


500 billionaire. Still black.

Why do black people always have to remind everyone that they are black?

>Mansa Musa
>During his reign Mali may have been the largest producer of gold in the world at a point of exceptional demand. One of the richest people in history
>At a peak of his power and wealth built pic related

Sounds kinda a bit fishy to me.

Kind if hard to compare people's wealth over 10000 years of civilized history.
Croesus, crassus, mansa musa, Rockefeller all good options.

thats alone is 500 billion in Califronia.

I came between the pages of a Black Panther comic, once.
Damn, I'm super not racist. Go me.

Who says he was black if he even existed? The truth is everyone you look up to is your own race even if they are not. Mostly common with blacks, for instance "bruce lee" everyones hero was black because i am black i believe he was (my race is the best...ego much?

Nice jokes crystal and troll gray

It’s cause his home is the source of vibranium

fake bait and ghey

Richest nigga around for miles and that's his best building?

Height of proud African engineering

I'm pretty sure that's the prince of Nigeria. If you give him 5 trillion bitcoins to help him save his country, you are really investing I'm a return of 50 billion bitcoins...which he will pay back in like a week. Or his next payday.

God is white

the reason u never heard of it cause he squandered his fortune in a matter of weeks on Cristal, new Jordans, bitches, and blingbling

i just made up this indian superhero called "poo loo man". he is worth 9001 trillion usd and can never be beaten by anyone


Look out, it's his arch nemesis: The toilet witch!

Hahahahhaha yesss

that is cheating, bitch lasagna

Wakanda must have some crazy fucking welfare.

u saying wat u son of basterd bich

show vegene

This is the same shit with the put of Africa theory that's been proven BS. I would have to save genghis khan or someone with the Roman empire maybe the richest ever. It sure isn't not people no one never heard of till 5 years ago. I know black people we waz kingz

Is that from selling blacks as slaves?

You are why there is a difference between a black person and a nigger. You my friend are a nigger.


funny how the blacks enslaved the jews and now the jews loved the blacks.

also good chance you niggers were not KANGZ you were just some monkeys piling poo on other piles of poo like you are still doing today


This is pathetically sad.

Nigger fixation on wealth.

Richest man ever had fields of watermelon, more chicken than a nignog can count, and 10 cases of grape drink.

Say to my face motherbitch

>more chicken than a nignog can count,
So, 10 pieces or so?

Hey man, it's okay to be white.

Not sure they can count that high

>Height of proud African engineering

The buttressing is a nice touch... keep the mud walls from collapsing too soon...

That's pretty generous of you to assume niggers can count to 10.


If the person who created bitcoins ever comes out of hiding, he would be worth over a trillion dollars. Soooooo, fuck you niggers. Chinks reign supreme.

That's a really neat sandcastle

Pretty sure people in Mali are black

They call Mansa(Mansa is a title meaning King) Musa the richest person because when he traveled to Mecca he gave out so much gold he crashed the economies of every country he passed. It took Egypt 3 generations to restablizie their economy after he crashed it. He was reportedly giving out gold the size of bricks to every person he passed by on his way to Mecca.

Cause it's the only thing actually interesting about them besides them playing basketball

So that shit hole was built by the richest man ever. This is such nigger loving crap. We seem what the rest of the world built which are beyond that thing and yet he was the richest. Next up a black man created the religion in which the jews stole. Another black man built the largest building in all of history. Old white men said so.

I never believed that story for a second. There's no motivation to do so, it's be logistically insane and some of those bricks would be floating around in museums and collections.

You misspelled im mentally retarded again

Don't mean shit today. Proof that niggers can't handle money.

A gold bar weighs 25lbs. If he came across only 10,000 people. That's 125k tons of gold.

*smacks lips*
*starts rapping*
*collects welfare*

So much this. This isn't "black empowerment. This is white guy in a office chair makes a joke.

>buncha angry niggers here

Or none at all..

So why is it that niggers today are some of the poorest people on earth? These fags need to stop trying to show superiority by bringing up dead fucks.

So what happened to all that wealth? Couldn't invent guns? You gotta develop military civics too, man.

Its not like he had to do much to out do everyone around him. Just having a house at all would have sufficed.


Batman has infinite money. Checkmate MCUfags

I think it's one of those old guy things we all BS around and one of them goes hwy let's say this ape over in Africa was the richest man ever work 10 Trillon Billion Million dollars. They do it to either fuck with people or are nigger lovers who want to make them feel better. Also if a dude had that much gold traveling an army would of killed his ass for it.

Get to work


Shoo! Shoo! Young Pajeet!
To the designated shitting street!

fake money, fake niggers.