Meet your death beds republicans, this is how millennials voted in 2016 despite low voter turnout and low motivation

Meet your death beds republicans, this is how millennials voted in 2016 despite low voter turnout and low motivation.


No, that's a myth crated by baby boomers to scapegoat the fact that they have voted republican EVERY SINGLE ELECTION CYCLE SINCE THEY WERE ABLE TO VOTE. That includes even when they were YOUNGER than the average millennial is today.


Generation z is made up of kids who havent even had their first civics class yet, and you're convinced that they are the next wave of conservative voters. This is a fantasy, the idea that kids below the age of 17 are obviously set in their political values, but people old as 30 are clearly going to grow out of theirs any day now.

Millennials 18-35 vote democrat nearly 3 to 1.

American elections are first past the post, meaning the left only needs 51% of the vote to win.

theme song for thread:

The US was getting conservative for sure, but Trump and the Republicans are driving millennials away.

I guess that confirms it then OP, we should just get rid of all polling and speculation on future results because the wise one has spoken

give me a break jackass, you don't know shit so stop pretending like you do because the only person you are fooling is yourself



Good thing I'm still in a red state then. Enjoy having your children raped by trannies demanding to use the same restrooms.

I dont think you understand how congress works.

TL;DR: Millennials are niggers. GIBS US DATS!

Sorry, I forgot that you have to have sex to have children, which obviously you will never have.

lol @ your avoidance of the facts

its okay to be scared of the future

yes that’s real neat but the perennial problem dems have since the southern strategy is herding the cats and getting them to turn out.

Republicans are a minority but they turn out. Dems & centrists only turn into couch potatoes.

People voting more Republican as they age is a proven fact, shown decades before boomers. Hell, boomers are more of the exception than the rule as they vote Democrat, so as they die things will actually shift to benefit Republicans.

Nice try, but one high school politics lesson doesn't make you an expert. Sorry bro.

>1 year after Trump takes office
>Still having these threads
>This will continue to the next election
>No matter who wins it'll be more of the same

Fuck this country and fuck all of you. Fucking faggots think of something else besides what fucking rich person you want running your life. Fucking losers

the thing is that at some point voter turnout wont really matter as the republican base wont show cause theyre busy taking a 6 foot deep dirt nap.

Generation Zyklon will come up with a final solution to the millenial problem.

The Republican party platform has shifted in a way that it's increasingly unappealing to people of all different shades though.

show me an election where the boomer generation leaned democrat.

i'll even give you bonus points if its when they were as young as millennials are now today

>protip: you cant

real millennials aren't even old enough to vote ya fucking retard.




what country do you live in and what is the legal voting age?

You answered yourself here. Saying "fact is not true so don't say it" doesn't work here champ.

A young conservative has no heart, am ild liberal has no brain. It's just the way it goes.

>No, that's a myth crated by baby boomers to scapegoat the fact that they have voted republican EVERY SINGLE ELECTION CYCLE SINCE THEY WERE ABLE TO VOTE. That includes even when they were YOUNGER than the average millennial is today.

Theres the rest you must have accidentally dropped there, champ. btw hows the straw business going?

Oh this thread again.

Oh herp derp UR DED CONSERVS!!

Oh herp derp NO WE ARNT FAG LOVERS!!

Same old shit. Two retards trying to bitch slap each other while demanding who's right. Pro tip: you're both fucking losers.

Nothing, and I mean nothing will ever happen until: A money is out of the picture (HAHAHA), and B people stop taking "sides' and just start voting for who is in line with your own line of primitive as it is.

Abortion legality?? "Well shit, on one hand we're killing babies, which is awesome, but on the other hand we're actually giving women a choice about their own bodies, which I cannot abide."

HURR you stupid piss rats who are all about "winning" and whose "side" you're on need to wake the fuck up and realize that you are who is destroying America. ALL of you. Do you fucking Trump haters really think Hillary was a better choice?? Really?? That slime ball lair, thief, and swindler, who has countless American's blood on her hands?? Do you fucking Trump lovers realize what a joke this dude is??

ALL of you hard line Party people are delusional. And you are what is killing all of us. Blame yourselves ass-hats.

In before trying too hard. Fuck you.

Sounds like something a wade alexander type would say but okay nigger

sounds like something an oedipus type would say

also known as hurr durr im fucking retarded and edgy and try too hard to look like im not a tryhard and have a deep disdain for anyone who stands for anything because I dont have a backbone to have any strong convictions about anything, except falling for anything cause Im a fucking little faggot- ism

Go kill yourself you fairweathered faggot bitch kike

Whats wrong with that faggot... did you forget where we are?

scientists have no brain because they don’t vote for republicans unethical anti-science, anti-education, anti-intellectual, anti-human progress, anti-personal freedom, pro-religion, pro-ignorance, pro-violence, pro-social control bullshit.

Take that retarded quote back to the dum tuck it came from and jerk each other off a cliff.

centrism is taking a position, you realize that, right?

