I've got reason to believe the authorities are tracking me...

I've got reason to believe the authorities are tracking me, I didn't do anything wrong but I reckon I've triggered a few alarms. I did a paranoid sweep of the room with my computer in and found this magnetically attached to the bottom inside of my radiator? What is it /b?? Is it a bug or transmitter of some kind? It's strongly magnetic, opaque and feels like solid metal.

I'm scared /b

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Ds5XKFXXXXcBXpXXq6xXFXXXs/4packs-lot-42mm-Rugby-shape-Magnetic-Buzz-Magnets-Singing-Magnets-Rattle-Snake-Eggs-Relaxation-Toys.jpg&imgrefurl=https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1296321293.html&docid=8udC1u_YH0VBrM&tbnid=EbzFTSz-SwqyBM:&vet=10ahUKEwjQtcLH_qrYAhVo8IMKHd4lCb0QMwhEKAMwAw..i&w=598&h=598&bih=635&biw=1366&q=rattling magnet toy&ved=0ahUKEwjQtcLH_qrYAhVo8IMKHd4lCb0QMwhEKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

its a magnet

you dumbass, that's a child's toy magnet. two of them come together and make that loud noise

Yep, Google "magnetic rattlesnake egg toy" definitely a bug

You're a faggot

looks like a normal magnet to me

Can confirm Magnet.
Although, anything is a dildo of you try hard enough

Put it in your ass it's the only way

It's one of a pair of those hematite clicker magnet things that people tried to make a fad out of a few years ago...

Get off the drugs and get some sleep.

It's a magnet. Somewhere there is onenjust like it and you play with them as a pair.

If trollan, then this one is free because merry Christmas.

Top kek

Have you ever been evaluated by a mental health professional?

But those 'magnet' comes in pairs

It's a ceramic magnet. Just that. You can break it by throwing it to the floor hard enough if you don't believe me.

It’s the only way to confirm if it’s a magnet or not

Don't put up your butt. Trust me.

Its a magnet. Kek. If they cared, you wouldn’t be sending pictures. Maybe, a little bit of paranoia? Pot or schizophrenia?

there's a really good tutorial out there about how to make a super stimulating vibrator with one of those magnets, copper wire and isolating tape.

Rare earth maybe. Only way to know is tight and uncomfortable. Like the back of a Volkswagon.

Man it is paranoia. I'm not taking anything. It's getting really bad, I keep thinking there's conspiracies against me. What the fuck man.

You should be worried as they come in pairs as mentioned, so there's another one still out there...

Don't listen to the shills OP!


Fucking government keeps planting magnets in my radiator...
Gosh Darm thanks Trump


Lol. Its a fucken magnet you dweeb.

Also, you better shut the fuck up about it or things are going to become bad for you. Look out your window bitch.

Do you see that Toyota parked on your street?

Watch yourself.

It's polished hematite you fuck.

thats more then paranoia thats some you need help shit right there

And most people on Earth happily working away as slaves with the illusion of freedom

>happily working
>illusion of freedom
Pick on3.

Its a suppository.

the matrix was literally a prison you never had the option of if you wanted to be there

It's a secondary receiver, you need to somehow obtain another one to act as primary receiver. TBTB use these to connect to the matrix, insert one of them gently into your anus then rub the other one around the general anal area. You will feel the data being transmitted as your body is connected to the matrix.

its just a toy magnet.
kid probably dropped it in the street while playing
you ran over it, radiator is metal, magnet stuck
simple as that

The Matrix and a non-matrix reality are literally the same thing. You are literally a retard who can't think outside of the box and therefore believes that he/she is "imprisoned" within the confines of reality.

You're a materialist. You are too stupid for your own good and you deserve this existence.

google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Ds5XKFXXXXcBXpXXq6xXFXXXs/4packs-lot-42mm-Rugby-shape-Magnetic-Buzz-Magnets-Singing-Magnets-Rattle-Snake-Eggs-Relaxation-Toys.jpg&imgrefurl=https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1296321293.html&docid=8udC1u_YH0VBrM&tbnid=EbzFTSz-SwqyBM:&vet=10ahUKEwjQtcLH_qrYAhVo8IMKHd4lCb0QMwhEKAMwAw..i&w=598&h=598&bih=635&biw=1366&q=rattling magnet toy&ved=0ahUKEwjQtcLH_qrYAhVo8IMKHd4lCb0QMwhEKAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8

Tell me user, do you have a job? It's almost like money is a measure of human slave labor. Funny how it's used everywhere.

Are you me? I say that shit all the time.

natural thorazine: stop reading internet hiveminds and antisocial media.

its literally a prison which is what the difference is you missed the point

And that is because of some massive conspiracy put together by powers which are beyond yourself? For what purpose?

