Hey b I recently was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia...

Hey b I recently was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, and yesterday I leaned that I was kicked out of my college. AMA or just be mean to me whatever works

Have you tried killing your self? Quick fix

Yea a couple times, I’m pretty bad at it I’ve found out

Were these two diagnoses given by two different doctors who didn’t communicate, or one doctor who doesn’t know what he’s doing and wanted to cover all his bases?

Fellow bipolar here, hang in there bro. It doesn't get "better" but you get used to it and it stops sucking so much.

How you find out you get kicked out of college on December 26? Sounds kinda fucked up. Sounds like 10000% Bullshit to me.

Perhaps the registrar kicked him out during semester break to avoid a scene. You know how those people are...

You need to be put down. It's people like you that push people in front of trains

Don't feel bad i got diagnosed bipolar and borderline schizophrenic when i was 5 and told my mom i wanted to kill myself. Now I'm 29 my wife of 11 years just left me and I'm suicidal again. Did i mention i got crippled at 21, it always gets worse enjoy it.

Who gives a fuck about college? was it an actual useful course? Get a job nigger , take the meds they told you if you can afford it , and get some good health insurance(tell the health insurance as little as possible when signing up). Learn a trade and get a job and do things that make you happy.

Like raping strippers.

Sue the school. They're discriminating against you for conditions you have no control over. If you get a good lawyer, you can make them give you a degree and some cash.

Just one doctor, sophomore year I ended up getting hospitalized for about a week, but it was the first time I’d ever been checked out for it, I never got to get seen for anything prior to that which probably would have made things better for me now

Thanks Man, I figured that this isn’t something that can be fixed, more just like coping with it. It honestly has been helpful thinking that

Thx :-)

Do you have diarrhea?

Did you have any treatment when you were younger for it at all?

go to bed dylan

Where would I even start for something like that though?

Whatd you do to get kicked out?

That sounds far too good to be true tbh

It’s been about a year since I had a major breakdown and I ended up skipping a semester and when I came back I was just dropping a lot of courses and tanking my gpa because all the shit I was going through and all this insurance stuff

Age? Drug use?

Im sure you could get some sort of medical leave of absence if you asked. Assuming you have an actual medical diagnosis. Schools are very PC about these things now.

22, and only smoking every now and then, I don’t really drink, no hard drugs

You think so?

Google medical leave of absence and see if you qualify. Certainly sounds like you do. Question may be "is it too late to request one?" Im sure your school will be willing to hear you out and im sure they want to avoid any possible lawsuit by expelling a student with a valid diagnosis.

Your doctor may be able to help btw. They can write you a letter.

Also, i asked if you have diarrhea but you didn't answer.

If you actually tried to commit suicide and failed you’d realize you most certainly want to live. I did. But I technically died for 3 minutes. Glad I came back wasn’t suppose to go.