You're taking the position that you're okay with the status quo and want anything you view as bad to continue happening.


I’m a millennial and I voted trump and lots of my generation did too

What you just did was virtue signal.
The current election system is set up in a two party system in a FPTP voting scam.
Some elite oligarchs basically choose your two options for you.
It doesn't matter how much you think your rightious idea will pan out.
Lets imagine for a second, that everyone voted 3rd party.
Do you know what would happen? Congress would choose the president. That's what happens if no one gets a simple majority of electoral votes.
And that would be if the electoral college decided to vote in your 3rd party way.

Until the system is changed, you have to play within its rules.
So every 4 years you have to choose which would do the least damage and the most good.
Trump was the obvious choice last cycle.
It literally doesn't matter how dumb you think he is, or if you think there are better policy options.
The choice was black and white. Trump or Clinton.

There's only going to be a sharp spike in depression paired with a hard fall of productivity if our country winds up being that blue.


>self proclaimed populist
>cant even win the popular vote

really makes you think

>fuck you

The Trump vote, in its entirity.
Fuck You Americans, WAHHH I have it so bad bc i can’t force you all to live like it’s still the great utopia of europe circa the 1100s, as I imagine it.

>an ild liberal has no brain

I am assuming you meant old, so i will respond now.

I have never met a conservative that actually had any idea what the conservative stance really is. Every single one I have ever met, including my fiance and her mom, use the conservative party as an excuse to justify their homophobic, racist, and uneducated point of view. Every time i try to even bring up a decent point that points anywhere towards the middle of the road, they both freak out like I am making fun of them for being literally retarded and uneducated.

Everyone I have met think muslims are just fucking terrorist ass mofo, and yet think christianity and the bible are this golden justice dildo. So fucking blinded by their own nonsense that they support a party that is seemingly hell bent on fucking poor people in their shitty asses over and over, and then blaming the other party for putting them in the situation they are in now.

They think trump is just this miracle worker that produces results in a single year, yet fail to realize he hasn't done shit and is riding the golden carpet obama laid down before him.

Its like facts just dont exist. Conservstives are fucking morons unless they are rich, and then I can see from a completely greed filled point of view as to why they wouldn't want to share any of the shill money they inherited.

This was actually the voting map. But nice try faggarooni McK-pop

You need a civil war.

But how did Russia vote?


If by those standards, you'd be fucked 7 ways til Sunday.

Weird, people in concentrated areas of wealth and education vote liberal, and ass mongering fuckwads who live in rural cousin fucking areas all vote conservative

Oh HO! Look who's ALL ABOUT taking sides!!

Fair-weathered, huh? Fair-weathered for who, bitch fag? who am I leaving behind because they aren't winning? Do you even know the meaning of the words you type, piss ant?

pro tip: I'm calling you names because you called me names

So, corn-holer, educate me about the need to take sides. Tell me, cock gripper, why I'm saying people can't "stand for anything". No, go ahead ball-beater...I'll wait.

See, butthole mouth, I DO have a backbone. I DO stand for things. But I don't "take sides" because its fucking pointless you dick-swizzler. Right vs Left, Conservative vs. Liberal it's all folly. We NEED to start coming together and (while realizing our differences) enact polocy that is good for ALL of us. Not because of us vs. then agenda.

You fucking cock-nose... Sorry, almost forgot to throw in another insult, since that's the only way most of you beta fag shit lord ass goblin cunt stank jizz gobblers know how to communicate.

That’s the county map, not the map of voters votes. confirm to the class you don’t know how voting works.

See thats key in any US election


No, we need decentalized goverment to make a come back.
The national elections shouldn't be a big deal.
The federal government shouldn't be micro managing.
Your local government should have the biggest impact on your life.
The federal government was delegated power by the constitution, and all powered not named were handed to the state.
Guess what? The fed has over stepped its powers, and destroyed the concept of states rights.


I’m Active Duty. We have protocols for every scenario. I’ll be fine. Thx for the “concern”.

and who do you imagine, based on the words in that post, you’re talking to?

how paranoid delusional are you?

I really wish people with opinions like this would travel the country.
Liberal kids always back pack through Europe, but try back packing through the US.
You'll find that the "dumb rednecks in the sticks" are extremely well educated, and a lot, and I mean a lot of the country side is owned by multimillionaires.
You'll also find that in the "super smart rich cities", that it's densely populated with dumb degenerate nonwhite gang members who haven't been sober a day in their lives.

You can try to paint your picture of trailer parks and cousin fucking all you want, but anyone who has actually explored the country would know the exact opposite is true.

Which will work great, until states that can support themselves and create decent living conditions for all its citizens are ostracized for not contributing to the bible belt poor fucks getting ass rammed by their supreme conservicuck leaders.

This retarded ass theory was more compelling in 1995, when it was first introduced and conservatives would be extinct by 2015.

Idiot children.

no, you’ll be fucked 8 ways from sunday, and other meaningless cliches because user and his rednecks are coming for you and everyone else in the country with their small arms lol

There is no radical centrism you fucking autist. Centrism is abstaining from extremist view points, unlike your faggot ass.