A better question is, who are you? Why and how do you know this?

Humans exchange goods and services for goods and services. Money fits in perfectly with that system of trade.

Now explain to me why what you're saying has validity. Please. I am interested in understanding you.

I can't miss a point when you never provided one to start with. Fyi, paranoid psychobabble does not equal a point.

im not saying the matrix is real im saying when you create a prison for people and never told them they were in it its not a choice its not freedom it dosnt matter if they enjoy it or not or if its just like reality

I had an experience with delusional paranoia too. Mine was fueled by alcohol detox and sleep deprivation. I accused my wife of wearing an earpiece and she almost had me committed. We worked through it after that. Therapists are a waste of time for me it turns out. If you want to fix this, take a few days off work and do these things:

1. SLEEP. Do whatever you need to get a solid 6 hours of sleep (or more) at least two days in a row.

2. I had to eat like a motherfucker because I lost 30 pounds in a month. A diet rich in protiens and veggies is my go to.

3. Go out and do some people watching for part of the day.

Currently not paranoid, but also not an alcoholic anymore. Just struggling with a little psychological dependence on cannabis as a result of using it to sleep and calm down. But hey nobody is perfect and I feel completely sane and in control again

Imagine if we all lived in a ghetto and worked in factories making Ferraris for the upper class. That's exactly what is happening. See, if it were as obvious as that then people would rise up to sieze and redistribute the wealth, but they don't.
In exchange for our labour, we get intrinsically worthless scrap that can be freely traded for the product of our own (collective) labour. In this way a small amount will circulate among the working class giving the illusion of more wealth as well as keeping the workers distracted and satisfied, while most of our labour finds its way to their kitchens and garages and banks.
You used the word conspiracy earlier, how about we drop that word and all its connotations and instead try putting ourselves in the shoes of the upper class. What they have done so far is basic self preservation, they want to keep their wealth and lifestyle and so would you or I if we were in the same position.

Forgot the reply

you can do anything you want if you want to be rich be rich no ones stopping you but you get out of here with that shit you have the power to make choices people are just lazy sacks of shit that would rather whine

Pro tip: "Reality" in the Matrix is a human invention to imprison the machines.

is a matrix in a matrix

it's a magnet you paranoid fuckstick

You are ALL getting fucking played by OP

>It's strongly magnetic, opaque and feels like solid metal.
fucking magnets how the
do they work, right?

fuck off

if you were tapped they eouldnt use something like that.

stop shitposting and put it in your butt with a timestamp faggot

It's not just motivation but ability that factors into your success, there are paths open to climb if you can see them, likely by design. By what of the 80% of people who aren't capable of more than a job existing within a cookie cutter frame? What then would the upper class need to do to ensure they stay put and do their jobs?
Hint: advertising is as much the matrix as money

OP here, thanks. You sound like you know what I'm going through.

> authorities are tracking me
OMG why are americans so fucking retarded

most people can go to collage and make over 200k a year you dip shit they just never apply them self's so nothing people chose to be lazy why work so hard when i can work so little

this man has a mental illness

OP here, actually this was a legit post. Turns out I've got some paranoid delusion thing going on. It got so bad the other day I went to the hospital. I'm glad I'm just losing my mind and it's not really the authorities.

From the UK but thanks. I may be retarded but at least I'm not American.

o, i see u r a man of culture too


Yes, user, it is indeed paranoia.

Take your pills, user, they will make you feel better.

speaking like you've got something to hide will never make this situation better.
why so paranoid, op? what do you have to hide?

I know dude I'm one of them. If you are forced into a losing deal you might as well settle for the best deal you can right? That isn't my point however and I think you know it. Money is little more than a control mechanism and distraction, but so long as the world stays this way we need it to survive. Give it no more importance than whatever you were going to use it to accomplish. Rent money is important, saving for a second car is not.

Its cool, dw about it. Went through a similar thing a few months ago, I was convinced that there was a cop car down the street watching over my house and that my room/computer was tapped. Just an outburst of paranoia that happens sometimes when I'm being "extra" naughty

check your ankle chip-chan

I haven't got anything to hide but I've made enemies from ex girlfriends, ex colleagues, ex friends. Some of them are well connected.

Yah hope it helps. Happy I started to turn it around before I lost my job here hope you can too

>billionaires worked the hardest, clearly

You know they can see everything you see. You know that, right?

U talking about my friends and family that are observing my VR Real Life simulation right now? Quite aware of it. They've seen some shit

>Working harder is more important to our civilization than working smarter

your missing one


That's a magnetic stir bar (likely ceramic) used in chemistry to mix volatile chemicals. on a mixer/hotplate.


Quit smokin meth dipshit.