented at Sup Forums?

I'm great at posting snarky comments online.

I'm really smol irl, i love skillets tho

so.. you're a jack? There's nothing wrong with that.

I have a problem I know how to do a lot of shit, but I don't focus on them to perfect it. I do 100 things, but I'm not perfect at any of them. I play instruments, I dance ballet, I surf, I skateboard, I paint, but all of those things I do at an average level.

I make music, that count?

I injured myself skating like 10 years ago and fucked my ankle up so bad that it took so long to heal properly... I broke a bone in my foot and tore ligaments in my ankle and couldn't walk properly for like a year.
I kinda gave up after that.

Not wrong but I still wish I had something where I'm exceptionally good at.

Im Master in Overwatch
That works?

no it doesn't. Overwatch is impossible to be bad at. It's TF2 for people who suck ass at TF2

Have you played Overwatch? TF2 is much easier due the absurd amount autistic retards and kids, Overwatch has less because pay wall i guess

>i guess
Yeah, you guess. You don't really know do you? Fucking idiot..

I'm pretty talented at shitposting

Im not sure if its the F2P thing or the hats austim that attracts more retards, so that why i guessed, faggot

I have played Overwatch. It's pretty much optimized for people who are bad at first person shooters. Hitmarkers are large so you know exactly when you're hitting someone, weapon fire rates and DPS are excessive, hitboxes are fucking ginormous, and every character's movement speed is limited making them easy to predict and ultimately making the game incredibly slow paced.

Gameplay from experienced Overwatch players look identical to mine and I only have about 4 hours spent in the game. Whereas with experienced TF2 players, you can tell they know what they're doing when compared to newbies.

violin, but I only know simple songs

Im pretty good getting entretaining stuff
I mean seriusly i got so much fav in chrome, see latá videos in youtube, pics, gifs, memes, videos downloaded and im sure that i have files with files and files in chrome board witch are full of fun junk

>hats autism
>there's no cosmetics in Overwatch, guys!
Actually, there are. And it's a far worse system than what's in TF2

I’m really good at fantasizing about having a relationship with girls that I don’t have a chance with and convincing myself I’m in love with them before even talking to them

Disappointing my parents

You dont know anything kid
anytghing, where you played?
I have been in gold (where i born), silver (i fell and had to be with the worst shit of all the ranks), platinum (The real world), diamond (the hell) to get in my actual Rank, killin, healing, protecting the payload, protecting the healer, breakin shields and making combo ultimates
Talk about overwatch when you get in silver

You're right, but im talking more about the common scene

Cough up blood, narc.

Im pretty nice at

im pretty good at making movies, talented writer in general.

i can make my penis cry even though he is happy

¿At what?

Nothing thats all

Overwatch has a free crate per level ingame, trash skins..., never spent anything in Overwatch, but in TF2 , God, once i realized what i was doing i sold everything i had in my inventory, played for some time and i quit after 3 years or so

not sure whose side you're on so I'm just gonna not argue with you. Yeah, it can get pretty addicting to spend money in TF2. I sold all my hats once I realized how much I was spending on them. That was about 3 years ago, but after Jungle Inferno, skins have caught me in the same habit.

Neither, both have their cancerous side, played 2500 hours of TF2 and haven't played Overwatch for 5 months or so