Uh no. Centrism is viewing the extremist political ideologies as being bad. Which they are.

yes, unfortunately, boomers refused to die

State boundaries are arbitrary.
Agriculture isn't.
States would need to cooperate to survive. It's not a one way street.
Just like nations need to cooperate to survive in an industrialized world.

You misspelled im mentally retarded again

If you believe this you live in a liberal bubble. Liberals aren't heroes, or good in any way, shape, or form. Everything that has gotten worse in the last sixty years was due to Liberals.

"Tolerance and apathyare the lastvirtues of a dying society"- Aristotle


Yeah, Snowflake, America can't wait to put whiny children in charge.


Brother, next time you form up do me a favor. Look to your left. Look to your right. 90% of those will follow our leader. You will be put down like a mongrel.

Best keep to being a nobody in civilian life and left them burn it down around you.

Well, except a lot of people don't believe that Trump was the obvious choice. In fact, they vehemently disagree.

While I understand how the current voting system works, and it's limitations, I can't help but listen to the masses. Now HOW was Trump voted in? Russian influence clearly, but in reality, how did HE get past our Electoral College? Most Republicans didn't want him. What happened?

Did the Repubs vote along Party Lines?? Kinds what i'm talking about here. Shit, even Hillery was saying a vote that wasn't for Her was a vote for Trump. Is it really like that? Are we THAT doomed?


>Being this retarded

Why did they let you out again?

I live in kentucky, the average wage in my county is somewhere near 11k a year. And everyone of my neighbors think that obama is still trying to take their guns. And their are rich people around, and they literally fuck the asses of everyonr around here. Fucking everyone is on welfare, tgey are white, and they csnt even get a fucking job, nor want to. Its no wonder that so many homeless people move to these giant cities, at least people give a shit there

It's been like that for centuries.

And yes we are doomed.
Every civilization is doomed.
The founder prophesied Americas downfall.

The entire idea of the nations founding was for it be over thrown and dissolved as it became bloated and tyrannical.

>Implying I wouldn’t.
Your mistake is the usual one idiots on this board make, in assuming they’re going to take up arms against the citizens and government and be treated as the good guys and heroes.


What part of Kentucky? If you say near any major city, then you just proved his point.

weird how the places where almost nobody lives are red...

Nice strawman you made there. It’s almost good, until someone decides to, you know, actually look up what being a centrist actually means.
Protip: it’s nothing like your bullshit claim.

Dude Kentucky is backwoods, hillbilly country. Those people haven't even taken their first steps into the 21st century, no less anywhere outside of their own state.

I didn't say there wasn't trash everywhere.
I said that it's not black and white.

Last gens fucked them though.

Warfield, try again fucktard

yeah but trump is helping them out with all that tweeting isn’t he?

>claps to celebrate death of country


you know Obama shut down a $500 billion dollar deal Putin was trying to make with Exxon Mobil, right?



He is fucking killing it. I just got almost 100k in tax cut money, and walls are keeping all sorts of mexicans out

Sure he did, Snowflake.

I cant wait to hear your definition of centrism is.

Prove this
>protip: you cant
Trump won the election, and the things hes achieved in about a year is more than Obama did in all 8 of his years, thanks to the tax cut middle class americans will have more money to spend / save, which will stimulate the economy, which means higher growth, higher wages, higher standard of living, and more products going into R/D to make lives better.

He helped anyone willing to work out greatly with the tax bill.
Billions upon billions have already be allocated for infrastructure and business expansion in the US because of the leaner corporate tax rate.
To build an economy you must create an environment for an economy to flourish in.
Obama thought handing out checks with the stimulus would do it.
It didn't, because a small one time bump in consumerism doesn't do that.
You must create an environment in which there is a sustained growth in consumerism.
Only then, can you begin to increase taxes because you have a growing GDP.
It's a fine balance most people don't understand.

he’s assuming everyone but him is a left-wing gender-studies student.

he’s so ideologically extremist he’s into the retarded zone, just as you’d expect from someone so fucked in the head they’re actually still one of the three remaining trump supporters left at this point

fkin newfag save this shit for Sup Forums

You are a fucking idiot.


People shouldn't vote until 20 or 21, they are fucking brainless zombies

>not even posting this as satire
>not even self aware enough to realize how hilarious that is in itself

>hollywood, portland, ny city vote liberal

Weird, places that allow illegals to vote for higher welfare vote for higher welfare because they can't speak the language and are creating their own ghettos essentially running like their own country, but its funded by tax payers.

Oh you know, the standard.
Opposing radical or extremist ideologies from both the left and the right.

You don't need to understand economics for their principals to hold true.
Just like you don't need to understand gravity for it to pull you to Earth.
A tax and spend government plan is a sure fire way to drain an economy dry.

Thats the spirit, you should keep going down that line, its the only hope you have to hold on for like 1 more election cycle.

times running out tho